Data Set Essays Prompts

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3 of the 4 reference should be no more than 3 years old.

1. Evaluate the obligation Flayton Electronics has to its customers to protect their private data.
2. If you were the CEO, develop the communication strategy you would take to notify the customers of the potential security breach.
3. Determine the extent to which Flayton Electronics? brand was damaged by the security breach.
4. Recommend procedures that Flayton Electronics should take to prevent future security breaches.

Stage 3: Solution Identification

For this assignment, you are asked to find at least three reviewed research articles (in Education) that make recommendations you believe will help your school or district remedy or overcome the issue(s) you identified. In a five- to seven-page paper, address the following:

Describe the identified problem

Cite the data you collected that helped you diagnose the problem.

Analyze the research on possible solutions to the problem

What controversies (if any) exist among findings regarding recommended solutions? What similarities are you finding among the recommendations of the author(s) for addressing the issue identified? What novel solutions have been identified?

Describe research-based strategies you would recommend to constituents at your school for addressing the issue(s) identified

Explain why you have selected those particular strategies over other possible options.

It is often claimed that the process of computerising accounting information systems (AIS) and telecommunicating accounting information over the web enhances the accounting functions in business organisations operating globally. Yet, the counter-claim is that the breaching of the security of such systems will be a great risk that needs to be properly managed in various ways.

1- With reference to academic sources, discuss the above statement by critically analysing and evaluating how accounting functions are enhanced, what security threats may face AIS, and how security concerns or risks are addressed.
2- Please this essay should be written in an academic style that is enriched with relevant examples, and documented with citations and a bibliography..



1- Financial Accounting & Information Technology (2012) compiled by Khaled Abdala, Pearson Custom Publishing.


Albright, S. C, Winston, W & Zappe, C (2009) Data Analysis and Decision Making with Microsoft? Excel, Revised, (3rd Ed.). UK: Cengage Learning.ISBN-10: 0324662440
Benedict, A. and Elliott, B. (2011) Financial Accounting: An Introduction (2nd edition), Financial Times Press.
Bocij, P; Greasley, A & Hickie, S. (2008) Business Information Systems: Technology, Development and Management for the E-Business. (4th Ed.) Pearson Higher Education.
Britton, A. and Waterston, C. (2010) Financial Accounting, (5th edition), Financial Times Press.
McLaney, E. and Atrill, P. (2010) Accounting: An Introduction, (5th edition), Financial Times Press.
Romney, Marshall B. and Steinbart, Paul J. (2011) Accounting Information Systems: Global Edition, 12/E. London: Pearson Higher Education.
Thomas, A. and Ward, A M (2009) An Introduction to Financial Accounting, McGraw-Hill.

Research Proposal for a small-scale ethnographic research

Description: The research topic will be: Language acquisition or the influence of language on culture.

The outline of your research proposal should include:
a)A research question, or set of sub-questions
b)A clearly defined research site which importantly as a discernible CULTURE of its own
c)A plan of how you are going to conduct the research and a sense of what exactly about your research is ethnographic
d)Some ideas about how your research both draws upon but also extends relevant literature e)A consideration of any ethical considerations that are relevant to ethnographic research in general and your research in particular.

The proposal should include:
Research Question (also include any sub-questions)
Brief Literature Review (bullet points)
Site of Investigation Access considerations
General plan of participation, ethnographic activity
Proposed techniques of data collection and analysis
Limitations of the research


requesta 3 page paper titled

"An Introduction to Database technology and Database Management"

You should include the following topics in your discussion, not necessarily in the same order:

Discuss differences among data, information, and knowledge
Why use database? What are the advantages using it?
What is a database management system?
Discuss various kinds of DBMSs?
Compare relational database verse object oriented database

As a nurse in a 100-bed community hospital, you are part of a multidisciplinary team comprised of hospital professional staff tasked with investigating a new computerized management system for the hospital. Unfortunately, most of the team consists of doctors and you are the only nurse selected to participate, making it hard for you to voice your concerns. You decide to document your findings and concerns in a report and submit it to the group.

Conduct a search and evaluation of two new computerized management systems. Then write a report (6 pages) for the team:

A. Explain how using the computerized management systems could increase quality of care.
B. Explain why active nursing involvement in the planning, choice, and implementation of the systems is important
C. Describe how handheld devices used by the nursing staff could be integrated into the management systems for better quality of care.
D. Discuss security standards of data and patient confidentiality, including the need for data storage integrity and data backup and recovery and how the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements impact the use of the systems.
E. Discuss how the new systems can affect healthcare cost.
F. Discuss the benefits these new systems can offer to patient care and nursing care delivery.
1. Recommend the system you think the team should purchase.
a. Justify your recommendation.
G. Include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

Address following areas:

1. Provide a credible and well-supported explanation of using the computerized management systems could increase quality of care.
2. Provide a credible and well-supported explanation of why active nursing involvement in the planning, choice, and implementation of the systems is important.
3. Provide a precise description of how handheld devices used by the nursing staff could be integrated into the management system for better quality of care.
4. Provide a credible and well-supported discussion of security standards of data and patient confidentiality, including the need for data storage integrity and data backup and recovery and how the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements impact the use of the systems.
5. Provide a credible and well-supported discussion of how the new systems can affect healthcare cost.
6. Provides a credible and well-supported discussion of the benefits these new systems can offer to patient care and nursing care delivery.
8. Recommendation: which system the team should purchase.
9. Provide credible and well-supported justification for the recommendation.

I have to write a term paper based off of the information provided below. Please write the term paper based on the information provided below.

There are thousands of iPhone Apps, iPad Apps, and Android Apps that have been developed to perform a myriad of tasks and processes. Initially, most of these applications were games intended to be played on mobile devices. The popularity of these applications led businesses to ponder whether some of their business process applications that run on desktop platforms and the Web could be redesigned to run on mobile devices. The answer was a resounding yes! For example, Nationwide developed the Nationwide? Mobile, a free iPhone App that allows its insurance policyholders to file a claim on the spot when an accident occurs. The application can snap pictures of the accident and attach them to the claim data and upload the claim information to a server. This reduces the length of time to process a claim filed this way. Nationwide competitors have followed suit and developed iPhone, iPad, and Android applications of their own. Policyholders can receive messages via Facebook or Twitter. Other business processes that have been reengineered as a result of mobile computing include Quick Response (QR) codes which have replaced one-dimensional bar codes. They are read using mobile devices, accepting credit card payments from an iPhone, iPad or Android device, depositing checks using an iPhone without visiting a bank, and many more.

