Census Essays Prompts

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According to the projections prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau ??The U.S. population growth is slowing predominantly due to the aging of the population and, consequently, a dramatic increase in the number of deaths?. The U.S. Census further states as follows: ??this increasing median age is driven by the aging of the population born during the Baby Boom after World War II (1946 to 1964)". In 2011, the first members of the Baby Boom reached age 65. http://www.census.gov/population/www/pop-profile/natproj.html

Please address two of the following discussion points?:

1. Has the ?baby boomer effect? impacted market demand and market supply in your industry? If so, how? (Explain clearly)

2. Choose an industry and provide examples of how managers can respond strategically to market changes due to the aging of the population.

3. The traditional lifecycle model suggests that individuals borrow when young, repay their debt and save during middle age and then sell their financial and non-financial assets to finance consumption when old. Other things constant, how do you think that the ?baby boomers? impacted asset prices in the past (when they were middle aged)? Specifically, what do you think was the impact of ?baby-boomers? on housing prices? What do you think was the impact on other investable assets like equities?

4. Now that the ?baby boomer generation? is of retirement age, other things constant, what do you think is its impact on asset prices? Specifically, what do you think is the impact of the ?baby-boomer generation? on housing prices? What do you think is the impact on other investable assets like equities?

City as a Character in Film

Assignment 2
Gaining Urban Knowledge: Understanding the City Through Film
The purpose of this assignment is to compare and contrast the treatment of a city by artists and social scientists. The city of Los Angeles is portrayed as an important character or backdrop in the following films:
L.A. Confidential (1997)
Zoot Suit (1981)
L.A. Story (1991)
Chinatown (1974)
Blade Runner (1982)
Sunset Boulevard (1950)

1) You are to choose two of the above films to screen for this assignment. The films are available
from libraries, rental stores, and online sources.*
2) After screening the films, the assignment is to look at statistical data for Los Angeles and the
Los Angeles metropolitan area available from the U.S. Census Bureau available here:
http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/06/0644000lk.html. The most recent (2010) census data is
available here: http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/06/0644000.html (the city of Los Angeles)
and http://quickfacts.census.gov/qfd/states/06/06037.html (Los Angeles county).
3) Write an approximately 3-page paper summarizing a) the ?feel? of the city and its
neighborhoods portrayed in each of the films and, b) the racial/ethnic makeup of the area as
portrayed in each of the films. Then, compare that data (the data gathered through observation)
with the U.S. census data.

Possible Points
1. The paper accurately and effectively discusses the ?feel? of the city and
its neighborhoods portrayed in each of the films, providing relevant examples
and illustrations from the films to buttress the student?s assertions.
2. The paper accurately and effectively discusses the racial and ethnic makeup
of the area(s) as portrayed in each of the films, providing relevant examples and
illustrations from the films to buttress the student?s assertions.
3. Critically compare and contrast the data gathered through observation (film)
with the U.S. census data. What are the similarities? Differences? Provide an
effective interpretative analysis based on the ?knowledge? of the city that is
presented both by the films and the census data.

The is a community assessment about Scarsdale NY. I found a book called A sort Of Utopia by Carol A. O'Connor thats 215 pages as a good background. I'd like you guys to include about 4-5 references, including the Census Bureau and there is at least one article I know about. I grew up in scarsdale so I can answer any questions and give an idea of the town.



All HBSE I sections will include a common assignment requiring students to assess a neighborhood as an exemplar of a ?geographic community.? The assessment pays particular attention to how oppression, power, and privilege are manifested in inequalities and institutional biases that impede optimal human development and jeopardize well-being. Students need to be able to apply their knowledge about structural inequality and how oppression and/or privilege has influenced the adaptation of residents within the community. (Competency 2.1.5; PB 1).

Students will demonstrate their ability to apply concepts from general systems theory (or ecosystems perspective) to examine adaptation of the neighborhood over time, the interface of the neighborhood with the adjoining areas, the demographics of current residents and the capacity of the neighborhood to meet the changing needs of the population. (Competency 2.1.7; PB 1)

Students are expected to be able to document their observations with on-line, public-use data (e.g. U.S. Census Bureau, and state- and local-level governmental agencies) and apply their knowledge of theories of human behavior to their observations.

Students who are currently in the field are encouraged to assess a neighborhood that is closely associated with the location of their field placement. Students who are not in the field are encouraged to consider a neighborhood that is substantively different than where they currently reside.

To a certain extent identifying areas of need, or potential need, is inherent to any assessment, but this should not be the only emphasis of the assignment. Rather, the assessment should also focus on assets and strengths of the neighborhood and community, and on ?capacity building.? Students should gather information that is relevant to the following dimensions of community as delineated by Kirst-Ashman (2011, pp. 316-319):

Available social networks within the neighborhood;
Income and wealth distribution as well as disparities within the community;
Assessment of educational facilities as well as the quality of the education
Health and welfare systems with particular attention to access to resources
Social Control (formal and informal) within the community.

U.S. Trade Data From the

Web-Based Question (20 points) Length: 1-2 pages , typed

The U.S. Census Bureau reports the latest data on U.S. trade in goods and services at its website. http://www/census.gov/indicator/www/ustrade.html

Review this website and answer the following questions:

In the latest month, did the trade balance in goods and services improve (that is, yield a smaller deficit or larger surplus) or deteriorate? Was the relative trade strength of the United States compared to the rest of the world in goods or in services? Which product groups had the largest increases in exports? Which had the largest increases in imports?

Dont forget to cite the appropriate dates (September or October 2007) and statistics from the website.

*Using the product or service you chose in Assignment 1*
, provide a plan to reposition this product or service to a new target market. Remember this could mean a new use for the product or service you have chosen.
Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:
Discuss this product in terms of its repositioned target market demographics using U.S. Census Data.
Determine the types of research needed to reposition this product or service.
Discuss the method(s) you would use to increase adoption rates.
Determine if a new service component will provide new interest in this product or service.
Anticipate the most likely distribution problems you would encounter and how you would address them.
Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student?s name, the professor?s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.

Thoroughly discussed this product in terms of its repositioned target market demographics using U.S. Census Data.
Thoroughly determined the types of research needed to reposition this product or service
Thoroughly discussed the method(s) you would use to increase adoption rates.
Thoroughly determined if a new service component will provide new interest in this product or service
Thoroughly anticipated the most likely distribution problems you would encounter and how you would address them.

The First paper in reference to this one. Here is the assignment 1:

