Wounded Knee Essays (Examples)

50+ documents containing “wounded knee”.

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Wounded Knee by Heather Cox ichardson
Heather Cox ichardson covers a number of salient aspects of the massacre at Wounded Knee in her work of non-fiction, Wounded Knee. Aside from detailing the events that directly led to this wanton waste of human life, the author spends a good deal of time explaining the zeitgeist prevalent at the end of the 19th century. As such, she keeps the reader fully informed of the events that substantially contributed to the deaths of approximately 300 Native Americans, many of who were unarmed and attempting to run for their lives. Her expertise is based on the fact that she has written three other historical non-fictions works, and is a professor of history at Amherst University.

The principle thesis of this work is that the massacre was the result of partisan politics of then-presidential incumbent Benjamin Harrison. The author propounds the notion that Harrison was elected largely….

ounded Knee
In the book ounded Knee: Party Politics and the Road to an American Massacre, author Heather Cox Richardson explores the tragedy of the massacre at ounded Knee. Besides the incident itself where some 300 members of the Sioux nation were murdered by American military troops, Richardson examines the political power behind the decision to use military force to force westward expansion of white Americans. She argues that it is the actions of these men who worked behind desks and closed doors who are responsible for what happened at ounded Knee.

The author of the book is a history professor at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Besides the book ounded Knee: Party Politics and the Road to an American Massacre, she has written about other aspects of American history. Her works include est from Appomattox, The Greatest Nation of the Earth, and The Death of Reconstruction. From these texts it….

Wounded Knee II
Describe the conditions that led up to Wounded Knee II and the trial of Leonard Peltier.

Leonard Peltier has been in prison since 1979, after being convicted of the murder of two FBI agents at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation four years earlier. He was an activist with the American Indian Movement (AIM) and at least on the Left has been regarded as a political prisoner, convicted for a crime that he probably did not commit and for which two of his other alleged accomplices were acquitted at a federal trial in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. This occurred before his conviction, but since he was not extradited from Canada in time for this trial the federal government tried him alone and obtained a sentence of life imprisonment. His next parole hearing will not be for thirteen years, and despite many years of protests and petitions on his behalf, no U.S.….

Some of the Indians could understand English. This and other things alarmed the Indians and scuffle occurred between one warrior who had rifle in his hand and two soldiers. The rifle was discharged and a massacre occurred, not only the warriors but the sick Chief ig Foot, and a large number of women and children who tried to escape by running and scattering over the parry were hunted down and killed. The official reports make the number killed 90 warriors and approximately 200 women and children." (Miles, 1917)
Not all perspectives were aimed at accusing the soldiers of aggressively inciting the Indians. Philip Welles, interpreter of the Army of Sioux origin argued that he "saw five or six young warriors cast off their blankets and pull guns out from under them and brandish them in the air. One of the warriors shot into the soldiers, who were ordered to fire….

Wounded Knee
During December 29, 1890, about five hundred American troops went out near Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota to meet hundred of unarmed Lakota Sioux men, women, and children. Apart from the Sioux seemed outnumbered and demoralized, they also posed no threat to the solders and indicated no sign of resistance. However, the American went a head to open fire causing the death of about three hundred Sioux; the tragic event gaining a title Wounded Knee Massacre. ased on this, Heather Cox Richardson who was a historian tries to indicate that the origin of this event does not lay in the west but in Washington, where could the lawmakers be, entangled in a desperate midterm election battle, trying to gain votes using an old age political tool known as fear.

The details in the Heather Cox Richardson book forms the history of the 1890 massacre, a story that many of us….

Heather Cox Richardson's "Wounded Knee: Party Politics and the Road to an American Massacre"
The Wounded Knee Massacre took place on December 29, 1890, and it marked an important chapter in Native American -- U.S. relations. This event generated much controversy due to the high number of casualties involved and because American troops were believed to take advantage of their position with the purpose of murdering innocent natives. Heather Cox Richardson's book "Wounded Knee: Party Politics and the Road to an American Massacre" goes at providing readers with a whole new understanding of the episode. The writer emphasizes that the matter is much more complex and that American politicians played an important role in making the event possible.