I have to Write a ten to fifteen (10-15) page term paper in which I:

1. Assess the effectiveness and efficiency mobile-based applications provide to capture geolocation data and customer data, and quickly upload to a processing server without users having to use a desktop system.

2. Evaluate benefits realized by consumers because of the ability to gain access to their own data via mobile applications.

3. Examine the challenges of developing applications that run on mobile devices because of the small screen size.

4.Describe the methods that can be used to decide which platform to support, i.e., iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone, or Android.

5.Mobile applications require high availability because end users need to have continuous access to IT and IS systems.
1. Discuss ways of providing high availability.

6. Mobile devices are subjected to hacking at a higher rate than non-mobile devices. Discuss methods of making mobile devices more secure.

7.I have to Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Please Note: I cannot use Wikipedia and similar Websites as quality resources.

My assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format.

I have to write clearly and concisely about topics related to information systems for decision making using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.

I will be graded on this assignment based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills.

plesae i want this researcher to write this paper for me.Is a research proposal paper.The researcher name is Writer?s This is the criteria to use

Research Question and Justification
On average, women make up about 7 percent of the total federal and state incarcerated population in the United States. This has increased since the 1980s due to stricter and more severe laws that focus on recreational drug use, a lack of community programs, and fewer treatment centers available for outpatients (Zaitow and Thomas, eds., 2003). According to the National Women?s Law Centers, women prisoners report a higher than statistically normal history of domestic violence in their immediate past, and the fastest growing prison population with a disproportionate number of non-Whites forming over 60 percent of the population. In fact, over 30 percent of women in prison are serving sentences for murder involving a spouse or partner. The incarceration of women presents far different cultural and sociological issues than those of men ? issues with children, family, sexual politics and more (NWLC, 2012).
The rapid increase of female prisoners in a male-dominated system has left fewer adequate resources available for women. In addition, most research shows that women?s prison experiences differ drastically from those of men because their relationships inside and outside prison tend to shape the culture then enter into in prison. Women tend to form differing structures than men, finding roles similar to that which they would undertake outside prison. In addition, over 60 percent of women in prison were the primary guardians for their children, causing women to experience a higher degree of trauma and separation anxiety as well as a differing view of the judicial system and their own roles (Women in the Criminal Justice System, 2007).
Because of these divergent issues, our research will ask: which rehabilitative programs and theories have been the most successful for women?. To do this, we will survey the literature as well as develop a qualitative instrument to administer to a sampling of prison psychologists and/or criminologists. Independent variables in this case will be individual experience, opinions and differences in experts approach to the issue, dependent variables will focus on the outcome ? our explanation of divergent needs for women in prison. Our primary theoretic base will focus on appropriate gender-response theory and programs that allow for gender differences within their structure.

Women in the Criminal Justice System. (2007). The Sentencing Project. Retrieved from:

This is a work from the research and advocacy for reform project, but meant for the scholarly audience. During the last two decades, there has been a rather profound change in the way in which women are treated within the criminal justice system. Thankfully, the system has listened to what sociologists have said, but more expansive law enforcement efforts, increased drug-related penalties, and post-conviction barriers to reentry into society sometimes uniquely affect women. The report is more a broad statistical overview of the issues faced by many women than a solution. Although the material points to ways society can ease the burden of the taxpayer from incarceration to rehabilitation, the primary purpose for this report is as a basic, and initial, overview of the issue.

Bloom, B. (2001). Gender-Responsive programming for women offenders: Guiding Principles and Practices. Correctional Service of Canada. Retrieved from:

This is a scholarly work from an academic at San Jose State University. It reviews the situation of correctional programs for women being based almost exclusively on mal pathways to crime, and therefore treatment being focused on the same. Instead, the article discusses the relevance of gender-responsive program designs, interventions and evaluation. The findings are robust ? cultural and gender differences are clearly needed in both therapy and the general approach to criminal justice for women.

Freudenberg, N., (2005). Coming Home from Jail: The Social and Health Consequences of Community Reentry for Women. American Journal of Public Health. 95 (10): 1725-36.

In general, when female prisoners are released, they have high rearrest rates, low employment, and almost no social service outlets. Much of this stems from not having appropriate services while incarcerated. It is interesting that overall drug use and criminal activity diminish the first year after release, but then grow if no opportunities for advancement present themselves. Post release employment and health insurance were significantly associated with lower rearrest rates and drug use. Housing, counseling, and other treatments will improve successful reentry into society, which suggests that new public policies are needed to improve issues regarding women and incarceration.

Morris, A.;Wilkinson, C. (2001). Responding to Female Prisoners? Needs. Crime and Deliquency. 47 (3): 368-89.

Of the many psychological and psychsocial approaches used to counsel the incarcerated population, which approach does one take? It certainly depends on whether one believes that the basic psychological make-up between genders differs. If we take the prison population of women, however, we do see that there are fundamental differences in race, education, and acculturation than that of the overall female population of the United States. Thus, it would make more sense to focus any therapy or rehabilitation philosophy specifically on the manner in which women approach incarceration, how we might engender more success and community, and ways that women can feel safer and adapt better to uncomfortable situations. Most scholars agree that women who are in the criminal justice system have different needs than their male counterparts (racism, sexism, economic oppression). When dealing with these larger issues, then, it is more desirable to use a framework in which the chance of success by focusing on specific issues is paramount

Van Gundy, Yoder, A. (2010). Gender-Responsive Programs: Addressing the Special Needs of Incarcerated Women. In R. Muraskin, ed., Key Correctional Issues. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Because female incarceration is different, there are several rehabilitative programs and theories that may have special use for women: gender-responsive and/or cognitive based. We know that males and females develop cognitively in different ways, react to certain stimuli in divergent ways, and even communicate in slightly different fashions. It therefore stands to reason that any therapeutic or rehabilitative approach would also take into consideration gender as part of its paradigm. This is a scholarly, peer-reviewed publication with authors that are focused on criminology and societal consequences. It is well documented, and meant for the active professional.