The product life cycle is an important concept in marketing. It describes the stages of the product such as introduction, growth, maturity and decline through which product is introduced and removed from the market. It is not necessary that all products face all stages (Saaksvuori & Immonen, 2008). For this assignment, Blackberry products of Research in Motion were selected that is facing declining stage. Along with this, current target market demographics, reasons of declining popularity including social, demographic and ethnic markets and economic, technological, political, legal and competitive factors will be discussed. In addition of this, some recommendations will be recommended to marketers of Suzuki to address the declining appeal to consumers. Apart from this, a new country will be searched for this product and product segmentation and positioning strategies of the product in new country will be also discussed in this paper.
Current target market demographics
Research In Motion (RIM) is a global leader in wireless innovation. It revolutionized the mobile industry with the introduction of the BlackBerry solution in 1999. In present, BlackBerry products and services are used by millions of customers around the world to stay connected to the people (Blackberry smartphones, 2012). Its current target market is business persons and they were not priced or developed for the everyday cellular user. Blackberry phones are preloaded with the mobile trial version of Microsoft Office and give the ability to edit documents directly on cell phone.
Blackberry also targets the business professional with wireless connectivity ability for faster paced Internet connections when the user needs it most. It also made style and function for capturing younger generation (Kotler, 2006). RIM has also launched a new software store called Blackberry App World with hundreds of applications for targeting every people. The rise of Apple and Google in the smart-phone market has caused others to fall, especially to RIM. Along with this, diverse manufacturers such as Taiwan?s HTC, South Korea?s Samsung and Motorola in the U.S created competition for blackberry.
In 2011, revenue and sales of the company is increased up to $20 billion and $3.4 billion from $6 billion and $1.3 billion in 2008 (McIntyre, 2012). But in present, its sales are declined and it has accounted 5% of U.S. smart phone sales. According to research group NPD, RIM?s U.S. market share was 44% in 2009, but only 10% in 2011. RIM cannot survive as a standalone operation in the face of these trends.
Reasons of declining
RIM has declined its sales in Smartphone market and shrinking market share due to variety of causes such as:
Social and demographic factors: The first is lack of innovation that is essential in this industry to compete with competitors and attract customers. Expectations of customers regarding Smartphone are increased and they want phones to meet both professional and personal need (Kotler, 2006). But RIM is unable to fulfill their requirements. So, it becomes unpopular among customers.
Technological factors: Apple and Google launched new advance features and applications in Smartphone. At the same time, coding for BlackBerry OS is very hard and it is necessary to optimize the code for each version (Bent, 2011). There are too diverse specs such as screen resolution, form factor, touch screen, and more.
Competitive factors: Apple is announcing the new features on iOS5 and Google is announcing the tap and pay system for Android. At the same time, RIM?s lack of an application ecosystem may also be contributing to its declining market share and solution providers speculate (Bent, 2011). As iOS and Android developers continue the rapid introduction of apps into their respective app stores, so, it was the reason of declining its popularity in society.
Political and legal factors: There are various countries that have banned Blackberry for security concerns such as Gulf countries, UAE, Kuwait and etc (Plunkett, 2008). Along with this, various countries have banned use of its some applications due to fear of interruptions of their mails. This harms the popularity of RIM at global level.
In order to address the product?s declining appeal to consumers, there are some recommendations for marketers such as:
New innovations and applications: Marketers should launch new applications and upgraded systems in this phone according to needs and requirements of professionals. These new applications and software will help to compete with competitors and attract customers (Burrow & Bosiljevac, 2011). They should work on weaknesses of this product and try to remove them for making easy and fast usable to customers.
New modifications: Marketers should implement new modifications and innovations in their products to save it from decline stage. These modifications should be attractive and according to the requirements of customers (J?rgensen & Zaccour, 2004). They can change features, look, applications and usage of this phone by launching wide variety of phones from low range to high range. It will help to attract daily users and professionals.
Effective marketing and advertising strategy: Marketers should develop effective marketing and advertising strategies for this product of the company to save it from decline. They should present Blackberry as a new product and should focus on its strengths and new applications in advertising (Belch, 2003). Along with this, they should develop new marketing mix for promoting their product effectively in markets. They should use promotional offers, discounts, after sale service, guaranty and warranty for promoting their product in the market.
Best foreign country for market expansion
Indonesia is suitable and best foreign country for RIM to market its Blackberry product. Indonesia is the world's third most populous democracy and world's largest archipelagic country. The country has growth rate around 6.1% and 6.4% in 2010 and 2011. The government introduces significant reforms in the financial sector including tax and customs reforms, the use of Treasury bills, and capital market development and supervision (The world Factbook: Indonesia, 2012). Indonesia is the 3rd largest wireless market in Asia, behind China and India in terms of number of subscribers. It is estimated that by end of 2010 Indonesia had 235.8 million wireless subscribers.
Along with this, high ?SIM? penetration of 97% by 2010 represents unique subscribers? penetration. It?s 53% of the market is still on 3G and rest are on 2.5 or 3G in terms of data services. It has combination of flattening voice revenue & increasing data-services revenue. Internet or data service is on the rise and the penetration is growing with 17% wireless broadband (Plunkett, 2008). Indonesia has already shown a strong inclination towards Smartphone usage. It is second largest user of Face book after USA that indicates the high demand of Smartphone. So, it is an opportunity for mobile companies to fulfill this gap and accomplish the requirement of customers of Indonesia.
At the same time, Indonesia wants from RIM to replace a server in its country, because it has a fear that its e-mails could be intercepted as they pass through RIM's servers overseas. So, company should replace an individual server in this country for selling their phones and frequently used by customers without any fear (Brown, Hossain & Nguyen, 2004). This country has good and developing telecommunication market that will provide opportunity for RIM to market its products to save from decline.
Segmentation and positioning
For launching a product in new market, it is important to identify the correct target market according to features of products. Target market can be selected through segmentation while positioning helps to create an image or identity about the product in the minds of customers. For Blackberry product in Indonesian market, segmentation and positioning are as follow:
Segmentation: Market is segmented on the basis of psychographic factors, behavior factors and geographic factors. Along with this, market is segmented according to age, gender, income level, lifestyle, attitude, occupation, marital status and religion. For this product, market is divided on the basis of income level, lifestyle and occupation (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2011). The company will focus on high level and medium income level people, high lifestyle people and professionals for this product. This product is full of applications and latest operating system that is helpful for professionals and other business persons to accomplish their tasks on the phones.
Positioning: The Company should position this product in the market as a new operating system that has a wide range of applications available to its users by the time it is unveiled (Nangoy, 2012). Along with this, this product has locally developed applications that help the customers to understand easily and work with it friendly. Additionally, company can position itself as a new level of operating system that is superior to other Smartphone that uses iOS and Android platforms.
On the basis of above discussion, it can be concluded that RIM?s product Blackberry faces decline situation that results declining in sales and market share in US. The main reason for this is lack of innovation in applications according to needs of customers. But, marketers can save declining market share through implementing new innovation and applications, new modifications and effective marketing strategies. At the same time, company can market its product in new market to save declining stage and Indonesia is suitable foreign market for new entry.

Belch, G. E. (2003). Advertising and Promotion, 6/E. New York: Tata McGraw-Hill.
Bent, K. (2011). The Decline Of BlackBerry: Where RIM Went Wrong. Retrieved from: http://www.crn.com/news/mobility/232301056/the-decline-of-blackberry-where-rim-went-wrong.htm
Blackberry smartphones (2012). Retrieved from: http://www.rim.com/products/blackberry_smartphones.shtml
Brown, A., Hossain, M. & Nguyen, D. (2004). Telecommunications Reform In The Asia-Pacific Region. USA: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Burrow, J. L. & Bosiljevac, J. (2011). Marketing. USA: Cengage Learning.
J?rgensen, S. & Zaccour, G. (2004). Differential Games in Marketing. Germany: Springer.
Kotler, P. (2006). Marketing Management (12th Edition). New York, USA: Prentice Hall Pvt. Ltd.
Lamb, C. W., Hair, J. F. & McDaniel, C. (2011). Essentials of Marketing. USA: Cengage Learning.
McIntyre, D. A. (2012). 10 Brands That Will Disappear in 2013. Retrieved from:
Nangoy, F. (2012). RIM Upbeat That New Operating System Will Expand BlackBerry Market. Retrieved from: http://www.thejakartaglobe.com/business/rim-upbeat-that-new-operating-system-will-expand-blackberry-market/546415
Plunkett, J. W. (2008). Plunkett's Telecommunications Industry Almanac 2009. USA: Plunkett Research, Ltd.
Saaksvuori, A. & Immonen, A. (2008). Product Lifecycle Management. Germany: Springer.
The world Factbook: Indonesia (2012). Retrieved from: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/id.html

This is a nursing scholary project

The name of the project is Community Nurse Diabetic Clinic

The target market is the Hispanic Community in Allentown Pennsylvania.

I need a Table of Contents Introduction , Scope of Problem , Project( Business Plan for a Nurse Managed Free Diabetic Community Clinic) , Literature Review( please include stats ) , Demographics etc , everything that is needed in a thesis and also the Appendix( demographics) , charts, tables. i don't need a Hypothesis Chapter or a Methodology chapter or Discussion Results , I do however need the other chapters.
I will send over the corrected version from my professor , please include my own notes and build upon it, unfornately a lot of things are not cited so you may or may not be able to use it , but you'll have a general idea. This paper is like an introduction to the Business Plan , so it has to lead into the Plan that I have written to create a Nurse Managed Diabetic Clinic.

Please see below notes , it is choppy , wordy and the transitions are not there.

I really need help . Please make sure it is in APA with page # and Title Page included . Please make sure works cited throughout paper are all listed on the Reference Page. Please also check for all of the other items your company has stated they would include.

Please see below notes:

Community Nurse Diabetic Clinic

Renee Wilson


Scope of the Problem

Roughly 41.3 million people in the United States today are Hispanic. That breaks down to one in every seven people. Hispanic Americans represent the second-largest and fastest-growing minority group in the United States.
According to the 2003 U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report, more than 1.5 million Hispanic Americans had diabetes, up from less than 1.2 million in 1997. This high rate of diabetes does not include undiagnosed cases.

Disease Prevention and Treatment by the Life Extension Foundation states that roughly 5.4 million people in the United States have diabetes and are unaware of it. "Minorities are at particular risk. Compared with Caucasians, blacks have a 60 percent higher risk of developing diabetes and Hispanics have a 90 percent increased risk." According to the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse (NDIC), Hispanics are 1.9 times more likely to have diabetes than whites.

Pennsylvania had a significant rate of increase in diabetes hospitalizations; accounting for more less than ten per cent over the last two years. Eight per cent of adults of this state are affected by diabetes, which is higher than one per cent above the national average. Moreover patients from various counties in Western Pennsylvania have high rates of end-stage kidney disease , one complication of diabetes.

In 2004, diabetes was the principal diagnosis in 23,725 admissions in Pennsylvania hospitals, accounting for 132,000 hospital days and more than $673 million in hospital charges. 15.4 percent of patients with diabetes were hospitalized two or more times. Multiple hospitalizations were more common among certain populations, such as Hispanics and including Medicaid and Medicare recipients.

In the United States, one especially important determinant of access to care is whether or not one has health care benefits. In 2005, there were 46 million uninsured people in the United States (about 16% of the population). The uninsured rate and number of uninsured increased from 2002 to 2003 for non-Hispanic Whites (from 10.7 % and 20.8 million to 11.1 % and 21.6 million, the number of uninsured increased for Hispanics (from 12.8 million to 13.2 million), their uninsured rate was unchanged at 32.7 %. The number of people who are inadequately insured is much larger. There are 52 million people in the U.S. who are uninsured or underinsured. The development of community based diabetic clinics aims to focus on those that are at the greatest risk; the uninsured and underinsured. This project will aim to address those needs by providing free diabetic health care.

