Crime Theory Essays Prompts

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Criminology One of the Most

Final Exam" for CMRJ501 D001 Fall 12

As this is a graduate level course, please be sure to use expanded thought and detail when replying to each of the essay questions (short or vague and general answers are not acceptable). Write a 2 page essay for each question(INTRO, BODY, CONCLUSION). In addition, don't forget to proofread your replies for proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. You will be scored not only on the content of your material, but also the presentation.

***BE SURE to use no less than two outside peer reviewed sources to support each question. You should have these available from your work this term.

Question 1 of 3 33.0 Points
What is meant by the "dark figure of crime" and why is it important? What are the two main sources of crime data collection in the US that try and get at the dark figure of crime? Compare and Contrast them. What are their strengths and weaknesses?

Question 2 of 3 33.0 Points
What are social structure theories? Explain the premise. In addition, compare and contrast Merton's Anomie theory with Broken Windows theory. What is the premise for each theory, how are they similar or different? Is Rational Choice theory similar to either of these two?

Question 3 of 3 33.0 Points
Consider the arrest, prosecution, and sentencing of Martha Stewart. Is this a reflection of conflict or consensus theory? Why? Be specific and use literature on these theories to support your arguments.

I'll upload the whole assignment instruction later, below is just a very brief intro, and please try not to use Internet sources according to the tutor, thank you=]

Drawing on a range of academic sources, provide a 2000 word
response to one of the four essay topics listed below. These topics are based upon
the key issues addressed in the first two parts of unit offenders and victims.
A key component of this assessment is to demonstrate your ability to conduct
research and to draw on academic sources to support your argument. For this
reason it is expected that in your essay you will draw on a minimum of 10 academics
sources. These may include books, book chapters, journal articles and government

Psychologists and criminologists have long sought to understand why people commit
crime, either as individuals or in groups. This has lead to the development of a range
of theories of offending that incorporate psychological ideas into the study of criminal

Focusing on either individual or group offending, critically examine the viability of two
explanations for criminal offending. In your response you should explore each of the
explanations you have chosen and critically discuss how useful they are in
understanding criminal offending.

Left/Right Realism the Terms Left

Essay questions:

The essay is an individual assignment and will account for 70% of your grade for the module. Please write a 3000 word essay in answer to ONE of the following:

1. Explain what left realism identifies as the main causes of crime and consider how far it is convincing in its analysis.

2. Explain what right realism identifies as the main causes of crime and consider how far it is convincing in its analysis.

The word count does not include references list/bibliography.

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A term paper a theory of cime or criminal behavior and apply the theory to refind or develope some significant issue of policy or practice in the field. The paper must clearly outline the theory, summarize the evidence that demonstrates support for the theory, and show how the theory supports the proposed innovation. I would like do my paper on juvenile delinquency crime, the MLA style Also the professor indicated such things as use a theory, apply the theory,policy innovation,develope a policy proposal should be grounded in the purpose of the theory, how do we measure and determine the success. My opinion on juvenile delinquency crime is the community where they grow up in. The professor wants two theory that are basically indicating the same theory. Ihave to a presentation in class concerning these theories. This is my first time buying a paper, usually I do my own paper,but this paper is kind of complicated for me.
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The paper must address the criminal behavior theories that have a nexus with the deviant act or armed robbery. The theories that must be adrress are the following:

Psychological trait theories: psychoanalytical theory, intelligence theory, behavioral theory, and developmental theory.
Social structure theory: Social disorganization, social strain and cultural deviance.

Social proces theories: Social learning theory, social control theory, and labeling theory.

The paper must have 10 references; 7 scholarly journals and 3 other sources ( must have no less than 7 shcolarly journals).

Our instructor had 3 Phd's so I hope this paper is original and won't cost me failing the course due to plagirism.

Need research done on Peacemaking Criminology, its origin, who is responsible for this theory, its impact if any on todays modern justice system, etc.. also include bibiliography page, sources cited in APA format, request wrtrgrl101, for this assignment

Thank you

Please have Writergrrl101 complete the following assignment.

This assignment requires the book ?Classics of Criminology? Third Edition, by Joseph E. Jacoby and the ?Theories of Crime? Second Edition, Daniel J. Curran and Claire M Renzetti. This essay envolves two parts.

