Government Essays (Examples)

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In this case, individuals are entitled to produce goods and services to meet their human need instead of private profit (Wolff, 2012).
Prevention for Power and Privileges under Social Contract:

While social contract provides power and privileges to all members of the society, ordinary people are usually prevented from executing the power and privilege that they are entitled to through various ways. Some of these ways include the state's legitimacy claims and excess governmental control that interfere with certain rights of ordinary people. Through its claims of legitimate authority, a state enacts regulations that citizens must obey despite of their danger of disobeying.

The claims to legitimate authority are mainly based on the fact that governments are elected by the people they rule and act as people's voice. The claims to legitimate authority by states result in governmental control, which is the other way with which ordinary people are prevented from executing….

Also, a very liberal strategy like the one that Mexico took after the NAFTA agreements is dangerous to a newly independent state. Extreme liberalization worked well for Mexico because a large and confident Mexico felt like it could benefit greatly from increased trade and labor transfer with the United States, without being pushed around in the agreement, and Canada helped to maintain neutrality. The Joyan Islands, on the other hand, have no competitive edge on the United States or any other large trading power, and therefore must follow the example of Singapore and specialize in very specific and profitable ventures, best managed by the technocratic state.
I will allow DeWine to operate freely on the islands of Zafiro and Esmeralda, but will nationalize mining on the largest island, Rubi. In order to consolidate power in the newly formed state, it is important to completely secure the main power base island….

Republicans construed Obama as suggesting government bailouts for new industries, or at the slightest a more lively federal government function in generating or supporting jobs -- concepts abominations to a lot of conservatives.
The Obama campaign countered the idea as political spin that does not replicate the president's feeling or meaning, pointing to full circumstances of the quotation as confirmation (Koch, 2011).

Discuss the process of how a Bill becomes a law in Texas.

To introduce a bill, first the sponsor must prepare a draft in a particular format and style. Staff at the Office of Legislative Counsel typically provide this service. In the House of Representative, members or delegates place a signed copy of their bill in the "hopper," a box located next to the rostrum at the front of the chamber. Senators either give a copy of their bill to the clerk or request recognition from the presiding officer and….

(Vancketta, 1999)
The 'Changes' clause enables the Government "to make unilateral changes to the contract during performance, so long as those changes fall within the contract's scope."

The Standard 'Changes' clause utilized in fixes price supply contracts allows the CO to make changes in writing to:

1) the drawings, designs, or specifications when the item is being specifically manufactured for the government;

2) the method of shipment or packing; or 3) the place of delivery. [Far 52.243-1] (Vancketta, 1999)

The 'constructive change' doctrine allows informal government actions or inactions not initially identified or admitted to be changes - but which require extra work - by the CO may nonetheless constitute changes." (Vancketta, 1999) Stated as typical categories of constructive changes that have been recognized by the administrative board of contract appeals and the courts are those as follows:

1) informal extra work directives;

2) defection government specifications or impossibility of performance;

3) incorrect contract interpretations taken by….

Lobbyists may accost legislators to directly influence their vote on a certain issue. Lobbyists fulfill the important role of providing information for legislators' decision-making, educating and forming public opinion, and even contributing to and testifying to certain legislations. Lobbyists are mostly involved in the electoral process through the use of political action committees (Magleby et al.).
Creating the Constitution

The original framers designed the Constitution for ordinary people who were not perceived to be able to run a government unchecked (Magleby et al., 2010). These originators were wary that those who would hold political power would abuse it. Hence, they separated and distributed powers in varied ways. They also wanted the national government to be strong enough to solve national problems so it was given a broad range of power. This would allow the constitutional system flexibility and adaptability to changing conditions and situations. The judiciary received the power to veto….

Government Shutdown
A shutdown furlough takes place in case of a lapse in appropriations, mostly at the commencement of a fiscal year, where funds have not been appropriated for that year, or when continuing resolution expires, or failing to pass a new continuing resolution or appropriations law. Whenever a shutdown furlough exists, agency affected is forced to shut down all the activities that are funded by annual appropriations that the law does not allow. In fact, this agency will face very little to do, failure of having lead time to plan as well as implement a shutdown furlough.

Following the recent shutdown furlough a direction was given to government agencies to execute plans for a systematic shutdown, which was to take place after Congress decided not to pass a funding bill to avoid disruption to some other government services. The tasked Office of Management and Budget with carrying out the shutdown process,….

Having shown an exact, real-world example of a personal experience with bureaucracy, it is useful to also take a look at Weber's classic definition of bureaucracy and determine if Weber's definition is applicable in this situation.

Weber's Definition of ureaucracy

Max Weber is considered by many to be not only one of the major figures in the history of the social sciences, but also the one person whose discussions of bureaucracy are still widely studied, over a century after they were first presented. According to Weber, bureaucracy is a form of public administration that is effective and efficient when it is used as a neutral way to govern, but it becomes ineffective and dangerous when individual interests come into play (Miner).