This project is to develop a business plan targeting the Hispanic Community of Allentown Pennsylvania; this business plan will guide the development of a community nurse managed diabetic health care center. This project will serve as a basis for further DNP work and implementation of this business plan.

Literature Review

Diabetes is a chronic disease affecting approximately 760,000 Pennsylvanians . Many people have no symptoms and learn they have diabetes only when they seek help for one of the many complications. At the present time there is no cure for diabetes, but research has shown that complications of diabetes can be greatly reduced with proper blood sugar control through healthy eating, physical activity, and use of medications. Still, diabetes is one of the leading causes of death in the United States and is responsible for nearly 3,600 deaths in Pennsylvania each year. (PA Department of Health, Bureau of Health Statistics and Research).

Diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults and results from the bodys failure to produce insulin. Type 1 account for 5% to 10 % of all diagnosed cases of diabetes (Centers for Disease Control, National Diabetes Fact Sheet ). The most form of diabetes is Type II, this type accounts for about 90 to 95 % of all diagnosed cases of diabetes (Centers for Disease Control, National Diabetes Fact Sheet ). Pre- diabetes is a condition often present prior to the development of Type II diabetes. In pre-diabetes blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered diabetic. Pre-diabetes does not have to lead to the development of diabetes to controlling weight and increasing physical activity can prevent or delay the onset of diabetes. There are 41 million Americans who have pre-diabetes (Centers for Disease Control, National Diabetes Fact Sheet). There is extensive documentation regarding the correlation between diabetes and the increased death rates among Hispanics. In California where there is a large Hispanic community, diabetic related deaths are on the rise.
Collins (2009) noted that diabetes is killing Latinos in Ventura County at twice the rate it is claiming lives in other racial and ethnic groups. Nearly 6 percent of Latinos who died in Ventura County in 2005 and 2006 were killed by diabetes. The death records by The Star and Scripps Howard News Service indicate that the diabetes death rate is more than twice the rate for non-Latino whites and African-Americans. Doctors say those numbers are alarming but hardly shocking. (AMA, 2010) Diabetes has been increasing for years among Latinos, they say , not only among adults but also teenagers and young children. The diabetes death rate is at 10.4% for Hispanics because people with the disease often die from other conditions. (American Diabetic Association 2010) In those cases, diabetes would not be listed on the death certificate as the cause of death, although it often is a contributing factor.

Diabetes is an urgent health problem in the Latino community. The rates of deaths are almost double those of non-Latino whites. Disbursement of information to the Hispanic community about the seriousness of diabetes, risk factors and ways to manage the disease is essential

Demographic Profile of Spanish/Hispanics by State/County/SMSA is based on the 2000 Census. The Bureau of the Census classified Hispanic origin as those reporting their race as Mexican, Mexican-American, Spanish-American, Hispanic, Hispano, Latino, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Chicano, and "other Spanish/Hispanic" categories. This means that persons of Hispanic origin may be of any race. The Demographic table below provides some useful statistical data that reflects the geographical profile of Hispanics. Hispanics have been and will continue to be a major segment of the consumer market that is evident by the product information on many consumer products. See Table 1.

The Pew Hispanic Center released an extensive study of young Hipanics, those aged 16 to 25 and their uneven assimilation into mainstream American society. The Pew Hispanic Center points out that Hispanics accounted for roughly 60 percent of the growth of America's uninsured between 1999 and 2008. By the end of that period, Hispanics represented less than 16 percent of the overall U.S. population but 31.4 percent of those who lacked health insurance at any given time, according to the Census Bureau . The 2008 National Health Interview Survey found that 34 percent of non-elderly (under age 65) Hispanics reported being uninsured, compared with just 14 percent of non-elderly non-Hispanics. About 43 percent of those uninsured Hispanics said they had never been insured, compared with only 15 percent of the non-Hispanic uninsured. As Samuelson i ndicates, the uncertainty of immigration flows makes it difficult to predict how many of the Democrats healthcare legislation would reduce the number of uninsured. Over the past few decades, the Hispanic population has exploded. Latin America provided half of all the immigrants who came to the U.S. between 1965 (when LBJ dramatically liberalized the immigration system) and 2008; Mexico alone provided 29 percent. While stronger border enforcement and the economic downturn have contributed to a steep drop in Mexican immigration since the mid-2000s, a July 2009 Pew study concluded that there had not been an increase in migration back to Mexico. Foreign born and less assimilated Latinos , those who mainly speak Spanish, who lack U.S. citizenship, or who have had only short tenures in the United States are less likely than other Latinos to report that they have a usual place to go for medical treatment or advice.
The Pennsylvania Commonwealth Fund 2002 report states that Hispanics are less involved in their health care than they would like, Hispanics find it harder to understand instructions from their doctors and do not fully understand their treatment plans. Hispanics also had more communication problems with their doctors and less satisfaction with their quality of health care.

Given the increasing growth of the Hispanic population in the United States, it is imperative that the American health system continue to develop cultural competence policies that address attitudes, knowledge and skills about cross-cultural education .

Hispanics are regional and sub-group dominant with their own cultural peculiarities that health policies should include. Hispanics have demographic trends, historical traditions, traditional medicine knowledge, fundamental values and beliefs, legal status , language/communication needs that must be addressed.
Previous research by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has shown that Hispanics are about twice as likely as non-Hispanic blacks and three times as likely as non-Hispanic whites to lack a regular health care provider. Hispanics are a diverse community, and the 2007 Latino Health Survey explores not only their access to health care, but also their sources of health information and their knowledge about diabetes at greater depth than any national survey done to date by another research organization or the federal government.
The survey finds that among Hispanic adults, the groups least likely to have a usual health care provider are men, the young, the less educated and those with no health insurance. A similar demographic pattern applies to the non-Hispanic adult population that lacks a regular health care provider.
Four-in-ten (41%) non-citizen, non-legal permanent resident Hispanic adults state, that their usual provider is a community clinic or health center. Some 15% of Latino adults who are neither citizens nor legal permanent residents report that they use private doctors, hospital outpatient facilities, or health maintenance organizations when they are sick or need advice about their health.
An additional 6% of Latino adults who are neither citizens nor legal permanent residents report that they usually go to an emergency room when they are sick or need advice about their health .
Some 37% of Latino adults who are neither citizens nor legal permanent residents have no usual health care provider. More than one-fourth (28%) of the people in this group indicate that financial limitations prevent them from having a usual provider 17% report that their lack of insurance is the primary reason, while 12% cite high medical costs in general. This is where nurse managed centers and free community clinics could play a crucial role in the delivery of diabetic preventative care.
Nurse managed centers working collaboratively with physicians, clinical nurse specialists and other healthcare providers provide health care for the uninsured. Federal and state funding along with corporate grants, assist in providing primary, non emergent-care services that vary according to the healthcare needs of the communities served (Fox Rose, 2009).
Among those treated are people of low income who cannot afford health insurance, the underinsured, homeless people and those who have immigrated to the U.S. without financial resources or English skills. The promotion of disease prevention and wellness are universal clinic goals, as health teaching is central to care delivery systems (Joan Fox Rose, 2009).
In response to this problem, hundreds of communities across the country have found solutions by developing and supporting free clinics. The Free Clinic in Doylestown is an example of a successful clinic. Peggy Dator MSW is the Executive Director and founder of the clinic. Ms. Dator stated that this clinic was one of the first free clinics in Pennsylvania. It was founded in 1994 by local nurse practitioners and a local community hospital, to meet the medical needs of low income uninsured and underinsured, adults and children residing in the central Bucks County community. The Free Clinic of Doylestown provides free medical care to adults and children. Ms. Dator is the only paid full time staff and there are five nurse practitioners who volunteer in the clinic and two of which provide free care in their offices upon referral. Annually they serve 1,000 adults and children. To date they have served over 7,300 individuals and have provided almost 30,000 patients visits in their free clinic program.

Another example of a free clinic is the Diabetes Drive-Thru. This may conjure up images of fast-food indulgences and insulin overload, but the blood-sugar screening program at Kings Daughters Hospital in Temple, Texas, actually serves up something sweeter. In about five minutes, customers drive through three nurse-staffed stations and receive free tests, results, and information without leaving their cars (Nursing Spectrum Staff, 2009). Nurse-managed health centers have been the catalyst. They proved they're effective, that they provide high-quality care. Over the past two years there's been a lot of political support that recognized the importance that providers such as nurses can help strengthen the safety net. Funding is crucial for a successful clinic. Federal funding is limited however there is donations grants and philanthropy .