Instructions: Provide short EXAMPLES to demonstrate you understand key concepts in the course. That is, to show your understanding of the word "tautology" you might write this example: "Jane is a criminal because she broke the law." If you have any doubts about whether your example is clear, go further to explain your example to me. You might say, "This is tautological because the definition of crime is breaking the law, making this a meaningless circular statement."
I. Concepts. 5 points each. For each concept, provide an example of your own (not one from the text or other assigned readings) to demonstrate your understanding of the concept. All examples must be criminological (i.e., they must be relevant to the sociological study of crime.

1. technique of neutralization
2. ecological analysis
3. group self-consciousness
4. legitimate rackets
5. anomie
6. culture goals
7. control group
8. performance structure
9. dramatization of evil
10. status frustration

Beginning on a new page.The second part of the test has essay questions. You MUST use EVIDENCE, listing the sources (from assigned in the Lessons in the texts) to support what you say. For example, suppose you were asked to describe the current patterns of crime in the United States. You might begin, "According to data presented at the White House Briefing Room Social Statistics - Crime section (, violent crime in the U.S. has decreased __ % over the past ....". You would, of course, go into greater detail with your answer adding additional data and references.
II. Essays.- each is worth 50 points. Limit each essay to no more than 750 words (two pages, typed, double-spaced).
The points assigned will be based on:
a. extent to which the essay is well-supported with several references to reading assignments (up to 25 points)
b. logical arguments/statements linked to evidence. Good arguments/statements will specify philosophical positions where relevant and will be primarily analytical/conceptual and empirical/factual statements. All opinions will be supported with evidence (up to 15 points)
c. organization, grammar, spelling (10 points)

HERE ARE THE TWO QUESTIONS: Please copy each question at the beginning of each essay. Also each essay should be on separate pages. Please site anything you mat get from the two books.

1. In contrast to classical criminology and biological and pschological determinism, sociological theories of crime focus on social structures, characteristics of society, and social processes. What are the main structures, characteristics and processes in sociological criminology? Illustrate these by citing specific theorists and concepts.

2. You have just been appointed principal of the Travis Hirschi Middle School. You want to be faithful to the ideas of the school's namesake as you plan curricula, programs, and activities for the coming year. Identify at least three programs or activities you would want to implement and key components of your curriculum, and discuss the rationale for them in light of Hirschi's (and other authors, as needed) social control theory of delinquency. *Be sure to use key terms from control theorists.

Answer one of the two questions on theories of victimization (Part I), and one of the two questions on victims and the criminal justice system (Part II).

A good essay (the ?A? essay) will be well organized and well developed, demonstrating a clear understanding of the substantive issues. It will be free of grammatical and typographical errors. And, it will meet the following formatting requirements.
? Complete the exam in Microsoft Word. The exam should be typed and page numbered (double-spaced, 12 points Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins).
? The exam should include a title page, which includes the title of the exam and your name.
? The exam should include appropriate citations and references (use APA format). Be sure to use the correct format for in-text citations as shown below. Pay attention to where you put your parentheses and punctuation marks (periods, commas, colons, and semicolons).

APA in-text citation guide

Author's Name Example of Usage
Author's name as part of narrative Gass and Varonis (1984) found that the most important element in comprehending non-native speech is familiarity with the topic.
Author's name in parentheses One study found that the most important element in comprehending non-native speech is familiarity with the topic (Gass & Varonis, 1984).
Multiple works (separate each work with semi-colons) Research shows that listening to a particular accent improves comprehension of accented speech in general (Gass & Varonis, 1984; Krech Thomas, 2004).

Direct quote, author's name part of narrative Gass and Varonis (1984) found that ?the listener?s familiarity with the topic of discourse greatly facilitates the interpretation of the entire message? (p. 85).

Direct quote, author's name in parentheses One study found that ?the listener's familiarity with the topic of discourse greatly facilitates the interpretation of the entire message? (Gass & Varonis, 1984, p. 85).

? Although I have shown you how to use direct quotes in the examples above, I discourage excessive use of quoting. Because this is a short writing assignment, do not use long quotes (quotations longer than 20 words), and use no more than 2 quotes per question. Summarize and paraphrase using your own words.
? The word limit for this is 1,200 (minimum) to 1,500 (maximum) words per question (excluding references). Usually, this means approximately 4 to 5 pages per question. You want to demonstrate that you understand the substantive issues; on the other hand, concision is part of the assignment. So be sure to use word count in Word.
? In academic writing, do not use informal writing style (e.g., colloquial words and expressions, informal abbreviations, short forms and contractions such as don?t, can?t, and won?t).
? I cannot tell you how many citations you should use. Usually for each question, students use about 5 or more articles/books to support their arguments. The citations reflect how much research you do and how thorough your research is. It is not the number but the quality of the citations that counts.