Note: This should be primarily distributed to criminology scholars, psychologists or psychiatrists who work in the prison population, or potentially to case workers or parole officers with a background in sociology who counsel or work with women prisoners.

1. What do you consider to be the primary challenge for women prisoners in the contemporary correctional system?
2. What trends have you seen evolving over the last decade regarding psychological issues that pertain specifically to female prisoners?
3. On average you believe the female prisoner has a significantly different psychological make-up than a male prisoner? If so, why? If not, why not?
4. Do you believe that gender-representative services are appropriate for women prisoners? Do you use them? Why or why not?
5. Do you believe that cognitive based therapies and services are appropriate for women prisoners? Do you use them? Why or why not?
6. What do you believe is the most effective way to help the female population within the prison system?
7. In general, what do you believe is the greatest need women prisoners have within the correctional system?
8. How do you approach reintegration of women prisoners back into society?

National Women?s Law Center. (2012). retrieved from:

Women in the Criminal Justice System. (2007). The Sentencing Project. Retrieved from:

Bloom, B. (2001). Gender-Responsive programming for women offenders: Guiding Principles and Practices. Correctional Service of Canada. Retrieved from:

Freudenberg, N., (2005). Coming Home from Jail: The Social and Health Consequences of Community Reentry for Women. American Journal of Public Health. 95 (10): 1725-36.

Morris, A.;Wilkinson, C. (2001). Responding to Female Prisoners? Needs. Crime and Delinquency. 47 (3): 368-89.

Van Gundy, Yoder, A. (2010). Gender-Responsive Programs: Addressing the Special Needs of Incarcerated Women. In R. Muraskin, ed., Key Correctional Issues. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson

Zaitow, B. and Thomas, J. eds. (2003). Women in Prison: Gender and Social Control. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishing.

Please use the above information and the references you used for this research question and annotation including the sample survey to write an 8 page research proposal on the topic women in prison and which rehabilitative programs and theories have been the most successful for women?. please use the references you used above to write the research proposal
This is the giudelines for the research proposal

1. Statement of Research Question: What will you study? Why is it important? Which theory is your research question based on?
2. Literature Review: Include background information on the topic. What does the literature say about your topic? What previous research has been conducted and what were the results? Why is there a need to do further research on the topic?
3. Research Methods: This section should be a very detailed plan on how you will carry out your study. This should include: statement of hypothesis; defining variables; operationalization (how will you measure variables); unit(s) of analysis; how you deal with issues of reliability and validity; data collection method; sampling strategy; etc.
4. Ethics Section: (see chapter 3) Be sure to explain how you will protect participants if your study includes participants. You may want to develop a consent form, although this is not required.
5. Practical Implications: Discuss how your research would be applied to practice. How will this project advance the field of criminal justice?

Other paper requirements: (points will be deducted for failing to follow these requirements)
1. Double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font.
2. Include a reference page & a title page ? these pages are NOT included in the page count.
3. Follow APA formatting guidelines (detailed information may be found at:
4. FIVE references. You may only use academic sources to reach this quota ? books, journal articles, organizational websites. You may NEVER cite Wikipedia or any other non-official website. You may use newspapers or other media content, but only AFTER your five academic source quota has been met. You must cite every source within the text of the paper. You may use the textbook in your seven reference count.
5. Spelling, grammar, and writing style DO count. Please proof read!

Plesae this is a research proposal paper

please it will also be turned into for plagirism.

Question #1-275 word max
Describe the tests and methods that will be useful in measuring the behaviors to be evaluated in relation to Childhood Obesity. Using the method of qualitative, quantitative, or case study.
Question #2- (3 pages) Topic: Childhood Obesity
Research Proposal Methods Section
**Method-Method/Research Procedure/Methodology(Estimated length-2 paragraphs)
**Participants(Estimated length- half page)
**Research Design(Estimated length-half page)
**Instrumentation and Data Collection Plans(Estimated length- half page)
**Proposed Analysis of the Data(Estimated length- 1 page)

1) How do decision theory, probability theory, inference, and generalization relate to data analysis? How do mean, median, mode, and standard deviation differ from one another? Support your answers with specific examples.

2) What is the nurse?s role in data collection, patient privacy, and ethical treatment of human subjects? What are some ethical considerations in data collection for nursing research? Describe some methods or strategies that allow a nurse researcher to collect qualitative, quantitative, and evidence-based data in an ethical manner.

Writing the Empirical Quantitative Research Report

You will be writing a paper to support the research project you are developing in your labs. Writing the research report is an important part of the research process " disseminating the research findings.

At the completion of this project, you will have acquired important skills for becoming part of the research community at a university. All university professors do this for their research. Graduate students receive extensive training in research skills.

Undergraduate students who have completed research projects and independent study courses with university professors have a critical edge during the application process for graduate school.

The research paper will follow the format presented in the first lecture reading for this course A"Reading Research. It will be a helpful guide for understanding the process of developing your research project.

You will first write an introductory section of two or three paragraphs (at least 1 full page), followed by a literature review (about 3 pages) and hypotheses (2/3 page). This will set up the problem you are studying and predictions about what you hope to find in the data analysis. You will then write about how the data was collected, describe the participants, the questions and the statistical procedures you used for analysis (1 page). The final sections are the presentation of results (2 pages and the discussion/conclusion (2 pages), which is a concluding section interpreting your results in light of your background research.

You will receive detailed feedback on your introduction, literature review and hypotheses.
These three sections are critical to setting up your research project properly.

You can earn a maximum of 80 points for this paper allocated as follows:

Introduction, Literature Review, Hypotheses 50 points
Method, Results, Discussion 30 points

20 points of the paper is dedicated to APA style " mistakes in APA are deducted from your paper points.

If you have a 70 point paper and make 5 APA mistakes, your paper will be about 65 points.

The introduction, literature review and hypotheses are due in your dropbox at by 5:00pm Thursday Feb 14, 2013.

The final complete paper is due in your dropbox at at 5:00pm Thursday March 21, 2013.

The dates are firm. Absolutely no extensions will be granted. If the due date poses a problem for students, the paper may be submitted before the deadline.

The paper will be graded in two submissions:

1. The introduction, literature review and hypotheses are due on February 14, 2013 at 5:00pm in your dropbox labeled First Draft. Your dropbox will be labeled with your the first letter of your last name. The drafts will be reviewed and feedback will be provided. A maximum of 50 points will be given at this time. Students can earn 50 points for these three sections if there are no errors including APA style, grammar and adherence to report structure.