The Independence Foundation, a Center City-based nonprofit philanthropic organization founded in 1932 by steelmaker William H. Donner, has invested millions of dollars in twelve areas nurse-managed health centers (George, 2009). We are proud of our support of this innovative model of care, but our support is not enough to sustain these centers, said Susan E. Sherman, the foundations president, speaking at an American Academy of nursing media briefing earlier this year. We need federal funding to bolster the private sector (George, 2009).
Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell spoke in favor of nurse-managed health centers, a component of his state health-care reform plan, at the same briefing. Greater nurse practitioner involvement in chronic care and rapid response is the inoculation we need to prevent rising health-care costs and ensure greater access to health care, Rendell said (George, 2009 ).
Generally free clinics focus on filing gaps in local services instead of attempting to provide comprehensive care so as to conserve their resources on unmet needs.
Pennsylvania free clinics care for an average of 1,128 patients annually, of which 530 are new patients. Annually, Pennsylvania clinics provide an average of 2,175 medical visits and 339 dental visits. The mean operating budgets of free clinics are $287,810 with a mean for Pennsylvania clinics of 223,868 and a median of 96,000. Only 69 % of Pennsylvania free clinics have any paid staff, and of those that have paid staff, 55 % have any full time paid staff and 48% have part time paid staff. Ms. Daton stated that 55 % of the funding came from individuals and their annual special events with the rest from foundation grants. They typically received only a small amount from local and state government sources and they receive a onetime grant from the federal government to reconstruct space for the clinic.
Another unique feature of free clinics is that free clinics tend to be highly collaborative with other organizations. Most free clinics have some arrangement with local hospitals to provide free or low cost outpatient testing. Most work with the pharmaceutical companies to obtain free medications. Most collaborate with other community agencies to maximize access to services. The Free Clinic of Doylestown, for example, shares space with the Lower Bucks YWCA to provide medical services at a low-income apartment complex.

Nurse managed centers of primary health care have emerged as one of the newest innovative models. With Managed care systems and state level reforms being introduced in an attempt to control health care costs, the nursing profession has increasing opportunities to demonstrate, the ability to contribute in the area of health care access, quality and cost effectiveness . This project will provide quality comprehensive diabetic health serviced to all people served with special attention to the uninsured Hispanic community of Allentown, Pennsylvania.

There are faxes for this order.

Using on-line resources to conduct an research and an analysis of an industry sector of the economy using NAICS code (small retail grocery stores) regarding employment, the economy, compensation and benefits.
Assume you are an executive for a specific business within the sector you are examining (Ukrop's Super Markets, Richmond, VA - Rank in Fortune 500 is 71, locate at http://www.ukrops.com) Identify the NAICS code for this organization, and use NAICS as a basis for the analytical framework of research.
Provide a data-based information about employment and compensation in this industry. You can provide data about the sector at the county, state, or national level as a basis of comparison. You can use a temporal comparison within segments (eg. changes in employment/compensation over time as well as in comparison to other sectors) Provide how many establishments are in sector, what the average payroll in the sector, how many employees on average in sector, what kind of benefits are provided in sector, compare and contrast sector to other sectors of interest. Please incorporate chart/graphs into the paper.
Use www.census.gov - www.bls.gov - http://factfinder.census.gov - www.census.gov/epcd/www/naics.html

Population paper

subject Hispanic immigration and birthrate in the united states

Topic: Trend/Analysis from 1700s to current/present of migration... Hispanic migration to United states and the effect of their birthrate on the US population. some side info that can be included...(population size and charactists)(fertility rates) background characteristics of the us, evaluation of the immigration laws and how opening and closing the immigrations laws has an effect on the total us population each time the laws change. basic facts on population size, growth and distribution, birth rate migration patterns and major population trends. age and sex structure, recentl population policies and impact oo the policies upon the economy and social structure.

the info can come from......
Extra requirements: the sources must be from trade journals, or goverment sites such as US Breau of Census, United Nations "demographic yearbook" Population reference breau "population bulletin" and Populoation data sheet", Statiustical yearbooks "statistical abstracts of US", Book on the country or periodicals and journals such as "population index" "population and development review" "population studies" "demography" "international migration review"
Newspaper articles are not allowed in the paper

text book the class uses is called population and introduction to concepts and issues eighth edition by john r weeks.

Discuss in specific detail the implications of multicultural education and the need for multicultural education in todays society, and how the United States has become a complex ethnic mosaic. You have to make reference to the data presented for the trend in the RAND Report on A complex Ehnic Mosaic. You must also augment that data with information from other resources. You must use at least 6 additional research articles, from scholarlyl publications, to support your points. You can also use the US Census Bureau, the Bureau of Labor Statistics or the National Center for Education Statistics. This paper will be run through a plagerismn detection device. No Plagerismn allowed!!! Please follow A.P.A style strictly!!!!

Choose a consumer product or service that is on the market today, but is declining in appeal to consumers. This product should be marked for ?obsolesces.?

Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:

1.Discuss this product or service in terms of its current target market demographics using U.S. Census Data.
2.Determine why you believe the product or service is declining in popularity. Be sure to include information on social, demographic, and ethnic markets; economic and technological factors; political and legal factors; and competitive factors.
3.Make three (3) recommendations for possible action marketers of the product or service you selected could take to address the product?s declining appeal to consumers.
4.Determine the best foreign country in which to market this product or service. Support your response with information from the CIA world factbook.
5.Discuss your product segmentation and positioning ideas for this product or service in its debut in the new country.
6.Use at least two (2) quality references

The product development team at Armed Forces Credit Union is wondering if there is a correlation between retail online sales and total retail sales. Calculate the correlation between online and total retail sales from the PDF linked below and interpret the results. Give 2 examples of correlation that are evaluated in a business environment, and discuss the decision made by evaluating the correlation.

Click here for the PDF of the 2009 Quarter 4 e-commerce sales report from the United States Department of Commerce Census Bureau (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010).


U.S. Census Bureau news. (2010, February 16). Retrieved March 16, 2010, from the Census Bureau Web site: http://www.census.gov/retail/mrts/www/data/pdf/09Q4.pdf

Assignment Guidelines:

Using the PDF linked above, use the information provided to calculate the correlation coefficient of retail e-commerce sales and total retail sales.
Be sure to show all work for each step.
In 1,000??"1,250 words, address the following:
What does your calculation show about online sales and total retail sales?
Give 2 examples of correlation that are evaluated in a business environment, and discuss the decision made by evaluating the correlation.
Add your calculation and work to the Word document.

This is going to be a somewhat of a persuasive paper.
Here is an outline:
A. Introduction - - establish our argument and clarify that it is important -general thesis
B. State our Case - tell the story behind our argument - give background information
C. Proposal statement - bulk of the body of the paper - give specifics and facts to support proposal (PROS)
D. Refute the statement - expose faulty reasoning behind any possible arguments that might be against the proposal (possible CONS answered)
E. Digress a little - use appealing reasons or description using emotional or ethical appeal to add weight to accepting the proposal
F. Conclusion - finish with strong conviction, review the main points of the argument or incite action for our proposal

Here are a few resources:
Ash, M. & Badgett, M.V. (2006). Separate and Unequal: The Effect of Unequal Access to Employment Based Health Insurance on Same-Sex and Unmarried Sex Couples. Retrieved November 22, 2006 from EBSCO database.

Human Rights Campaign. (2006). Domestic Partner Benefits. Retrieved November 20, 2006 from http:www.hrc.org/workplace/dbpsearch

New York State United Teachers. (2006). Retrieved November 25, 2006 from http:www.nysut.org

So far this is what we have:

Domestic Partner Benefits
Domestic partner benefits are fringe benefits, such as health insurance coverage, family sick leave, and bereavement leave that are provided to employees with a domestic partner, according to the New York State United Teachers . For most individuals in the United States access to health insurance is derived from ones own family or a family members employment. Since most health insurance coverage is employment-based and is offered to spouses of the employees, unmarried couples and same-sex couples are denied the benefits of this coverage. What value does offering these benefits have to organizations? In this paper we will analyze and provide proof that adding these benefits would not substantially impact organizations financially, and we will show that providing these benefits would be a valuable tool to retain employees and attract employees. Organizations must take a conscious effort to address the diversities of their employees and force change within their organizations. If organizations can embrace and support these diversities within their organization and realize the minimal financial impact of offering these benefits, the potentials for success in their employees and organization are unlimited.
The 2000 census data found that there are 5.5 million couples who were living together in the United States but were not married, an increase of 72% from the 1990 census data. According to the census, These unmarried-partner households were self-identified on the census form as being maintained by people who were sharing living quarters and who also had a close personal relationship with each other. Of these 5.5 million unmarried-partner households, 4.9 million had partners of the opposite sex and nearly 600,000 had partners of the same sex. (NYSUT) Employers health insurance coverage for legal spouses places unmarried couples at a disadvantage for obtaining coverage. Employees are now seeing where the benefit of health insurance and other fringe benefits are considered a bigger part of their compensation package. According to the Human Rights Campaign, wages and salaries now hold just 81 percent of employers total compensation costs, compared to 95 percent in 1950. As the cost of health insurance continues to rise, benefits are a matter of increasing importance to employees and their families. These statistics confirm the need and desire for domestic partner benefits. Meanwhile, the costs of adding domestic partners to the employers overall benefit package have proven minimal to the employer. A 2005 Hewitt Associates study revealed that the majority of employers experience a total benefits cost increase of less than one percent. (Human Rights Campaign)

thank you

There are faxes for this order.