PART I. Theories of victimization. Answer one of the following questions. List the question in the exam so that I know which question you are answering.

1. Based on your understanding of the main data sources in the US, discuss (1) how the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is different from police crime statistics, (2) how the NCVS has created opportunities for theory development in victimology, and (3) how our understanding of victimization can benefit from new data collection efforts beyond the three main data sources (police crime statistics, victim surveys, and offender self-reports).

2. Based on your understanding of routine activity theory, discuss (1) why or why not this theory can be used to guide our research on the victim-offender overlap and (2) what theory (or theories), beyond the routine activity theory, will be useful for advancing our understanding of the victim-offender overlap based on your assessment of what we do not know about the victim-offender overlap.

PART II. Victims and the Criminal Justice System. Answer one of the following questions. List the question in the exam so that I know which question you are answering.

1. Based on your understanding of victims? rights, discuss (1) the concept of victims? rights, (2) why some scholars argue that victims are likely to be subjected to secondary victimization by the criminal justice system, and (3) use empirical work to discuss whether the use of victim impact statements helps increase victim satisfaction with the criminal justice system.

2. Based on your understanding of victim services, discuss (1) what types of services?both from within the criminal justice system and outside ? are available to help victims cope with their victimization and (2) use empirical work to discuss the effectiveness of these services. Your survey of services should cover major types of services available to victims. If applicable, be sensitive to racial and gender differences in service utilization.

this is a Two part paper

Part 1 (about 3 pages)

In the year 2100, there was a young man named Jim who could travel through time. This young man has had serious infractions with the juvenile justice system. He has decided to travel back through time to start his life over.

He has a choice of two time periods. One is during the colonial period of America, and the other is during the early 21st century. Knowing Jim?s propensity for finding trouble, what would happen to him if he committed the crime of breaking and entering with the aggravating circumstances of assault during the colonial period? What would happen to him if he committed the same crime in the 21st century? This assignment will cover the history of the juvenile justice system, juvenile courts, and corrections, as well as theories that would be related to Jim and treatment options during both periods of time.

o What would happen to him if he committed the crime of breaking and entering with the aggravating circumstances of assault during the colonial period? Explain in detail.

? List the punishments and the reasons for why they are given.

? List any theories that may be relevant to the topic.

o What would happen to him if he committed the same crime in the 21st century? Explain in detail.

? List the punishments and the reasons for why they are given.

? List any theories that may be relevant to the topic.

o Explain the procedure of the criminal justice system during both periods of time.

o Will diversion be relevant during both periods of time? Will there be preventive options during both periods of time?

Part 2 (about 1-2 pages)

Jim, from the Part 1, has decided to stay in the 21st century. He has not been able to stay out of trouble and has broken into 2 homes and stolen the following items:
? The keys to a new car
? Five hundred dollars in cash
? An expensive watch

Again, he has come to the attention of the juvenile justice system. In this court, there are 2 opposing factors. The first factor depends upon a purely psychological view. The second factor depends upon a purely sociological view. These 2 factors will argue in court why he fits their reasoning of why he committed the crime.

o How would the psychological theory explain Jim's behavior? Explain.

o How would the sociological theory explain Jim's behavior? Explain.

o How would Jim be treated under the psychological theory? Explain.

o How would he be treated under the sociological theory? Explain.

A quantitative proposal on California'sThree strike law on whether three strike deters crime...
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Customer is requesting that (Tomar) completes this order.

Gottfredson and Hirschis The Nature of Criminality: Low Self-Control and Sampson and Laubs Crime and Deviance in the Life Course (both found in the custom course ware) take contradictory approaches to the stability of criminality over the life course. Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of why they would be regarded as contradictory approaches. Your paper should also make reference to (and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of) the following contemporary reading selections that exemplify the ongoing debate about which approach is correct, all three of which are available through the SFU Library's electronic journals:

Hirschi, T. and Gottfredson, M. (1986). The true value of lambda would appear to be zero: An essay on career criminals, criminal careers, selective incapacitation, cohort studies and related topics. Criminology 24(2), pp. 213-234.