In the event students receive less than the full 50 points, these three sections may corrected and or revised and resubmitted at the final exam time for additional points to a maximum of 50 total points for the first three sections.

This will give students an opportunity to revise and improve their work. Final points for the paper will be awarded based on implementation of comments and suggestions in the feedback, including grammar.

The three sections will be proof-read for content and adherence to report structure, not for grammar and spelling. Students will be advised if they should seek help for grammar and spelling, but no assistance with grammar and spelling is available in this course.

Please pay attention to the detail instructions for each section of the paper which I will upload them in attachment. Especially pay close attention to the Sample Paper, it is very important and useful.

There are faxes for this order.

Applying the Results and Conclusion of the Research Process to Problems in Health Care on CHILHOOD OBESITY & EXERCISE from last week assignment.

Resource: Applying the Results and Conclusion of the Research Process to Problems in Health Care Grading Criteria:
Use the content of the Applying the Background and Methodology of the Research Process to Problems in Health Care assignment on CHILDHOOD OBESITY & EXERCISE, which YOU completed last week assignment, as a guide to complete the following assignment.

Respond to the following questions in 1,100 to 1,370 word paper: The paper uses the same peer-reviewed research article from the last assignment on CHILDHOOD OBESITY & EXERCISE.
?Results: data collection methods;
o In what way are the data collection procedures appropriate for this study?
o In what way were appropriate steps taken to protect the rights of subjects?
o In what way is the data collection tool used to support the reliability and validity of the study?

?Data analysis procedures;
o In what ways are the data analysis procedures appropriate for the data collected?

o In what ways are the data analysis procedures appropriate for answering the research question or questions, for testing the study hypothesis or hypotheses, or both?

o What are the key distinctions between qualitative and quantitative data?

? Conclusion;
o Summarize the findings of the study.
o Identify the strengths of the scientific merit of this study. What are weaknesses?
o Identify the major limitations of the scientific merit of this study? What are its weaknesses?
o Explain if the findings support the hypotheses?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Content 60 Percent;
?Student used the assigned paper in Week Two (last assignment on CHILDHOOD OBESITY & EXERCISE as a guideline for completion of THIS assignment.
?The paper uses the same peer-reviewed research article obtained with faculty approval from Week Two (last assignment on CHILDHOOD OBESITY & EXERCISE).
?The paper addresses the questions under the following headings:
o Results
o Data Analysis Procedures
o Conclusion
Organization/Development 20 Percent;
? The paper is 1,100 to 1,370 words in length.
? The paper provided logical answers and solutions to proposed questions.
Mechanics 20 Percent
? The paper?including the title page, reference page, tables, and any appendices?is consistent with APA guidelines as directed by the facilitator. The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.
? Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct.

LEG 500 ? Strayer University PAPERS GO THROUGH TURN IT IN .COM

Assignment 2: The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age
Due Week 4 and worth 100 points

Research Websites and other technologies that provide private information on U.S. citizens.

Write a 3-4 page paper in which you:
1. List and describe at least three (3) technologies that allow an individual to research citizens? private data.
2. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of public access to this information, both for the researchers and those who are being ?investigated?.
3. Determine what measures citizens can take to protect private information or information they do not want to be disclosed.
4. Discuss a federal law that grants the federal government the legal right to make private information on U.S. citizens available to the public, and whether or not you agree with this law.
5. Determine whether there are ?electronic privacy laws? that can prevent others from having access to ?private information? as well as how effective they are.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
? Analyze employee and consumer privacy under the law.
? Use technology and information resources to research issues in law, ethics, and corporate governance.
? Write clearly and concisely about law, ethics, and corporate governance using proper writing

View the set of tutorials on The tutorials show how to create your first database. Using what you learned from the tutorials, submit essay responses to the following questions.

What are the levels of data within a database how are they used?
What levels do you recognize from the tutorials and how are they used?
What are the tools in Database Management System Software (DBMSS)?
What tools do you recognized from the tutorials and how are they used?

Requesting this writer infoceo if available...

Please refer to order #A2097703.
I am requesting same writer.

One page for each question.

Discussion Question One:
What is the importance of a historical literature review?
Discussion Question Two:
The current literature focuses on research performed in the last 5 years. Why is this important?
Discussion Question Three:
What role does database selection play in finding appropriate literature?
Discussion Question One:
Scholarly writing is a synthesis rather than a review of the literature. Explain the difference.
Discussion Question Two:
Why is it important to provide some opposing points of view in the literature review?
Discussion Question One:
Why is it important to evaluate theoretical frameworks?
Discussion Question Two:
Will there always be a theoretical framework that aligns with your chosen topic of study? Why or why not?
Discussion Question One:
Why is it important to know where data about the problem can be found before determining the methodology?
Discussion Question Two:
How would you determine the availability of the population for the study?
Discussion Question One:
Post the methodology chosen for your capstone project and explain how it was chosen.
Discussion Question Two:
What potential roadblocks could occur in using your chosen methodology? How will you get around them?
Discussion Question One:
What tools are used to test the validity for your chosen methodology?
Discussion Question Two:
What is the difference between validity and reliability?
Discussion Question One:
What was the most challenging learning experience for you while preparing your capstone project?

Ethical Standards in Research Has


The Question in this category focuses on the integration of ethical principles with professional practice in the students specialization. Students are expected to defend a personal philosophy of ethical practice using discipline-specific core values and/or essential principles and practices in their field. (organizational leadership)


Reference at least eight peer-reviewed articles. Explain specifically how scholars apply published ethical guidelines and concepts to research. Be sure to address the following:

Risk assessment
Informed consent
Privacy and confidentiality
Data handling and reporting
Mistakes and negligence
Working with a Mentor
Northcentral University requirements for IRB approval

1. Ethical Research
2. Plagiarism
3. Informed Consent
4. Privacy and Confidentiality
5. Data Handling and Reporting
6. Mistakes and Negligence
7. Working with a Mentor
8. Northcentral University requirements for IRB approval
9. Conclusion

3:10 The Institutional Review Board (IRB) Process

Northcentral University is guided by the ethical principles regarding research involving human subjects as set forth in the report of the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects in Biomedical and Behavioral Research entitled the Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research. The procedures for the continuing review of all research activities involving human subjects are codified in NCUs Federal Wide Assurance of Compliance with Department of Health and Human Service Regulations for the Protection of Human Research Subjects.