Assessment and Diagnosis

This paper is expected to be no more than four pages in length (not including the title page and reference list). Typical papers are usually three pages. Below are the requirements for successful completion of this paper.
? Introduction: This should catch the reader?s attention with interesting facts and supporting sources and include the purpose statement of the paper. This should be no more than one or two paragraphs.
? Community: Identify the community you will be using for this paper and provide a brief description of the community. Your community should be the area you live in or work. This should be one or two paragraphs.
? Demographic and epidemiological data: Compile a range of demographic and epidemiological data for your community by examining census reports, vital statistic reports, city records, and other agency sources. Using this data, describe your community and the problem. Compare your community data to state or national data. This comparison will help to identify a community health problem specific to your community. A summary of this data should be no more than one page.
? Windshield survey: Provide a brief summary of the findings from your first assignment. Make sure the elements included link to your identified problem. This should be no more than one or two paragraphs. Community Windshield Survey
(North Las Vegas is located in Clark County, Nevada with a population of 219,020 per the 2010 U.S Census Bureau. Since 2000 the city has experienced an increased population. The city is widening Hwy 15 to help with the increased commuters. According to the U.S Census Bureau North Las Vegas statistical data are as follow: Whites 47.4%, Blacks 19.9%, Hispanic 38.8%, Asian 6.3%, and others 5.%. The median household income is $57, 425 and 60.6% are homeowners, and 20.6% are renters. The median house price is $199,300 per the census bureau.
Most of the homes are built in 2001 and newer and are in good conditions. Most are in a gated community with an HOA regulating the subdivisions. The landscapes are well maintained with no garbage visually outside the homes. There is city specific garbage and recycle containers that are provide by the City of North Las Vegas. There are no outrageous or bright house colors. Most have an earth tones color scheme in the community. The city has a civic center, different small police precincts, fire stations, and a government building. The community has three Target retail stores within a five mile radius from each other. There are about four different grocery stores to choose from and a super Wal-Mart. There are different drugs stores within walking distance from each other. The all provide employment and resources for the community. Target donates ten percent of its profit back to the community.
The community is like an egg with the commercial building comprised of the egg white and the yolk is the residential area. There is public transportation, such as the city bus that runs every thirty minutes, and a bus just for handicaps and the elder population. There are a lot of various healthcare options available throughout the community. There are more Veterinarian clinics than primary care physicians. There are parks in a lot of the subdivisions in the community and the city has numerous parks to encourage fitness. There are bicycle lanes and sidewalks in the community. People are out jogging, walking, strolling around with their children in a stroller. People are into fitness in North Las Vegas. There are multiple fitness centers within close distance from each other and a newly built YMCA in the community. There are casinos and slot machines in Wal-Mart, the grocery stores, and the gas stations. This promotes gambling and financial ruin for families. There is a trend of stay at home parent in the community. This could be due to the Air force base that is close by. There are different fast-food chains to chose from and dining in restaurants within the community. People are not allowed to sell food on the street, but I have notice after the sun goes down there are people selling food in the gas station parking lots, especially on the weekends. This could cause an outbreak of food borne illness, because the health department is not around to monitor the sanitary condition of the food and workers.

The City of North Las Vegas is doing a lot for the community by offering free wellness check up each month and provides a month activity magazine for all the residents. The community is well maintained and the streets are in good conditions with street lights well lit. There are no run down abandoned buildings within the community. This community is self sufficient with all the stores, restaurants, fitness centers, parks, banks, churches, medical facilities all with reasonable reach to the residents.


North Las Vegas (City) Quickfacts from the U.S Census Bureau. Retrieved on May 15, 2013 from www.quickfacts.census.gov
City of North Las Vegas. Retrieved on May 15, 2013 from www.cityofnorthlasvegas.com)

? Problem: Using the assessment data, identify the problem that you consider to be a priority concern. Provide a rationale for your choice and relate your choice to one of the Healthy People 2020 objectives. Healthy People objectives are located within a topic area. Your rationale should also include why this is specifically a problem in your community. This should be no more than two to three paragraphs.
? Historical significance: Address the historical significance of the problem. Consider the trends in the problem over time and any significant events that may have had an impact on the problem. This information should be no more than two to three paragraphs.
? Summary: The summary paragraph of your paper should include a statement about the problem, the population at risk for this problem, and the major direct or indirect factors that contribute to this problem. This information should be no more than one or two paragraphs.
? Professional articles: Include at least two scholarly sources related to your problem.
? References: Should include all cited references within the paper.
? Application: Use Microsoft Word 2010? to create this assignment.
? Length: This paper is expected to be no more than 4 pages in length (not including the title page and reference list). Typical papers are usually 3 pages.
The following are best practices in preparing this project.
? Complete the demographic, epidemiologic, and windshield survey prior to choosing a problem to focus on.
? Choose a problem specific to your community.
? Make sure all elements of the paper are included.
? Review directions thoroughly.
? Cite all sources within the paper as well as on the Reference page.
? Proofread prior to final submission.
? Check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.

he aim of this assignment is to assess how the operations of a company might change when the demographic make-up of regions surrounding its operating locations change.

Instructor Comments Top

An important source of information for analysts of corporate behavior is census data. Statistics Canada and the U.S. Census Bureau host demographic data for their respective countries and make it available in many useful ways. In both cases, online researchers can access demographic profiles of towns, cities, counties, provinces and states in a matter of seconds. This is relevant for a course in change management as the demographic makeup of a region or locale can differ dramatically in different regions of the continent. Changes to the demography of a companys operating locations can dramatically alter how it does business. The challenges of operating a business differ when the surrounding population is predominantly French as opposed to English or any other language. It also differs when much of the population is comprised of 1st generation immigrants as opposed to individuals families that have lived in a region for decades. Different demographic make ups of surround environments affect how a company sells, what is sells, who it hires, how it hires and why it hires. This assignment is about exploring how a change in office location might alter how a company does business.

Assignment Top

You should base your responses to the following questions on the insight found on the following websites.

Federal Express http://www.fedex.com.

Statistics Canada http://www.statcan.gc.ca.

U.S. Census Bureau http://http://www.census.gov.

In this situation, Federal Express has decided to open three new offices. One is in St. Johns Newfoundland, a second is in Miami, Florida, while a third office is in Surrey British Columbia. Please assume that they currently do not have operations in those cities. When using the Statistics Canada website, under the Find Statistics heading, click on Community Profiles. When using the U.S. Census Bureau website, under Data Finder, look at Population Finder.

Please answer the following questions:

Please examine the demographic make-up of these three communities. What are the important ways that they differ?

How much bigger or smaller would Fedexs operations need to be to serve the local markets of Miami and Surrey? How did you arrive at your estimate?

Based on the demographic data, how might Fedexs workforce differ in Surrey and Miami from that in St. John's?

What might Fedex do differently to serve each of these three markets? In other words, how might it slightly customize service to respond to each of these markets?

So what?

Please limit your response to this assignment to three single spaced, typed pages. Please cite your sources in the text and please reference them at the end of your assignment. Please end your write-up with one paragraph that summarizes what you think is the importance of this assignment.
Customer is requesting that (johnfitz44) completes this order.

You should base your responses to the following questions on the insight found on the following websites.

-Federal Express http://www.fedex.com.

-Statistics Canada http://www.statcan.gc.ca.

-U.S. Census Bureau http://http://www.census.gov.

In this situation, Federal Express has decided to open three new offices. One is in St. Johns Newfoundland, a second is in Miami, Florida, while a third office is in Surrey British Columbia. Please assume that they currently do not have operations in those cities. When using the Statistics Canada website, under the Find Statistics heading, click on Community Profiles. When using the U.S. Census Bureau website, under Data Finder, look at Population Finder.

Please answer the following questions:

-Please examine the demographic make-up of these three communities. What are the important ways that they differ?

-How much bigger or smaller would Fedexs operations need to be to serve the local markets of Miami and Surrey? How did you arrive at your estimate?

-Based on the demographic data, how might Fedexs workforce differ in Surrey and Miami from that in St. John's?

-What might Fedex do differently to serve each of these three markets? In other words, how might it slightly customize service to respond to each of these markets?

-So what?

Please cite your sources in the text and please reference them at the end of your assignment. Please end your write-up with one paragraph that summarizes what you think is the importance of this assignment.

An important source of information for analysts of corporate behavior is census data. Statistics Canada and the U.S. Census Bureau host demographic data for their respective countries and make it available in many useful ways. In both cases, online researchers can access demographic profiles of towns, cities, counties, provinces and states in a matter of seconds. This is relevant for a course in change management as the demographic makeup of a region or locale can differ dramatically in different regions of the continent. Changes to the demography of a companys operating locations can dramatically alter how it does business. The challenges of operating a business differ when the surrounding population is predominantly French as opposed to English or any other language. It also differs when much of the population is comprised of 1st generation immigrants as opposed to individuals families that have lived in a region for decades. Different demographic make ups of surround environments affect how a company sells, what is sells, who it hires, how it hires and why it hires. This assignment is about exploring how a change in office location might alter how a company does business


Scholarly paper should include the following components:

Purpose statement is focused on the number of families who are living in poverty today. This study will address the key concepts such as, escalation of poverty in children and families; children face tremendous life challenges; poverty can negatively impact a child's mental and physical health; and poverty has both direct and indirect impact on children. This study will also target specific areas to examine; homelessness and its implications and residential instability.

