Power Management Managers' Powers Managers May Perceive Essay

¶ … Power Management

Managers' Powers

Managers may perceive themselves above everyone and support techniques that formulate wide-ranging exploit of the controlling role, be it by making decisions themselves, scheduling officially to manipulate other people's decisions by the distribution of resources or merely demeaning delivery. This seemingly decreases the swiftness of managing and its assortment as well as verbal personality in support of further proper arrangement as well as control. For this reason, this paper discusses how managers might use their power differently within the five contexts that features in Mintzberg's 'The Untold Varieties of Managing," highlighting on how the use of power might show up in the different contexts?


Sighting managers as institutional actors makes an individual to mull over preceding research which has reflected on institutional actors, as well as sought to explore their actions in that precise perspective. For example, Henry Mintzberg has highlighted a perceptive study of managers in institutional structures, at elevated level or at managerial level. Understanding the manner in which some individuals successfully have power over the actions of others is one of the essential subjects in sociology. This is the subject of power or command. The fundamental subjects in this case remain how power is exercised as well as means by which this power made proper or justifiable. Influence, whereby individuals are viewed to contain a justifiable...


Power or authority is over and over again considered to be right as well as justifiable; on the other hand, domination has also been depicted as an outline of subjugation. In our day by day lives we always interact with persons as well as organizations that make attempts to put into effect power over us, forcing us undertake stuff which they only desire us to do.
As per this, Mintzberg came up with twelve roles of managers that have been until that time noted by other management writers. He further categorized the roles into five categories with the intention of identifying which one among the 29 roles the managers mostly participated in daily. Basing our exploration on Mintzberg's different managerial, we come to realization that every person demonstrates the style that appears proper for then as well as work surroundings. For instance, a number of managers are obligated to uphold the workflow for the purpose of keeping things on right path while others are mandated to be the link between the company and the outside world (outside the company's boundaries). Another advance necessitates the manager to contain a mixture of the two postures. In his context, he highlights on another approach which he names remote controlling. This is where the manager tends to have a hands-off, isolated advance which brings out that power or domination over staffs.

Another approach is a posture of fortifying the culture which also highlights another…

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"Power Management Managers' Powers Managers May Perceive" (2013, May 19) Retrieved April 24, 2024, from

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"Power Management Managers' Powers Managers May Perceive", 19 May 2013, Accessed.24 April. 2024,

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