In accordance with federal regulations (Title 45, Part 46, Code of Federal Regulations) and NCU policy, all research involving human subjects or other living creatures that is conducted by Faculty Mentors, Faculty, Staff, and Learners, including unfunded as well as funded projects, must be reviewed and approved by an appropriately constituted IRB Committee before such investigations are undertaken. This includes not only all doctoral dissertations, but all other research projects.

The IRB application is available in the Dissertation Center. The Learner must download and complete the application. Once complete, the Learner will submit the completed application to the Dissertation Chair for review. Once approved by the Chair, the Chair will subsequently upload the completed application to the DTS for IRB review. Once approved, the Learner and Dissertation Chair will receive an electronic letter from the IRB Chair acknowledging the approval date.

The IRB Committee must approve all research involving human or animal subjects if the research is in any way is:

Sponsored by NCU or at another institution, or to be used in a dissertation or other report sponsored by NCU (even if it has been reviewed by another institution, agency, or facility);

Conducted by or under the direction of any employee or agent of NCU in connection with his or her University responsibilities (or conducted by or under the direction of any employee or agent of NCU using any property or facilities of NCU);

Designed to involve the use of NCUs non-public information to identify or contact human research participants or prospective participants.

The primary purpose of the IRB review is to protect from undue risk and ensure the safety, welfare, rights, and dignity of all research participants. The nature of the IRB review is determined by the type of research activity proposed. There are three types of research reviews: (a) exempt, (b) expedited, and (c) full. Federal regulations allow six specific categories of research with human subjects to be exempt from further review; this determination is made by NCUs IRB Committee.

A secondary purpose of the IRB review is to assist investigators in conducting ethical research that complies with applicable regulations and standards. Learners under the guidance of their Faculty Mentors are expected to design and conduct investigations that comply not only with federal regulations, but also professional, ethical research standards in their field. Regardless of discipline, the primary ethical principles that must be considered in all research involving human subjects include:

Ensuring the participation of human participants is voluntary, occurring as a result of free choice, without compulsion or obligation, based upon disclosure of relevant information in a clear, concise, understandable way;

Protecting the participants from physical and mental discomfort, harm, or damage;

Designing projects with the intent that the knowledge gained will benefit the participants and/or the larger community and outweigh any risk;

Conducting research in a fair and equitable manner, so that selection of participants does not overburden, over utilize, unfairly favor, or discriminate against any participants population;

Honoring commitments made to participants, contributors, or collaborators in a research project relative to its design and confidentiality of any information about subjects gathered during the investigation.

All Learners enrolled in the RSH sequence of courses will become thoroughly acquainted with ethical principles of research. Every Learner is required to submit an IRB application following approval of the Dissertation
Proposal and prior to any data collection.
IRB Issues to Consider:

To reiterate, approval from NCUs IRB Committee must be obtained before any data collection or project implementation activities begin. This includes pilot testing, preliminary interviews, initial subject recruiting, and the like. Failure to comply with this ruling may be cause for termination of a Learners status with NCU.

The IRB Committee is generally able to approve unproblematic applications within 21 days of their submission. However, the IRB is entitled to, and has a responsibility to, return any application to the Learner with requirements for revision of the research design and resubmission. Thus, in instances where there are questions about the ethical or professional nature of the proposed research, the IRB process may take considerably longer.
IRB approval is for a one calendar year. If data collection or project implementation takes longer than one year, the Learner is required to submit a request for an extension to the Northcentral University IRB Committee.

If the procedure approved in the Dissertation Proposal is modified, a change request must be submitted to the IRB immediately and the IRB must approve the change prior to data being collected.

Please note that failure to observe these rules will usually result in termination of the Learners enrollment as a student at NCU.

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Database Development

Write three(3) page paper in which:

1. Recommend at least three (3) specific tasks that could be performed to improve the quality of datasets, using the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodology. Include a thorough description of each activity per each phase.

2. Recommend the actions that should be performed in order to optimize record selections and to improve database performance from a quantitative data quality assessment.

3. Suggest three (3) maintenance plans and three (3) activities that could be performed in order to improve data quality.

4. From the software development methodologies described in the article titled, ?Process-centered Review of Object Oriented Software Development Methodologies,? complete the following.

a. Evaluate which method would be efficient for planning proactive concurrency control
methods and lock granularities. Assess how your selected method can be used to
minimize the database security risks that may occur within a multiuser environment.
b. Analyze how the verify method can be used to plan out system effectively and ensure
that the number of transactions do not produce record-level locking while the database is
in operation.

Dear Writer,
I need answer for the following, and I discussed it with you, it is related to the Literature review that you wrote me in the previous section.

1. Develop a research question that addresses one of the unknowns you identified in Part of the literature review and sketch a quantitative or qualitative study that can answer the question about what is unknown and contribute to theory.
A. the research purpose
B. type of design and elements of the design (e.g., sample, the type of data you need to collect and how you will collect it, data analysis)
C. the strengths and weaknesses of your envisioned design and methods
D. quantitative: threats to validity and how your design will address them
E. quantitative: the constructs you will measure and what you will do in order to determine how to operationalize them (you need not identify specific measures)
F. qualitative: your means of ensuring the quality of your findings
G. justification for why your chosen design and methods are more appropriate for your research question than alternatives you have considered
H. your methods of data analysis
I. how the data you collect will enable you to answer your research question and contribute to theory
2. Draw on the additional resources for this course for guidance in understanding the concepts (e.g., internal validity, threats to validity, and operationalization) needed to address this question.