Keeping Weber's definition of bureaucracy in mind, the scenario that was originally presented in this research is proper for several reasons. First, it is clear that the form of bureaucracy which was….

A micro considers the interests and rights of the individual company as the primary concern. Both of these views are valid depending on the lens that one wishes to use. The problem arises when the government is forced to develop policies regarding procurement in this volatile debate. The government must decide whether to take a micro view, favoring the rights of companies, or a macro view that places the interest of the American people at its forefront.
Legal Implications

The issue of off shoring has several legal implications that must be considered. The first and foremost is that if a problem arise from an offshore contract, the legalities can be complex. There is always a question of which set of laws prevails. If laws in the two countries differ on key points, such as contract law, the problem arises of how to decide which law takes precedence. Off shoring makes a….


What are the main components of the United States Constitution that serve as the framework for how society governs and is governed? Explain.

It does not try to reflect on the particulars of how to run the national government. Officials who run the government provide the particulars that fit the general framework. As the government's framework, the Constitution must be interpreted as specific problems arise. The Supreme Court is frequently called upon to decide any questions that arise. Its decisions aid to update the Constitution to reflect changing times and circumstances. Conclusions by judges who interpret and apply the Constitution to precise cases help to add essence to the general framework of government set up by the Constitution. These judicial decisions create what is known as constitutional law (Features of the Constitution, 2008).

How does each component function to support the Constitution? Explain.

The Constitution consists of three separate branches of government. Each….

The EU experienced a series of reforms during the 1990s with the purpose of stabilizing conditions in countries that experienced hardships and in order to reinforce the concept of democracy in these countries. One of the most important problems that the EU has in trying to promote democracy is the fact that its citizens are generally inclined to identify with their country more than they identify with the EU. "Despite the collapse in confidence in central government and in the national political system, there has been a growing identification on the part of young people with Italy as a country" (Loughlin 220). There are more people in Italy who are proud that they are Italians than individuals who are proud of being European citizens. This should not necessarily represent a threat for the concept of democracy in the Union, but it should influence the authorities in devising programs meant to….

Someone can file a discharge petition, or the House can use a "Calendar Wednesday" process, which allows the House to bring up any bill for special consideration if it was reported the previous day.
Then, the bill goes to the floor for action. The bill is placed on the House or Senate calendar. Once a bill reaches the floor, it is open to debate. Decisions are made as to how long the bill can be debated, and who will debate it. If the House adds amendments, they must be pertinent to the subject of the bill, but in the Senate, they do not have to be pertinent to the bill. Essentially, in the Senate, they can offer one bill as an amendment to another bill, if they choose. Finally, the bills are voted on. If the bill passes in the House, it goes to the Senate, and vise versa. However,….

Tyranny. According to Plato, the degeneration of democracy leads to tyranny. When there is chaos and disorder, power is forcibly seized, which leads to forms of tyranny.

3. Conclusion

The above reference to the different types of government emphasizes the importance of political philosophy in the shaping of government. Each form of government has certain disadvantages and advantages. The advantage of democracy is obviously that it allows for freedom of expression and participation; whereas, an oligarchy or tyranny only allows for the freedom and participation in government by a few. Democracy is based on a philosophical principle of human equality.

On the other hand, as Plato suggests, democracy can also lead to an overemphasis on individual freedom, which can lead in turn to anarchy and loss of control. The ideal of an elite form of government is based on the philosophical view that some are more capable than others to govern; which is….

He consistently mentions how important it is to throw off geographical boundaries and beliefs, and unite in a common goal of freedom and liberty.
He also notes that the Constitution is meant to be amended, but it must be treated with respect, rather than used as an instrument of power or greed. He warns against "alterations which will impair the energy of the system," and urges the people to give time to the government to work out kinks and discover problems, and that liberty will always be alive in this type of government. He also warns against "parties in the State," and calls them the worst enemy of democratic governments, because they represent the "domination of one faction over another," because it can create a variety of ills that can overthrow the government. He also urges a distinct division between departments, to ensure one does not gain power over another,….

The Justification of Government Commerce and Trade egulation

When viewed from the micro level, it is easy to understand why government regulation and exercise of authority over jobs, wages, industry practices, and the importation and exportation of goods and services might seem overly paternalistic. However, when compared to the alternative, it becomes very clear why such regulation is necessary, or at least why it is, by far, the lesser of two evils.

Without government regulation in these areas, the individual citizen would be at the mercy of decisions made by non-government entities acting purely out of their own self-interests. Among other things, wages would remain as low as could be maintained by the demand for jobs; essential industries and services would be susceptible to monopolization for commercial profit at the expense of the general public; prices would be inflated artificially by collusion and price-fixing; and domestic production would be threatened by cheaper….