Based on the problem statement: The US Census Bureau (2010) reported that, for the three consecutive years, the number of people living in poverty has been increasing and reached 46.2 million or 15% of the total population. Overall poverty rate for all US families went up from 9.8% in 2007 to 11.7% in 2010 (Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, 2012).

This paper should also include the following components: Purpose statement based on the problem statement should note no more than 350-400 words.

1. demonstrate how the scholarly resources in the literature review
relate to and are relevant to the purpose statement
2. demonstrate how the scholarly resources in the literature review fulfill the purpose statement by offering different perspectives and insights to the purpose identified
3. demonstrate how the scholarly resources in the literature review are similar to or different from one another
4. demonstrate how the scholarly resources in the literature review create a solid, evidence-based argument to support the purpose of the study
5. demonstrate how the scholarly resources in the literature review have implications for social change
6. demonstrate how the scholarly resources in the literature review stimulate new questions for future research
7. demonstrate how scholarly resources in the literature review offer resources included in the reference list that I can study

The literature review should include one seminal classic professional journal article written at least ten years ago and by an important scholar in the early childhood field; three current articles written within the past five years from primary sources published in professional peer reviewed journals; one secondary source or article related to, "Rising Poverty in the Nation's Young Families," one internet source related to "Helping Hands"

a) include a list of five professionals that I would be fortunate to collaborate with to learn from professionally

b) Brief summary of each person in the early childhood field who's focus is on, young families/ children; poverty; homelessness; education disparity

c) What can these five professionals bring to a doctorial project

Planning and Start-Up of a

A business and location has already been chosen for me. The type of business will be an indoor baseball and softball training facility. If you go to cite www.extrainnings-margate.com that is the type of facility I have to use. The business also will have to be located in New York State in Suffolk County. I checked and got a little information. It is listed under the Fitness and Recreational Sports Center and its numeric code - NAICS is 713940.
The book we are using in called Successful Business Planning for Entrepreneurs by Jerry W. Moorman & James W. Halloran. A Thomson/Southwestern publication. (if you can't find this book I don't think its a big deal just follow any business planning procedure. They all seem basically the same)

This plan has to be done in two parts because they have to be handed in that way. I would appreciate if you could follow this procedure.

The Business Plan will be submitted in two parts. Part I is DUE mid-semester. Part II is DUE end of semester

A business plan serves as a manual to help the entrepreneur during the planning and start-up phases of the new business.

Each chapter in the text concludes with a "Build Your Business Plan" project. It would be prudent for you to keep up with these projects to prepare you for your final plan. Try this Wall Street Journal site to get ideas: http://online.wsj.com/small-business

At his page you can find links to many other helpful sites.

In the "Real World" a good business plan typically takes several weeks to complete. For the purpose of this course your report should be a minimum of 5 pages, (excluding Cover Sheet, Statement of Purpose, Table of Content and Appendices) SINGLE SPACED. If prepared properly, you should have invested approximately 15 hours (YES, ............I did say 15 hours!) to complete your plan.

The value of this activity lies in the process of researching and thinking about your business in a systematic way.

IMPORTANT *********

****** The Business Plan template you MUST follow can be downloaded from WWW.SCORE.ORG. Click Business Toolbox>click Templates>click Business Plan. This template contains more than 150 questions divided into several sections summarized below. Work through the sections in any order you like, except for the Executive Summary, which should be done last ( BECAUSE IT'S A SUMMARY OF THE WHOLE PLAN). Skip any questions that don't apply to your type of business. When you're finished writing the first draft, you'll have a collection of small essays on the various topics of your business plan. You should modify this generic model to suit your particular business.

All of the following are to be included in your final plan. I will use this as a checklist for grading your plan.

Cover Sheet
Statement of Purpose******** See below since this is not covered in the SCORE template
Table of Contents
Executive Summary (1 page, 350-500 words) Include topics covered in Part I
General Company Description: What business will you be in? In addition to the template include Type/Form of Ownership(chap.4) and state why you chose this form, a formal Mission Statement, Goals(targets)/Objectives, Business Philosophy, Strengths and Core Competencies,Concept History and Summary of Experience (p.29)
Products and Services: In depth description of products/services, competitive advantages or disadvantages, pricing structure of product
PART I of your Plan (all of the above) is due mid-semester. It is worth 35% of the Plan's grade. Submit Part I in this document.

PART II of your Plan (below) is due at the end of the semester. It is worth 65% of the Plan's'grade.

Marketing Plan: Research, Economics, Size, Demand, Industry Trends, Growth, Barriers to Entry, Competition, Your "Niche", Customer Profile/Demographics (age, gender, location, social class, education, etc.) and other components in the SCORE template. Give source of data in your plan ex. U.S. Census 2000.
Operational Plan: Production, Chapter 8 (Location, Access, Zoning, Space needed,) Legalities ( Insurance, Permits, Regulations, Licenses) Personnel (# of employees, skills, pay, training, responsibilities, job descriptions), Suppliers
Management and Organization: In addition to the template include an Organizational Chart
Start-up Expenses and Capitalization --Detail your expenses in narrative or list format with dollar amounts.There's no need to prepare financial statements. Just be sure you've thought through your start-up and ongoing expenses and indicate them in this section. If you have a resume, include it here.
Appendices: Pictures, Specs., Floor plans, Advertising Copy, Location Map, or anything else you believe will aid the reader in understanding the potential of your business proposal.

This is a brief statement of the plan's objective. In other words, why have you prepared this plan?

--If it's going to be used as an operating guide, your statement might be "This plan will be an operating and policy guide of ABC Company."

--If you're going to need to borrow money to get the business started, then this would be a financing proposal (most of you will probably need to borrow funds) and the following questions should be addressed:

How much money is needed?
What will the money be used for?
How will the funds benefit the business?
Why does this loan or investment make business sense?
How will the funds be repaid?
PLEASE NOTE: The Marketing Plan is a very important component of the Business Plan. It's worth 30% of the plan's grade. It's in this section that you can "dazzle me" with your research!

Every industry has a name and a numeric code. The two codes that are used are: North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). Once you know your industry's code you can find a wealth of information about the industry your business is in.

The SCORE website, Trade Associations for your industry and government websites like www.census.gov/epcd/naics02 will also have numerous links for your industry and marketing research. Be sure to state the source of your research data when you write your plan.

www.bplans.com and www.PowerHomeBiz.com are other websites that will be helpful to you. At the bplans sit you can find 60 free sample plans sorted by type of business. The SCORE site gives you the required template(format) to use. www.bplans.com has actual plans which may give you a good idea of what a real plan looks like.

FORMAT: Your format (from SCORE) should be easy for the reader to follow. Since "time is money" in business, the reader (investor, banker etc.) should be able to get the gist of your plan from a well written Executive Summary and good formatting. For example, consider the section "General Company Description" - it has several sub-categories and should be formatted as follows:

General Company Description

The XYZ company will be engaged in the home improvement industry specializing kitchens and bathrooms. XXXXXXXXx

Mission Statement: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Company Goals and Objectives: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Business Philosophy: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Industry: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Strengths and Core Competencies:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Form of Ownership: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Using this type of format with major and sub-categories makes it easy for the reader to find the information he/she is particularly interested in.

Part II
MARKETING PLAN: Research what pertains to your business including: Economics, size, demand, industry trends, NAICS Code, Growth, Barriers to Entry, Competition, Your "Niche", Customer Profile/Demographics (age, gender, location, social class, education, etc.) and other components in the SCORE template. Give source of data in your plan. Ex. U.S. Census 2000.

OPERATIONAL PLAN: Production, Location, Access, Zoning, Space needed, legalities (insurance, permits, regulations, licenses) Personnel (# of employees, skills, pay, training, rsponsibilities, job descriptions), suppliers.

MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION: In addition to the template include an Organizational Chart

START-UP EXPENSES ADN CAPITALIZATION - Detail your expenses in narrative or list format. There's no need to prepare financial statements. Just be sure you've thought through your start-up and ongoing expenses and indicate them in this section. If you have a resume, include it here.

APPENDICES: Pictures, Specs., Floor plans, Advertising Copy, Location Map, or anything else you believe will aid the reader in understanding the potential of your business proposal.


A business plan serves as a manual to help the entrepreneur during the planning and start-up phases of the new business.

This web page is a very good starting point for research: http://mesastate.edu/~jmoorman/. At this page you can find links to many other helpful sites.

The Business Plan template you MUST follow can be downloaded from WWW.SCORE.ORG. Click Business Toolbox>click Templates>click Business Plan. This template contains more than 150 questions divided into several sections summarized below. Work through the secions in any order you like, except for the Executive Summary, which sould be done last (BECAUSE ITS A SUMMARY OF THE WHOLE PLAN). Skip any questions that don't apply to your type of business. When you're finished you should modify this model to suit your particular business.


Every industry has a name and a numeric code.. The two codes that are used are: North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) and Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). Once you know your industry's code you can find a wealth of information about the industry your business is in.

The SCORE website, Trade Associations for your industry and government websites like www.census.gov/epcd/naics02 will also have numerous links for your industry and marketing research. Be sure to state the source of your research data when you write your plan.

www.bplans.com and www.PowerHomeBiz.com are other websites that will be helpful to you. At the bplans site you can find 60 free sample plans sorted by type of business. The
SCORE site gives you (the required template format)to use. www.bplans.com has actual plans which may give you a good idea of what a real plan looks like.