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There are three parts to the assignments . please complete assignment 1 and 2 for now . I should be able to make a payment for 3 in a week . I am attaching the 4 articles for assignment 2 please find the rest
The requirements are as follows

The project cannot be a summary of information from different websites and sources. This must be your original work or you will not pass this capstone course.
. As you develop this proposal, through the production and evolution of deliverables you must deconstruct, analyze, and experience a health informatics management project from the perspective of a client organization. Consider yourself the project manager to your chosen organization as described on beginning on page 394 of your text. It is important to be specific and accurate in your writing. Using quantitative data allows you to set benchmarks for your program objectives.
The case studies that may form the basis of a project.
PLEASE NOTE: The recommended paper lengths are based on my estimation of how long a paper might be to do the subject matter proper justice. As such, consider the recommendations to be give-or-take a page or two. Front and back matter (such as cover pages, endnotes, references, and appendices) do not count toward your paper lengths. All papers must be double spaced; paginated; and formatted, written, and referenced using APA style.
Assignment 1 - Definition of Project and Problem to be Addressed
you will define their own informatics management project to be explored in this class, starting with the health care organization or setting(s) that it applies to. Describe the organizational situation in a problem statement from the organization?s internal perspective. Analyze the situation: What are the implications of the situation from the organization? Who are its stakeholder and likely target publics? Succinctly define the health information management project that may help the organization resolve the issue or problem.
a page double spaced paper that defines the type of health care setting or practice, the issue or problem that needs to be addressed, why this issue or problem is important (see the text discussion starting on page 342 for a discussion of the competitive advantage of IT), and what you hope to accomplish with your project plan. Please identify the source for your idea for this project, e.g., work or Case 3 in the text.

Assignment 2 ? Background Analysis
Since your health information management proposal will be grounded in your research results, the timely completion of this deliverable is critical to your successful completion of this course. Turn your critical thinking and analytical skills to reviewing and analyzing what is known about this area and the latest solutions: Your assigned text and the optional readings represent a starting point for the discussion of your informatics management issue or problem.
? What is the state-of-the-art on the issue or problem that your project addresses?
Each class member is required to find at least ten related articles or websites to read, evaluate, and present to their class colleagues for discussion. The articles must be recent (articles older than 2005 are not acceptable). At least four must come from a professional, peer reviewed journal Other sources may come from websites where the author(s) and/or organization are an expert in the field, e.g., AHQR, Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research or HIMSS (Health Information Management and Systems Society). Wikipedia or "How Stuff Works" and similar sites are not expert websites. If asked, you must be able to explain why the person or organizational site that you used is an expert in health informatics. For the sources that you select, do not present a summary of each article.
Instead you should:
1. Briefly summarize the issue and project that you are researching.
2. Identify the key points and common themes from your research.
3. Include points that will enable your class colleagues to understand the topic better.
4. Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of what is known and unknown about this area.
5. How will this background analysis inform your project?
6. Include an evaluation of how authoritative the sources are. Should your class colleagues use these sources if they need to work in a similar area?
7. Use APA format, including identifying the sources that you use at the end of your paper

A six page background analysis that follows APA format and includes an abstract and your references

Provide a brief (no more than 1 page) abstract of your analysis along with the attached background analysis. Your abstract must provide enough detail to stimulate discussion;

Helpful Hints:
Clearly tie your research to your project and what you hope to accomplish. This background analysis should provide your organization with enough information to understand the area that your project will address. - If possible, provide web links to your sources, following APA format. They may be helpful to others in the course.

Readings & References
The text for this course is Elementary Statistics by Mario F. Triola. 11th Edition. Addison-Wesley Longman. ISBN13: 9780321694508 ISBN10: 0321694503

This is an assignment that requires you to use the APA style of writing

Chapter 1 ??" Read the whole chapter and do the following assignment


Instructions: Please show all working.

1. Define: systematic sampling, convenience sampling, stratified sampling, cluster
sampling, random sampling, ordinal data, nominal data, discreet data, continuous

2. Following are several variables. Which, if any, yield ordinal data? Explain your

(a) height
(b) weight
(c) age
(d) sex
(e) number of siblings
(f) religion
(g) place of birth
(h) high-school class rank

3. Identify which type of sampling is used:
To avoid working late, a quality control analyst simply inspects the first 100 items produced in a day.
(A) Systematic
(B) Random
(C) Stratified
(D) Convenience
(E) Cluster

This assignment is based on Shadow Banking at the International Level, consist of writing a memo to FBS (The financial Stability Boad) (website: in no more than 1300 words (excluding references - from at least 10 sources)
In this memo I should do respond the following:
(1) a definition of international shadow banking;
(2) a set of policy recommendations addressing shadow banking issues at the international level.
This memo is assumed to feed into the St. Petersburg Summit planned in September 2013.

Based on the above above assigment, have the following considerations:
In November 2011, G20 Leaders adopted the FSB (financial stability boad) report, SHADOW BANKINGS: Strengthening Oversight and Regulation, which set out a work plan to develop policy recommendations in 2012. Read
( and
On the 18th November 2012, the FSB published for consultation (until 14 January 2013) an
initial integrated set of policy recommendations to strengthen oversight and regulation of the
shadow banking system (see The set of documents
published includes the following reports:
???? An integrated Overview of Policy Recommendations;
???? Policy Framework for Strengthening Oversight and Regulation of Shadow Banking
???? Policy recommendations to Address Shadow Banking Risks in Securities lending and
???? Global Shadow Banking Monitoring Report 2012.

Please consider the above literature and reports when writing the memo on behalf of the FSB. References ca be completed in Chicago or MLA style.
Please also include as reference Zoltan Pozsar article in shadow banking (

Please do not hesistate to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you!

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Maintenance Resource Management
And its Impact on Aviation Safety

Maintenance related error has been cited as a significant factor in the cause of numerous U.S. aircraft accidents over the years. The research proposed within this project will thoroughly examine the effect that MRM has had on commercial aviation safety since its implementation in 1993. Statistical data from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) will be utilized to show mishap causes and trends within the commercial aviation industry both pre and post MRM implementation. In analyzing the statistical data, patterns and trends will confirm whether MRM has a positive or negative effect on commercial aviation maintenance reliability and safety.

The scope of the project is based on commercial air carriers and MROs within the U.S. commercial air transportation system parts 121/135 and 147. The bulk of the information for the project will be extracted from the FAA and NTSB data banks and related scholarly articles.

A quantitative analysis will be completed by data mining statistical data from the FAA, NTSB and scholarly articles. The hypothesis is that there is a statistically significant difference in the number of recorded aircraft maintenance related mishaps since MRM implementation. Statistical data from multiple sources obtained and analyzed will either accept or reject this hypothesis.