Government Web Site Analysis
Doing Business With the Government

Because of the size of federal government, there are often opportunities for businesses to work fiscally with the government. When businesses research the possibility of doing business with the government, the verbiage shows that while there are a number of steps necessary in order to qualify for government contracts, there are also tremendous opportunities.

When dealing with the ethical issues surrounding government contracts, it seems as there are several ways one could look at the issue. Many of the rules and regulations seem to be designed to protect the government from fraud and unethical behavior (standards, pricing, etc.), but also limit the potential for many smaller businesses to have the resources necessary to apply for governmental contracts. For example, there are a number of instances in which certain companies have been awarded contracts based on the recommendation and/or interference from member of congress or….

PubMed is a great place to search for sources on healthcare. Other good choices include sites for Universities that have medical programs and sites for state governments. has healthcare articles, as well. Also consider, as they have healthcare articles, too. Journals and textbooks can be excellent choices for information on the continuum of healthcare. If you have access to a large library, you can find information that shows how the continuum has evolved over time, and how that helps providers avoid duplication. Example papers will be more difficult to find than sources, but you can order an example paper....

This book is about how politicians don't have the best interests of the American people in their hearts anymore, and how greed and corruption has stopped many of them from doing what's right to help the country as a whole. The middle class are struggling with this more than others, because they get the least help. Rich people don't need help from the government, and poor people get a lot of assistance and handouts. If someone is middle class, he or she often needs a little assistance to really live comfortably but can't get that help because he or she....

4 Pages


Government and Its Role and

Words: 1157
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

In this case, individuals are entitled to produce goods and services to meet their human need instead of private profit (Wolff, 2012). Prevention for Power and Privileges under Social…

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4 Pages
Creative Writing


Government & Policy the Joyan

Words: 1138
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Creative Writing

Also, a very liberal strategy like the one that Mexico took after the NAFTA agreements is dangerous to a newly independent state. Extreme liberalization worked well for Mexico…

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18 Pages


Government Why Did the Framers

Words: 5873
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Essay

Republicans construed Obama as suggesting government bailouts for new industries, or at the slightest a more lively federal government function in generating or supporting jobs -- concepts abominations…

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8 Pages


Government Contracting Process the Federal

Words: 2271
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Thesis

(Vancketta, 1999) The 'Changes' clause enables the Government "to make unilateral changes to the contract during performance, so long as those changes fall within the contract's scope." The Standard 'Changes'…

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3 Pages


Government by the People Federalism

Words: 969
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Lobbyists may accost legislators to directly influence their vote on a certain issue. Lobbyists fulfill the important role of providing information for legislators' decision-making, educating and forming public…

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2 Pages
Article Review


Government Shutdown a Shutdown Furlough Takes Place

Words: 565
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Article Review

Government Shutdown A shutdown furlough takes place in case of a lapse in appropriations, mostly at the commencement of a fiscal year, where funds have not been appropriated for that…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Government Bureaucracy Personal Experience With

Words: 497
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Having shown an exact, real-world example of a personal experience with bureaucracy, it is useful to also take a look at Weber's classic definition of bureaucracy and determine if…

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35 Pages
Term Paper


Government Outsourcing the Outsourcing of

Words: 10988
Length: 35 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A micro considers the interests and rights of the individual company as the primary concern. Both of these views are valid depending on the lens that one wishes…

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2 Pages


Government Constitution What Are the Main Components

Words: 644
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Government Constitution What are the main components of the United States Constitution that serve as the framework for how society governs and is governed? Explain. It does not try to reflect on…

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5 Pages


Government and Politics of Europe

Words: 1460
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The EU experienced a series of reforms during the 1990s with the purpose of stabilizing conditions in countries that experienced hardships and in order to reinforce the concept of…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Government and Political Science Specifically

Words: 1163
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Someone can file a discharge petition, or the House can use a "Calendar Wednesday" process, which allows the House to bring up any bill for special consideration if…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Government Political Philosophy Political Philosophy

Words: 1602
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Tyranny. According to Plato, the degeneration of democracy leads to tyranny. When there is chaos and disorder, power is forcibly seized, which leads to forms of tyranny. 3. Conclusion The above…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Government George Washington's Farewell Address

Words: 676
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

He consistently mentions how important it is to throw off geographical boundaries and beliefs, and unite in a common goal of freedom and liberty. He also notes that the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Government Intervention and Public Policy

Words: 636
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The Justification of Government Commerce and Trade egulation When viewed from the micro level, it is easy to understand why government regulation and exercise of authority over jobs, wages, industry…

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4 Pages


Government Web Site Analysis Doing Business With

Words: 1086
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Government Web Site Analysis Doing Business With the Government Because of the size of federal government, there are often opportunities for businesses to work fiscally with the government. When businesses research…

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