The purpose of this paper is to provide an opportunity to utilize community assessment strategies, uncover a community health problem and identify the components of the problem related to the community dynamics.

Older Adult is my choice for this topic, can be for the whole U.S. Census but focus on Florida.

******This paper is expected to be no more than five pages in length (not including the title page and reference list).
******Paper needs to include:
? INTRODUCTION: This should catch the reader?s attention with interesting facts and supporting sources and includes the purpose statement of the paper. This should be no more than one or two paragraphs.

? COMMUNITY: Identify the community you will be using for this paper and provide a brief description of the community. Your community should be the area you live in or work. This should be one or two paragraphs. ( Ft. Walton Beach, Florida, or Okaloosa County, Florida)

? DEMOGRAPHIC and EPIDEMIOLOGICAL DATA: Compile a range of demographic and epidemiological data for your community by examining census reports, vital statistic reports, city records, and other agency sources. Using this data, describe your community and the problem. Compare your community data to state or national data. This comparison will help to identify a community health problem specific to your community. A summary of this data should be no more than one page. ( OKALOOSA COUNTY, FLORIDA).

?****WINSHIELD SURVEY: Assess your community by doing an informal windshield survey: Drive through the area and identify types of housing, schools, churches, health care providers, and environmental or safety hazards. Provide a summary of your findings. The information gathered during the windshield survey should link to your identified problem. A summary of this information should be no more than one page.

(There are residential communities, gated communities, high schools, elementary schools, all kinds of churches, Methodist, Catholic, Episcopal, Babtist, Environmental hazards would be hurricanes during hurricane season, safety hazards would be lack of road access during tourists season, high traffic and traffic jams. Public transportation includes cab service and a shuttle bus in and around town that has a set route, there are skilled nursing facilities and nursing homes as well as rehab centers).

?**** PROBLEM: Using the assessment data, identify the problem that you consider to be a priority concern. Provide rational for your choice and relate your choice to one of the Healthy People 2020 objectives. Healthy People objectives are located within a topic area. Your rationale should also include why this is specifically a problem in your community. This should be no more than one or two paragraphs. (Older Adult)

?**** HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Address the historical significance of the problem. Consider the trends in the problem over time and any significant events that may have had an impact on the problem. This information should be no more than one page.

?**** SUMMARY: The summary paragraph of your paper should include a statement about the problem, the population at risk for this problem and the major direct or indirect factors that contribute to this problem. This information should be no more than one or two paragraphs.

?**** PROFESSIONAL ARTICLES: Include at least two scholarly sources related to your problem.

?**** REFERENCE PAGE: Should include all cited references within the paper.

Go to a local store that sells store brands or off-brand consumer products. Choose any off-brand consumer product that you want to reposition into a national brand. To qualify as a product for this assignment, the consumer product should not be currently represented by an advertising campaign. (A quick Google search, as well as the absence of ads for the product in your daily life, is one way that you can verify a products lack of an associated major advertising campaign). For this assignment, you will be creating an advertising campaign to launch this off-brand product to national prominence. Determine whether you wish to mimic an existing advertising campaign or whether you wish to create a completely unique campaign altogether to launch the selected product.
Go to the following pages of the United States Census Bureaus Website and locate information regarding the market segment that the selected product is geared toward:

American Fact Finder: http://factfinder2.census.gov/faces/nav/jsf/pages/searchresults.xhtml?refresh=t
2012 National Population Projections: Summary Tables: http://www.census.gov/population/projections/data/national/2012/summarytables.html
Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

Briefly (one [1] paragraph) describe:
whether the product is a low, medium, or high involvement product.
the perceived quality signals for the product (e.g.: price, advertising intensity, warranties).
whether you are mimicking an existing campaign or building your own and the reason for your choice.
Provide statistical data from the U.S. Census on the size of the market segment to which the advertisement will be geared toward. Using the summary tables, determine if this market segment has grown over the past ten (10) years, and project if it will continue to grow within the next ten (10) years. Analyze three (3) factors affecting this market segment, as well as how these factors are changing the segments purchasing behavior for this product.
Determine which reference groups influence this market segment. Strategize which diffusion rate is most appropriate for this product to move it into national prominence. Determine diffusion determinants and diffusion inhibitors for this product using Table 7-3 in Chapter 7. Recommend a diffusion enhancement strategy that incorporates reference groups for this product.
Develop characteristics of the product that you want to promote in your advertising campaign using Table 10-2 in Chapter 10.
Determine which dimension best suits the selected product, and build a promotion-focused or prevention-focused campaign.
Determine whether the selected product will have a high or low involvement learning need. Develop a strategy for consumers to rediscover the selected product, using Table 9-1 in Chapter 9 as a guide.
Map out the impact of lifestyle on consumer behavior, using Figure 12-2 in Chapter 12 to assist you. Determine if there will be an increase or decrease in purchases or consumption. Evaluate how these factors affect consumption.
Evaluate your campaign for the selected product and its effect on problem recognition.
Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.
Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:

Formulate marketing strategy and actions that influence the consumer decision process for targeted market segments and foster customer satisfaction.
Analyze key social and external factors to determine the impact on consumer behavior and the changes needed in marketing strategy.
Apply the concepts of perception, learning, and memory theories to develop an integrated marketing strategy that influences consumer behavior.
Apply the concepts of motivation, personality, and emotion to analyze consumer behavior and develop a responsive marketing strategy.
Integrate consumer psychographics, situational factors, and purchase involvement into the design of marketing strategy.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in consumer behavior.
Write clearly and concisely about consumer behavior using proper writing mechanics.

Race and Labor Force in

Find a job that you think you wnat to pursue after college (accountant) Lokk at the occupations and census report (will be faxed) and analyze the following: What percentage of those with that job are white, African American, American Indian, Asian American? What about Hispanic ehtnicity? How does gender factor into the percentage?

Now, choose one job from the "Service Ocupation" (Waiter and Waitress)(FAxed) and one from the "Operators, Fabricators, and LAborers"(Painters and PAint Spraying)(FAxed) Compare and contrast the racial/ethnic and gender percentages with those of the accountant. Analyze your findings in light of the readings (3 articles that will be faxed ) on race/ethnicity. Use only the faxed articles!!!

"We'd Love to Hire Them, But..." by Kirschenman and Neckerman

"There's No Shame in My GAme": Status and Stigma among HArlem's Working Poor by Newman and Ellis

"Hispanics in the American South and the Transformation of the Poultry Industry" by KAndel and Parrado

There are faxes for this order.

There have been several mergers of large firms within oligopolies. In this assignment, you are to assess the impact of those mergers, on industry, on consumers and on society as a whole. There are three parts to the assignment.
First, you are to go to the Federal Trade Commissions website at http://www.ftc.gov/bc/index.shtml and select one proposed merger for your paper. Then, in a group discussion board, present a complete description of the industry.
Second, in another group discussion board, present two arguments: One in support of the merger and the other opposing the merger.
Finally, write a 5-8 page paper that contains the industry description, and the two arguments.
Set-up a group discussion board and post the following information.
Part 1) Industry Description:

Describe the firms in the proposed merger. List their annual sales, and extent of their operations.
From the firms' point of view, what are some of the incentives to consolidate?
List and describe the firms in the industry.
Describe the product, production methods, scale of production, and sources for raw materials. What technologies are used?
Describe the competitive environment within the industry. Is there a dominant firm? Are the other firms follow or actively compete? How do they compete? (For example, by using price, advertising, quality or some other variable.)
Report and interpret the 4 firm concentration ratio, the 8 firm concentration ratio and the Herfindahl Herschler Index for the industry.
Part 2) Two Arguments:
In a separate group discussion board, present two arguments. The first should argue in favor of the proposed merger, from the perspective of the firms. The second agrues against the proposed merger from the perspective of the broader public interest. In those arguments, answer the following questions.
Explain the importance of competition among firms.
Explain whether the competitive environment in this industry benefits society or not.
Is a high degree of market concentration a boon or threat to consumers? Explain. Use either the allocative efficiency or dynamic efficiency arguments.
Can the oligopoly market structure benefit both consumers and businesses by forging common standards in industries that experience rapid technological change?
Part 3) Written Report:

Concentration ratios and descriptive statistics for various industries are available at the Census Bureaus economic census web site: http://www.census.gov/epcd/www/concentration.html .

The purpose of this order is for you to compose a short demographic profile of the zip code 60631 area of Chicago. A demographic profile is essentially an exercise in making generalizations about groups of people. Representative demographic data points include age, gender, and income. These may also include deaths, births, life expectancy migration, occupations, income and anthropological categories of people, or other demographic profiles such as education, nationality or religion or ethnicity. These data may help in creating demographic profiles that are the audience breakdowns based on various characteristics.

You must use data from at least four sources (cite using APA citation style). Profile MUST include 2-3 figures/charts or tables. I will attach one example of a demographic profile. In addition, I will also attach a Word document that has many links to useful websites. One source that must be used is the census bureau information. There should be a lot of updated information since a census was just completed. Their website at www.census.gov has many resources you can use. Just be sure to cite properly. This profile should be at least 5 pages in length. This assignment MUST be completed by the due date of May 16, 2011.