While most people are familiarized with the Wounded Knee Massacre, very little actually know the event's background. The fact that it all seemed like a set of unfortunate circumstances coming together was enough for….

Bury My Heart at ounded Knee
Dee Brown's "Bury My Heart at ounded Knee" is a fully documented account of the genocide and displacement by the United States government and military of an entire race of people, human beings, natives of the land that spanned from sea to shining sea. This unthinkable inhumane act was done in the name of Manifest Destiny, a name Congress gave to this movement. Brown documents battles and defeats of the Navaho, Nez Perces, Cheyenne, Apache, Utes, the Sioux and other tribes against a relentless and dishonorable government.

The Great Sioux Nation, once comprised of almost a quarter of the land mass of the continental United States, signed the Fort Laramie Treaty in 1868, establishing the Great Sioux Reservation. This treaty brought a halt to the Red Cloud ar of 1966-1868. Under the terms of the treaty, the United States military was to keep all unauthorized non-Indian….

Native Americans and Dance

Wounded Knee Massacre really caused by the Ghost Dance eligion?
The Massacre termed as the Wounded Knee happened in 1890 was referred to have taken place by the army of the U.S. It was a terrific event that was really challenged by the American community, the Natives. It was popularly called as the last conflict of Indians with the Americans. During the year end, there came a full stop to all the conflicts between U.S. government and the armed Indians by the U.S. Army-Seventh Cavalry. (www.eyewitnesstohistory.com)

People who practice the Ghost Dance went to a spot named Pine idge located in southwestern Dakota in order to defend themselves. This happened on a cold forenoon on December 29 (Dewing P.35). The Miniconjou Sioux (Lakota) tribe people tried to escape the arrest by fleeing to the south rugged terrains that are located at the Badlands. They were led by the Chief Namely Big….

Bury My Heart at Wounded

Unfortunately, the Natives are still facing many social and economic barriers to success.
In conclusion, "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" is a compelling and difficult book to read. It tells the graphic history of the Native Americans, and indicates that their way of life was paramount to their well being, their culture, and their very existence. So many of them attempted to hold on to their old ways even as they were ripped from their lands and moved to strange, uninhabitable places. Their character, their strength, and their dignity comes through in their history, and Brown's book makes them sympathetic, but never undermined their proud determination to survive and thrive. As ed Cloud says in the book, "When the white man comes to my country he leaves a trail of blood behind him" (Brown 103). That blood may have dried, but it will always be there in Native American….

Ghost Dance Religion and the

And farther west on the Great Plains were the Teton Sioux, among them the Oglalas, whose chief was Red Cloud, and among the Hunkpapas, was Sitting ull, who together with Crazy Horse of the Oglalas, would make history in 1876 at Little ig Horn (rown 10).
After years of broken promises, conflicts and massacres, came the Treaty of Fort Laramie, said to be the most important document in the history of Indian-white relations on the Great Plains (Marrin 94). The treaty basically set aside a Great Sioux Reservation on all of present-day South Dakota west of the Missouri River up to and including the lack Hills, and barred all whites except government officials from the reservation and from a vast "unceded" territory lying between the lack Hills and ighorn Mountains (Marrin 94). Under the treaty, these lands belonged to the Lakota "forever" unless three-quarters of the tribes' men agreed to….

Cheyenne Indians and the Ghost Dance
The Cheyenne people are Native Americans of the Algonquian language family. They are of the Great Plains culture area. The name Cheyenne means 'people of an alien speech,' and was given to them by the Sioux.

The Cheyenne call themselves Tsetschestahase or Tsistsistas, which means 'beautiful people' or 'our people.'

Originally farmers, hunters, and gatherers in the land that is now central Minnesota, however, during the late 17th century, the Cheyenne were driven out of the area by the Sioux and Ojibwa tribes.

Gradually they migrated westward and settled in the area that is now North Dakota, but were forced to move south when the Ojibwa destroyed their settlement in 1770.

When the Cheyenne reached the lack Hills of South Dakota, they changed from farming and hunting and living in permanent villages to a nomadic life following the uffalo herds.

