Bullying Has Evolved Into a Growing Concern

Pages: 4 Sources: 4 Topic: Children Document #: 2924068

Bullying has evolved into a growing concern among child development specialists. With an increase in teenage suicide and an explosion of reports of online harassment, bullying has changed the way that adolescents interact with each other. For decades the act of bullying has been accepted as being a part of life that children deal with and then grow out of. However, the case is that the gravity of these incidences

Bullying and Strategies for Prevention

Pages: 16 Sources: 16 Topic: Children Document #: 89310391

More and more children are becoming victims of cyberbullying with an estimated range of between 19% and 42% being bullied online at least one time (Wolak, Mitchell & Finkelhor, 2006). Reports also indicate that children who participated in traditional bullying are becoming increasingly more involved in cyberbullying; reflecting very high percentages of those children acting as cyber bullies (Kowalski & Limber, 2007). In a recent study of 177 seventh grade

Bullying Is Not a New Phenomenon in

Pages: 3 Sources: 3 Topic: Children Document #: 33582011

Bullying is not a new phenomenon in the social lives of school-aged children but in recent years a great deal more attention has been paid to bullying because of the apparent rise in the number of publicized incidents. Teachers, parents, school administrators, community leaders and social scientists are on the alert not just for bullies, but also for methods of prevention. This paper uses scholarly research articles to review and

Bullies and Their Victims

Pages: 3 Sources: -7 Topic: Children Document #: 97437634

Bullying -- and Victims Summary of Important Facts on Page 502 of the Text About 10 to 20% of today's children are bullies and up to 30% of children are victimized over and over. About a third to a half of victims are also aggressive and they do fight back. There are interventions available for victims and the best way to reduce bullying is to promote sports and other recreational activities, and

Bullying Amongst Kids Bullying Among

Pages: 3 Sources: 3 Topic: Children Document #: 52981581

These by standers usually come in form of cheerleaders, protector for the victim and the silent onlookers. It is worth noting that all those involved in the chain, and even those not directly mentioned here still get affected by the vice of bullying. It is therefore important to look at what forms of conflict are manifest from a bullying scenario and experience among the little children in school. There is

Bullying Can Effectively Affect the Well-Being of

Pages: 3 Sources: -3 Topic: Children Document #: 33160822

Bullying can effectively affect the well-being of a student at not only the physical but also the emotional level. In that regard, there exists a need for schools to come up with strategies on how to minimize the same. In this text, I develop the profile of bullies and their victims. Further, I highlight the impact of bullying and how it can be prevented. What is Bullying? School bulling in basic terms