Program Outcome #1.
Students will be able to apply the fundamentals of air transportation as part of a global, multimodal transportation system, including the technological, social, environmental, and political aspects of the system to examine, compare, analyze and recommend conclusion.
The multimodal aspect will be addressed by examining other modes of transport to determine if aviation maintenance issues are industry specific and if other successful programs could relate to the aviation industry.
The technological aspect will be addressed by examining the technological infrastructure that MRM training should employ such as formal training, training aids, mockups, training aids, etc. identifying areas where improvements could be made to enhance MRM.
The social aspect will be addressed by examining the current MRM training curriculums and on-the-job practices and procedures. Different socioeconomic areas may require different training techniques to ensure material comprehension, intended effectiveness and eventual outcome.
The environmental aspect will be addressed by examining MRM with regard to hazardous materials communication. Policies and practices that minimize the risks involved will be discussed.
Political aspects will be addressed by reviewing the regulatory structure that controls aviation maintenance.

Program Outcome #2
The student will be able to identify and apply appropriate statistical analysis, to include techniques in data collection, review, critique, interpretation and inference in the aviation and aerospace industry.
Aircraft maintenance related mishap data will be collected for 10 years pre and post MRM implementation. The compiled data will then be analyzed using a t-test to accept or reject the proposed hypothesis.

Program Outcome #3
The student will be able across all subjects to use the fundamentals of human factors in all aspects of the aviation and aerospace industry, including unsafe acts, attitudes, errors, human behavior, and human limitations as they relate to the aviators adaption to the aviation environment to reach conclusions.
The unsafe acts aspect will be addressed by reviewing some common maintenance practices and their related regulations and comparing that data to the collected data recommendations submitted by AMTs. Unsafe acts become hazards and can occur due to inadequate training or complacency. Gone unnoticed, the hazard becomes latent and if not addressed can cause serious consequences.
The attitudes aspect will be addressed by reviewing data from AMTs with different specialties, experiences, training, and years in aviation maintenance. These devices will address attitudes towards MRM training received, if any.
The errors aspect will be addressed by reviewing regulations and maintenance procedures to find shortcomings that may lead to potential errors in real world applications.
The human behaviors aspect will be addressed by comparing and contrasting the maintenance habits of entry-level, practiced, advanced, and senior technicians.
The human limitations aspect will be addressed by discussing how attitudes of maintenance personnel along with human behavior and their limitations can attribute to a maintenance error and possible aircraft maintenance related incidents.

Program Outcome #4
The student will be able to develop and/or apply current aviation and industry related research methods, including problem identification, hypothesis formulation, and interpretation of findings to present as solutions in the investigation of an aviation/aerospace related topic.
During this study, a qualitative analysis will be conducted to gather relative data of current MRM efforts, priorities, resources and corporate will and to identify shortfalls to be addressed for future improvements. The results of the analysis will either accept or reject the hypothesis that there is a statistically significant difference in the number of recorded aircraft maintenance related mishaps since MRM implementation.

Program Outcome #9
The student will investigate, compare, contrast, analyze and form conclusions to current aviation, aerospace, and industry related topics in safety systems, including systems safety, industrial safety, accident investigation and analysis, transportation security, airport safety and certification, safety program management and aviation psychology.
The systems safety aspect will be addressed by discussing the importance of sound management and efforts to focus safety skills and resources into all phases of the safety system life cycle.
The transportation safety portion of the study will examine actual recorded maintenance related safety incidents, the lessons learned from those incidents and what could have been done to prevent them.
The safety program management aspect will be addressed by investigating and analyzing current successful safety programs and the organizational commitments required for their success.
The aviation psychology aspect will be addressed by investigating and analyzing some of the most common conditions that increase the risk of maintenance related errors. Efforts to combat these conditions will be briefly discussed.

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Critical Appraisal of:___ Thomas, C. (1997). The baby and the bath water. Disabled women and motherhood in social context.
Sociology of Health and Illness, 19(5), 622-643.

Read the research study and then answer the following
Data Collection and Analysis___

1) Examine the articulated data collection, analysis, and presentation:
___a. Does the researcher provide enough information to fully understand how the data was analyzed?
___b. With reference to credibility, dependability, and
transferability, discuss the trustworthiness of the researchers
procedures and presentation of the data.
___c. Discuss whether these findings demonstrate consequential validity.

Contribution of the findings to the social work knowledge
___2) Think about the usefulness of these findings for the
profession of social work.
___a. What is the contribution of this study
to the social work knowledge base?
b___ . Are or would these findings be relevant to your current or future practice?
___ i) If no, why not?
___ ii) If yes, how would you incorporate these into your current
or future practice?

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SWK 354 Critical Thinking Assignment Revisited! Simply answer the questions, do not write in an essay format

The specific micro problem I want to write about : Mentally ill

1. What is the specific micro problem? EX. Teen Runaways

2. What is one specific intervention that has been researched to address this micro-problem? In otherwords, what is your hypothesis statement? EX. Teen drop in centers help reduce the amount of homeless teens.

3. Identify one research article that discusses the effectiveness of this intervention.
Answer the following questions about this article:
a. Who are the researchers for this study?
b. Who are the subjects of this study?
c. What is the number of subjects in this study?
d. Where was the research conducted?
e. Who funded the research?
f. What is the date of this article?
g. From what journal did this article come from?
h. What are the methods used in this research? Describe how they collected their results
i. State one piece of outside data or statistic that is presented in this research and find the reference to this data and check it out for its accuracy. Is it accurate and accurately represented, not taken out of context and cited properly?
j. Do you detect any biased or stereotyped statements? And if so what are they? What seems to be the frame of reference, perspective or worldview of these researchers?
k. Write a paragraph summarizing the intervention the researchers used and the results they obtained. Include stats such as after participating in this treatment program, subjects were 60% less likely to hit their partners at the 1 year follow-up
l. Does this article discuss other interventions that are different than the one she chose? If so which ones, briefly list and define
m. If you were conducting this research how might you improve the study?
n. Describe if this researcher discusses any other studies that support his/her findings and make note of those citations.
o. What are some indications that this is a credible study? What are some credibility concerns? What are some indications that this is a valid study to address the micro-problem? What are some concerns?

4. Identify one research article that disputes the effectiveness of the intervention you chose. If you can not find one that specifically disputes your intervention, find one that is one different intervention that might be in opposition to the one you chose and answer the following questions. (EX. Abstinence only education vs. contraception/sex education)

Now answer the same set of questions a-o as in #3.