When the horse was introduced to this part of the….

Carlisle Indian School: founded 1879; Indian boarding school; Pennsylvania; forced assimilation of native children; abuse of children
11. Cheyenne Tribe: Plains Indians; a Sioux name for the tribe; currently comprises two tribes; ties with Arapaho; hunters; ghost dance

12. ed Cloud: leader of Ogala Lakota; fierce warrior opposed U.S.; ed Cloud's War 1866-1868; Wyoming, Montana; became leader on reservation

13. Comanche Tribe: Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, Oklahoma; Plains Indians; hunter-gatherers; about 14,000 remain; speak Uto-Aztecan language related to Shoshone

14. Joseph Brant: Thayendanegea; Mohawk; American evolution fought with British to help Indians; became Mason; active political leader for Six Nations

15. Trail of Tears: massive relocation of Native Americans; affected Choctaw, Cherokee and other southern Indians; move to Oklahoma Indian Territory; 1830s; related to Indian emoval Act; represented treaty violations

16. Pontiac's War: 1763; Great Lakes region; Pontiac was Odawa leader; war against British after Seven Years War; British retaliated with smallpox blankets


"ed Cloud."….

Leonard Pielter
Global news provides Americans with a ringside seat to political prisoner issues across the world. Americans hear about people who are taken as prisoners, charged with a crime, but the general consensus remains that they are actually prisoners because they angered the government of either their homeland or the government of the nation they lived in. Americans sit tight and secure in the belief that those type of things could never happen in this country, until they hear about the case of Leonard Peltier. Leonard Pielter has languished in prison for three decades for murder. Anyone who hears about this case choose a camp. One side believes he belongs in prison and deserves the sentence he received. Others believe that he is being used as a pawn in a political show of defiance. This paper will provide a case study that will determine whether or not Peltier is a….

The stage was set for violent onflit (Inident at Oglala).
The Amerian Indian Movement

The Amerian Indian Movement (AIM) emerged in the 1960s during the ivil rights era. It started in urban areas to protest oppression of the Indian people and to support their traditional way of life. They desribed themselves as "an indigenous, land-based spiritual movement, a all to Indian people to return to their sared traditions and, at the same time, to stand firm against the tide of...European influene and dominane" (ited in Sanhez, Stukey, and Morris, 1999).

The AIM tried to attrat attention to Indian problems by demonstrating and protesting the government's refusal to honor its treaty agreements with the Indians. The government pereived the AIM ativism as subversive, militant, and dangerous. A onfidential FBI report written in 1974 titled, "The Amerian Indian Movement: A Reord of Violene," began: "Sine 1971, the Amerian Indian Movement (AIM) has engaged in….

By then I'll be ninety-seven. I don't think I'll make it. My life is an extended agony. I feel like I've lived a hundred lifetimes in prison already. But I'm prepared to live thousands more on behalf of my people. If my imprisonment does nothing than educate an unknowing and uncaring public about the terrible conditions Indian people continue to endure, then my suffering has had - and continues to have - a purpose.
Peltier, who was sentenced to the two concurrent life terms in 1977, has produced some critically acclaimed oil paintings while at Leavenworth, according to an article in the journal the Progressive (July, 2001). "Painting is a way to examine the world in ways denied to me by the United States Justice system, a way to travel beyond the walls and bars of the penitentiary," Peltier is quoted as saying.

Meanwhile, on page 17 of his book, Peltier….

In turn-of-the-century America, there were some major civil rights advances for some groups, while other groups saw no advances in their civil rights and even saw advances that had been made begin to erode.  The time period was well after the end of the Reconstruction era and the beginning of Jim Crow laws, the rise of the suffragette movement, and a continued assault on rights for Native Americans.  There was also a significant increase in anti-Asian discrimination. Here are some suggested titles and thesis statements for an essay about civil rights in this era.

Essay Title....

