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Our updated step-by-step guides will show you how to write the perfect essay (including templates) and show you how to correctly cite outside resources.
We offer several learning tools to help make your writing and studying easier, such as a citation generator, flashcard generator, and more...
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Get Started NowA business model is a strategic plan or framework that outlines how a company creates, delivers,…
Social injustice refers to unfair treatment, discrimination, and inequality experienced by individuals or groups in society.
Influence through compelling arguments, appealing to emotions, and convincing others to adopt a particular viewpoint or…
Argumentative: Involves presenting and defending a viewpoint using logic, evidence, and persuasion in a structured discourse.
Incidents involving the use of firearms on school premises, causing harm, fear, and raising concerns about…
45th U.S. President, businessman, controversial figure, impeached twice, known for policies, divisive rhetoric, and populism.
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