Security in Cloud Computing

This paper needs to be in APA format. Wikipedia can not be used as a source. I have put this outline together, it doesn't have to be followed but thought it would be helpful.

1 Security issues associated with the cloud
2 Cloud Security Controls 2.1 Deterrent Controls
2.2 Preventative Controls
2.3 Corrective Controls
2.4 Detective Controls

3 Dimensions of cloud security
4 Security and privacy
5 Compliance 5.1 Business continuity and data recovery
5.2 Logs and audit trails
5.3 Unique compliance requirements

6 Legal and contractual issues 6.1 Public records

4 Pages

Boss I Think Someone Stole Our Customers

Words: 1314
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

3 of the 4 reference should be no more than 3 years old. 1. Evaluate the obligation Flayton Electronics has to its customers to protect their private data. 2. If…

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5 Pages
Research Paper

Quality and Quality Assurance Significantly

Words: 1742
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Stage 3: Solution Identification For this assignment, you are asked to find at least three reviewed research articles (in Education) that make recommendations you believe will help your school or…

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6 Pages

Computerized Accounting Information Systems in a Global

Words: 1947
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

It is often claimed that the process of computerising accounting information systems (AIS) and telecommunicating accounting information over the web enhances the accounting functions in business organisations operating globally.…

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Research Paper

Small Scale Ethnographic Over the Decades, the

Words: 1248
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Research Proposal for a small-scale ethnographic research Description: The research topic will be: Language acquisition or the influence of language on culture. The outline of your research proposal should include: a)A research…

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3 Pages

Management: Regardless of Numerous Efforts to Define

Words: 913
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

reference requesta 3 page paper titled "An Introduction to Database technology and Database Management" Expectations You should include the following topics in your discussion, not necessarily in…

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Research Paper

Computerized Hospital Management Systems the Paper Is

Words: 2566
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

As a nurse in a 100-bed community hospital, you are part of a multidisciplinary team comprised of hospital professional staff tasked with investigating a new computerized management system for…

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Mobile Apps for Capturing Geolocation and Customer

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Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

I have to write a term paper based off of the information provided below. Please write the term paper based on the information provided below. There are…

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Gender-Specific Therapy for Women Prisoners Research Question

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Type: Research Paper

plesae i want this researcher to write this paper for me.Is a research proposal paper.The researcher name is Writer?s This is the criteria to use Research Question and Justification On average,…

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Childhood Obesity Research Obesity Is Defined by

Words: 1915
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Question #1-275 word max Describe the tests and methods that will be useful in measuring the behaviors to be evaluated in relation to Childhood Obesity. Using the method of qualitative,…

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Nurse Research Decision Theory Describes the Rules

Words: 956
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1) How do decision theory, probability theory, inference, and generalization relate to data analysis? How do mean, median, mode, and standard deviation differ from one another? Support your answers…

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Happiness Scores of Researchers Have

Words: 3680
Length: 13 Pages
Type: Essay

Instructions Writing the Empirical Quantitative Research Report You will be writing a paper to support the research project you are developing in your labs. Writing the research report is an important…

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Childhood Obesity Study the Research Study Titled,

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Applying the Results and Conclusion of the Research Process to Problems in Health Care on CHILHOOD OBESITY & EXERCISE from last week assignment. Resource: Applying the Results and Conclusion of…

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Value Digital Privacy Information Technology the Value

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LEG 500 ? Strayer University PAPERS GO THROUGH TURN IT IN .COM Assignment 2: The Value of Digital Privacy in an Information Technology Age Due Week 4 and worth 100…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Database Management Systems What Are the Levels

Words: 524
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

View the set of tutorials on The tutorials show how to create your first database. Using what you learned from the tutorials, submit essay responses to…

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14 Pages

Deinstitutionalization Importance of a Historical Literature Review

Words: 4057
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Essay

Please refer to order #A2097703. I am requesting same writer. One page for each question. 2. Discussion Question One: What is the importance of a historical literature review? Discussion Question Two: The current…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Ethical Standards in Research Has

Words: 3506
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

ETHICS - NEED 10 FULL PAGES The Question in this category focuses on the integration of ethical principles with professional practice in the students specialization. Students are expected to defend…

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3 Pages

Database Development

Words: 814
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Write three(3) page paper in which: 1. Recommend at least three (3) specific tasks that could be performed to improve the quality of datasets, using the Software Development Life Cycle…

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7 Pages
Research Paper

Cloud Computing Research Question and Experimental Design

Words: 1907
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Dear Writer, I need answer for the following, and I discussed it with you, it is related to the Literature review that you wrote me in the previous section. 1. Develop…

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Management Project in the Health Care Organization

Words: 2486
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

There are three parts to the assignments . please complete assignment 1 and 2 for now . I should be able to make a payment for 3 in a…

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1 Pages
Research Paper

Systematic Sampling, Convenience Sampling, Stratified

Words: 362
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Readings & References The text for this course is Elementary Statistics by Mario F. Triola. 11th Edition. Addison-Wesley Longman. ISBN13: 9780321694508 ISBN10: 0321694503 This is an assignment that…

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4 Pages

Shadow Banking on the International Level

Words: 1641
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

This assignment is based on Shadow Banking at the International Level, consist of writing a memo to FBS (The financial Stability Boad) (website: in no more than 1300 words…

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25 Pages
Research Paper

Aviation Maintenance Resource Management Mrm and Its Impact on U.S. Commercial Aviation Safety

Words: 8329
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Maintenance Resource Management And its Impact on Aviation Safety Objective Maintenance related error has been cited as a significant factor in the cause of numerous U.S. aircraft accidents over…

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5 Pages

Thomas (1997) Presents and Interesting, but Somewhat

Words: 1936
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Critical Appraisal of:___ Thomas, C. (1997). The baby and the bath water. Disabled women and motherhood in social context. Sociology of Health and Illness, 19(5), 622-643. Read the research study and…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Interventions for the Mentally Ill

Words: 1099
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

SWK 354 Critical Thinking Assignment Revisited! Simply answer the questions, do not write in an essay format The specific micro problem I want to write about : Mentally…

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10 Pages

Security in Cloud Computing

Words: 3274
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

This paper needs to be in APA format. Wikipedia can not be used as a source. I have put this outline together, it doesn't have to be followed but…

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