Laub, J. H., Nagin, D. S. and Sampson, R. J. (1998). Trajectories of change in criminal offending: Good marriages and the desistance process. American sociological review 63(2), pp. 225-238.

Sampson, R. J. and Laub, J. H. (1990). Crime and deviance over the life course: The salience of adult social bonds. American sociological review 55(5), pp. 609-627.

Ideally, you will be able to relate the above readings to other readings in the custom course ware. Hopefully, you will also be able to evaluate these two competing perspectives, and explain why you favour one over the other.

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Summarize and provide examples of how biological, sociological and psychological theories of crime causation affect human behavior and actions. Explain each theory, provide examples of each theory and include references that may include an article, case study, adjucated case, etc.

Microsoft word document
APA format
body of paper minimum of 3 pages in length
12 New Times Roman font
Reference page
Title page
works cited

Soci 2336 Criminology

Theorethical Approaches to Criminal Behavior

I would like you to provide a better description and more in depth information about the theory. Your job is to elaborate to better understand the theory. "Sociology of Law, Law and Society, Socio-Legal Studies".

Criminal Behavior

The psychology of criminal behavior devotes a lot of research and study to develop profiles of persons engaging in different types of criminal behavior- i.e, the background and personality of the pedophile, the psychopath, the burglar, the batterer etc. Such profiles review social/familial/biological factors that are often helpful in understanding the causes of criminal behavior but some research has also brought into question the reliability of such profiles. To complicate matters further, the definition of criminal behavior changes over time. Some activities, which were formerly considered criminal have legally, at least, been normalized. Alcohol consumption marijuana possession and use, homosexual acts and other behaviors, once punishable by law, are now considered part of the normal repertoire. Still other clearly illegal behaviors conducted by government agents, such as torture and targeted assassinations are not included in studies of criminal behavior nor have the perpetrators been profiled.

Present your view on the issues described above, i.e., problems inherent in criminal profiling, changing definitions of criminal behaviors, criminal activities carried out by government agents and agencies. How do these issues impact on the tasks of the forensic psychologist?

In writing the paper, you might find it helpful to check out the following sources:

1. Snook, Cullen, Bennett, Taylor, Gendreau: The Criminal Profiling Illusion: What's Behind the Smoke and Mirrors. Criminal Justice ad Behavior, (Oct 2008) Vol 35. No.20-,pp. 11256-1276

2. Brandon Smith: The Database: Why Criminal Governments Spy on Citizen.

3. After Creating 352 New Crimes in a 7 Year Period, Congress Looks at Laws that Criminalize non-Criminal Behavior,

This is an opinion paper, not a research paper, and its purpose is to ponder the questions raised and offer a considered point of view.

David Berkowitz, Known as "Son

Part One-Research Paper

A. Give a history in your own words of David Berkowitz life and what drove him to become a serial killer. Research and discuss the psychology behind the homicides committed by David Berkowitz.

1. Areas to be addressed:
a. David Berkowitz background and how his killings were committed.

2. Theory applications as to why the killings were committed. (i.e., is there a singular theory that applies, do several theories apply or do any apply) Thoroughly explain!

a. Conflict Theory
b. Consensus Theory
c. Rational Choice Theory
d. Trait Theories
e. Anomie Theory
f. Life Course Theory
g. Labeling Theory

3. Discuss David Berkowitzs' roles in their victimization (i.e., is their victimization just chance or do they play a role in their own victimization)

4. Discuss where David Berkowitz is today and if he has admitted to his crimes and if we will ever know really why he became a serial killer
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Question: What is the role of the prison in our society?

Level: First year of Undergraduate

Reading list/ WORKS TO CITE:
Borgatta, E.F. & Montgomery, R.J.V., 2000. Encyclopedia of Sociology 2nd ed., Macmillan Reference USA., pp. 2051-2057. May use this to define Prison, in sociological context in the intro.

Macionis, J. and Plummer, K., 2008. Sociology. 4th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Ltd, Chapter 17

Gottschalk, M., 2006. The Prison and the Gallows: The Politics of Mass Incarceration in America, Cambridge University Press., pp 1-17

Marsh, I., 2006. Theories of Crime 1st ed., Routledge., Chapter 4.