Quality is at the upmost importance to me. I appreciate your attention to this.

There are faxes for this order.

i choose to write two neighborhood Bronx and Harlem neighborhood,

Urban Sociology SSN.Research Assignment Instructions
When one of Robert Park?s (Sociology theorist) students studied the relationship between the high-rent Gold Coast neighborhood of Chicago and a nearby slum, he pointed out that a symbiotic relationship existed between the two areas. Each neighborhood gained something from the proximity of the other: the poor residents of the slum obtained jobs as maids and handymen in Gold Coast households, and the wealthy Gold Coast residents had access to illegal alcohol, drugs and prostitution they wanted-but wanted to keep out of their neighborhood.
For your research paper you are required to complete a similar yet more detailed study. You are required to conduct a comparative analysis of two neighborhoods within the same city or borough based on the following criteria: race/ethnicity of the neighborhoods; political-economic structure social stratification poverty/wealth; school performance (as it relates to property value); employment/unemployment rate and crime rates; essentially I would like to know who lives in this neighborhood, what their professions are and what social class they belong to. The paper should be about 4-5 typewritten pages, double-spaced in APA format. The last page of your paper, your bibliography, should include a list of references/bibliography/works cited (research materials used) You are required to have data from the U.S. Census; 3 scholarly journals; 3 books; 5 (creditable) website sources (info share); 3 Newspaper and or magazine publications.. You are expected to write the paper in your own words and use citations in the body of the paper. Please visit http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ for more information. Please visit Blackboard to review the rubric that will be considered when grading

Analyze a Sociological Issue. Examine the impact of current social problem on a social group. My topic is "Poverty and Children in the United States"

APA Format

8 sources should be cited including three websites below and one study..

Population Reference Bureau at http://www.prb.org
US Census Bureau http://www.census.gov
World Population Information at http://www.census.gov/ipc/www/world.html
Population Connection at www.populationconnection.org
The World Factbook at www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html
Bureau of Labor Statistics www.bls.gov
Envirolink at www.envirolink.org
WomenWatch at www.un.org/womenwatch
Institute for Research on Poverty www.irp.wisc.edu
The world bank www.world bank.org/data
Joint Center for Poverty Research at www.jcpr.org

Report is due by March 1, 11:59pm CST.
Text: Basic Marketing, 16e, Perreault/Cannon/McCarthy
No sources required but APA formate required if sources are cited.


Report #2 is due the end of week Seven.

It will consist of visits to various web sites to obtain marketing research data such as demographic information (size, location, age, sex, income, etc.) about your proposed target market for your company.

You should describe a hypothetical company, product and market you wish to target (it is perfectly fine if you use the same hypothetical company and product that you developed in Report #1), then access the Internet to obtain the demographic information that is available to you about your target market (a specific and defined target market must be identified and researched).
You should make visits to various web sites to obtain marketing research data such as demographic information (size, location, age, sex, income, etc.) about your proposed target market for your company.
So, what I want is for you to:
Describe your company, your product and who your target market is.
Give me facts and figures found on the different web sites to describe:
o The demographics (size, location, age, sex, income, etc.) of your target market.
o Based on the demographics discovered, indicate whether you think that you have a good market potential for your product. It may show that you need to make some changes in your original thought process or enlarge your potential target market, or it may show that all is well.

The report should be at least 1200 words (about 3 pages and the title or title page, your name, and/or references used do not count for this total), with skimpy work being heavily downgraded!!

A good web site for your information is U. S. Census Data, found at: http://www.census.gov/
Another web site that contains demographics with respect to counties in the US is USA Counties, found at http://censtats.census.gov/usa/usa.shtml
Another very useful web site that contains a plethora of demographic information is The Right Site, found at: http://www.Easidemographics.com/
Still another "super" site with tons of demographic information is American Fact Finder, found at: http://factfinder.census.gov/java_prod/dads.ui.homePage.HomePage
Even another super demographic web site for your information is American Demographics, found at: http://www.demographics.com/
Still another "super" site that links 100 federal agencies, including the Department of Commerce and the Bureau of Labor Statistics is FEDSTATS, found at: http://www.fedstats.gov
Finally, take a look at The 50 States, found at: http://www.50States.com

Remember, there are other sites out there that you can find, such as the state, county, and city web sites. The above listed sites are just some suggestions!!!!!!!


How To Avoid Plagiarism Documenting And Crediting Information Sources

Thanks to the Internet, electronic periodical databases, and the like, we now have almost instant access to incredible amounts of information. We also have search tools that, although far from perfect, enable us to swiftly find information on very specific topics and issues. But fairness, intellectual property rights, academic honesty and copyright law generally ** REQUIRE that we ALWAYS explicitly credit and attribute sources of information. **

In other words, we must always clearly identify when and where we have used information from any source, and also identify exactly where we got it. Whether intended or not, failing to credit and document can push us into outright plagiarism taking credit for someone else's work as our own.

Park University is so concerned about this problem that it is pushing instructors, especially online instructors, to systematically check student work for failure to credit sources. As such, anyone writing anything, especially a research paper/report, needs to be VERY CAREFUL to never give the impression that exact words, paraphrasing, or even information taken from some other source is their own. The ONLY information you use that does not require a citation is what is considered "common knowledge." Common knowledge is information that the "average person" knows, such as: The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

Thus, when writing the Report #2 for this class, you must reference any and ALL of your sources used to obtain demographic or any other type of information you might use! Copying and pasting or even paraphrasing information you find from any source, including the Internet without the use of quotation marks for direct quotes or copying and pasting, and proper citations is plagiarism and will not be tolerated, as is clearly so indicated in the syllabus. NOTE: When referencing your source for information, you should provide the source, the author, and the page number if one is given.

I request that you follow APA format for citing your sources and posting your references used. The easiest way to cite any source in your postings, as far as this course is concerned is to provide your source at the end of the paragraph where you have used the above mentioned information. You must use the entire information about that source, such as (Pallof, R., and Pratt, K. (2003). The Virtual Student. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. p. 47.) NOTE: In these examples, the page number was included, so you should do the same!


If you have any questions about how to cite sources/references, please go to: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ for general information.

For specific guidance on citing sources in your postings, and how to list your references, scroll down on that site's page for specific information, such as:

In-Text Citations: The Basics

In-Text Citations: Author/Authors

Reference List: Basic Rules

Your grade on your Report #2 will reflect your ability to do this correctly.

2 Pages

U.S. Census Bureau Analysis of Key Questions

Words: 550
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According to the projections prepared by the U.S. Census Bureau ??The U.S. population growth is slowing predominantly due to the aging of the population and, consequently, a dramatic increase…

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City as a Character in Film

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Community Assessment About Scarsdale NY

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U.S. Trade Data From the

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Rim Discuss This Product in Terms of

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Community Nurse Diabetic Clinic One

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Industry Strategic Employment and Compensation Analysis

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Hispanic Population in the United

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Multicultural Education Is a Field

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Remarketing Obsolete Products -- the Case of

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Calculate and Interpret the Correlation

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Domestic Partners and Employment Benefits

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Assessment and Diagnosis

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Changing Corporate Behavior to Respond

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Cultural Implications of Conducting Operations

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ASSIGNMENT: You should base your responses to the following questions on the insight found on the following websites. -Federal Express http://www.fedex.com. -Statistics Canada http://www.statcan.gc.ca. -U.S. Census Bureau http://http://www.census.gov. In this situation,…

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Poverty a Recent Study on Demographics Found

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Planning and Start-Up of a

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A business and location has already been chosen for me. The type of business will be an indoor baseball and softball training facility. If you go to cite…

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Caring for Populations Assessment and Diagnosis

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Factors Affecting Marketing Strategy

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Go to a local store that sells store brands or off-brand consumer products. Choose any off-brand consumer product that you want to reposition into a national brand. To qualify…

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Race and Labor Force in

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Find a job that you think you wnat to pursue after college (accountant) Lokk at the occupations and census report (will be faxed) and analyze the following: What percentage…

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Microeconomics Industry Description the Modern Day Economic

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There have been several mergers of large firms within oligopolies. In this assignment, you are to assess the impact of those mergers, on industry, on consumers and on society…

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Demographic Profile of Chicago ZIP Code 60631

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The purpose of this order is for you to compose a short demographic profile of the zip code 60631 area of Chicago. A demographic profile is essentially an…

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Neighborhood Comparative Analysis One the Island of

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i choose to write two neighborhood Bronx and Harlem neighborhood, Urban Sociology SSN.Research Assignment Instructions When one of Robert Park?s (Sociology theorist) students studied the relationship between the high-rent…

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Poverty and Children in the U.S. Poverty

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Analyze a Sociological Issue. Examine the impact of current social problem on a social group. My topic is "Poverty and Children in the United States" APA Format 8…

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Cosmetics - Target Market Today's

Words: 1186
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Report is due by March 1, 11:59pm CST. Text: Basic Marketing, 16e, Perreault/Cannon/McCarthy No sources required but APA formate required if sources are cited. YOUR REPORT #2 Report #2 is due the…

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