1. The impact of the Salt March on the Indian independence movement
2. The role of women in the Harlem Renaissance
3. The influence of Chinese immigrants on the development of the American railroad system
4. The forgotten history of the Mexican Repatriation during the Great Depression
5. The impact of the Stonewall Riots on the LGBTQ rights movement
6. The role of Native American code talkers during World War II
7. The history of Japanese internment camps in the United States during World War II
8. The significance of the Zoot Suit Riots in the history of civil rights in America
9. The contributions of Filipino farmworkers....

2 Pages
Book Report

Native Americans

Wounded Knee by Heather Cox Richardson

Words: 678
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Report

Wounded Knee by Heather Cox ichardson Heather Cox ichardson covers a number of salient aspects of the massacre at Wounded Knee in her work of non-fiction, Wounded Knee. Aside from…

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2 Pages
Book Report

Native Americans

Wounded Knee by Heather Cox Richardson

Words: 636
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Report

ounded Knee In the book ounded Knee: Party Politics and the Road to an American Massacre, author Heather Cox Richardson explores the tragedy of the massacre at ounded Knee. Besides…

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5 Pages

Native Americans

Wounded Knee Ll and Leonard Peltier Native American Religious Expression and Dawes Act

Words: 1664
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Wounded Knee II Describe the conditions that led up to Wounded Knee II and the trial of Leonard Peltier. Leonard Peltier has been in prison since 1979, after being convicted of…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Wounded Knee Massacre the December

Words: 1362
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Some of the Indians could understand English. This and other things alarmed the Indians and scuffle occurred between one warrior who had rifle in his hand and two…

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2 Pages
Book Report

Native Americans

Wounded Knee During December 29 1890 About

Words: 689
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Report

Wounded Knee During December 29, 1890, about five hundred American troops went out near Wounded Knee Creek, South Dakota to meet hundred of unarmed Lakota Sioux men, women, and children.…

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2 Pages
Book Report

Native Americans

Wounded Knee by Heather Cox Richardson

Words: 502
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Report

Heather Cox Richardson's "Wounded Knee: Party Politics and the Road to an American Massacre" The Wounded Knee Massacre took place on December 29, 1890, and it marked an important chapter…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee Dee

Words: 581
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Bury My Heart at ounded Knee Dee Brown's "Bury My Heart at ounded Knee" is a fully documented account of the genocide and displacement by the United States government and…

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6 Pages
Research Paper


Native Americans and Dance

Words: 1848
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Wounded Knee Massacre really caused by the Ghost Dance eligion? The Massacre termed as the Wounded Knee happened in 1890 was referred to have taken place by the army…

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4 Pages
Book Report

Native Americans

Bury My Heart at Wounded

Words: 1571
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Book Report

Unfortunately, the Natives are still facing many social and economic barriers to success. In conclusion, "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" is a compelling and difficult book to read.…

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20 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Ghost Dance Religion and the

Words: 6189
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

And farther west on the Great Plains were the Teton Sioux, among them the Oglalas, whose chief was Red Cloud, and among the Hunkpapas, was Sitting ull, who…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Cheyenne Indians and the Ghost Dance

Words: 2281
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Cheyenne Indians and the Ghost Dance The Cheyenne people are Native Americans of the Algonquian language family. They are of the Great Plains culture area. The name Cheyenne means 'people…

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1 Pages

Native Americans

Identification American Indian Movement Activist

Words: 349
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

Carlisle Indian School: founded 1879; Indian boarding school; Pennsylvania; forced assimilation of native children; abuse of children 11. Cheyenne Tribe: Plains Indians; a Sioux name for the tribe; currently…

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9 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

United States v Leonard Peltier

Words: 2606
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Leonard Pielter Global news provides Americans with a ringside seat to political prisoner issues across the world. Americans hear about people who are taken as prisoners, charged with a crime,…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Leonard Peltier How Justice Miscarried

Words: 1450
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The stage was set for violent onflit (Inident at Oglala). The Amerian Indian Movement The Amerian Indian Movement (AIM) emerged in the 1960s during the ivil rights era. It started…

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6 Pages
Term Paper

Native Americans

Leonard Peltier - Serving Two

Words: 2163
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

By then I'll be ninety-seven. I don't think I'll make it. My life is an extended agony. I feel like I've lived a hundred lifetimes in prison already.…

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