Moore, S. Chapman, S. & Aitken, D. 2009. Sociology A2 for AQA 3rd ed., HarperCollinsPublishers Ltd

Banks, Cyndi. Criminal Justice Ethics: Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications, 2004. Print. Chapter 5

Intro: There is much debate about the role of prison in society....
Define Prison in a sociological context
Thesis: As will be seen there are a number of theories about the role of prison in Society, it is submitted perhaps the preffered theory is _____. however it remains to be seen if prisons are affective,
scope: thus one needs to analyse each of the roles of prisons.

1) Deterrence: Positives about it , Negatives, Online statistics to prove it works/doesnt work, Critically analyse with quotes

2) Rehabilitation: Positives about it , Negatives, Online statistics to prove it works/doesnt work, Critically analyse with quotes

3: Restoration: Positives about it , Negatives, Online statistics to prove it works/doesnt work, Critically analyse with quotes

4: Retribution: Positives about it , Negatives, Online statistics to prove it works/doesnt work, Critically analyse with quotes

5: Incapacitation: Positives about it , Negatives, Online statistics to prove it works/doesnt work, Critically analyse with quotes

6: Non-interventionism: Positives about it , Negatives, Online statistics to prove it works/doesnt work, Critically analyse with quotes

Conclusion: It can be seen that prisons serve many roles in society. perhaps the roles that prisons fulfil best are ______ and ______ .......

I need 9 pages plus An outline and Reference page. Must be APA format! (11 reference sources - a combination of newspaper articles, magazines, law manuals, books, and websites, also MUST CITE "2" biblical scriptures somewhere in the paper). I propose that women in America get treated different (less harsh)by the court system than men, who have committed similar crimes, and have similar criminal history, etc... U.S. courts are much kinder to females than males. Sentences are usually much shorter and get less jail time, get Probation, fines, etc.... far more than men. Please talk about how this issue affects criminal justice management to a small degree. Needed by Wednesday 11-21-2012 by 6:00pm EST.
Sondra Thomas (907) 980-3225

Socialization Theories

Criminological Theories

The agents of socialization include the family, educational institutions, peer groups, the media, the workplace, and the government. Let's consider the following scenario related to social control theory.

Max, who is a young boy of 17, belongs to the poorer section of society and has been unable to obtain a job for the last year. He has regular fights with his parents due to which he leaves the house. Instead of associating himself with peers who could guide him down a better path, he associates himself with drugs and alcohol. In relation to this scenario, discuss the following:

?Propose two ideas to either control or improve upon the problem of homelessness in America. How will your ideas improve the situation?

According to rational theories, crime is a calculated action. Criminals conduct a cost/benefit analysis of a crime as to whether it would prove beneficial for them and evaluate the risks involved in it. On the basis of this evaluation they make a decision as to how to go about committing the crime. Provide a list of at least six crimes that you think only someone who lacks reason is capable of committing. If there are indeed crimes that are committed by individuals who are unable to reason, then, should these criminals be convicted or should no action be taken against them by the criminal justice system. Why? Justify your answer with well-corroborated reasons.

In looking at crime rates between men and women, Otto Pollak (1950) has offered an explanation of chivalry hypothesis (also known as the paternalism hypothesis). The chivalry hypothesis basically says that the low crime rates are a reflection of the leniency of male police officers or other criminal justice system professionals when they deal with female offenders. For example, females are more likely to receive "discretion" and therefore screened out of the criminal justice system at the point of arrest. In direct opposition to the chivalry theory is the convergence hypothesis. The convergence hypothesis suggests that females may in some ways be "catching up" to their male counterparts in the criminal justice system as offenders.
?Since my last name begins with L, argue that the Chivalry Hypothesis is a reason why the crime rate is different for males than it is for females (especially juvenile girls).
?Explain the particular crimes/delinquent acts where this is the case.

?Provide at least two suggestions on ways to reduce the likelihood of this occurring.

Social control theorists try to answer the question of why people conform instead of why people deviate.

According to Hirschi (1969), there are 4 bonds in social control theory. These include:

?Attachment to parents, peers, or school
?Commitment to conventional lines of action
?Involvement in conventional activities
?Belief in a common value

If you are asked why people join gangs, how would you answer this using social control theory? What other theories could help explain gang membership? How can the social control theory or any other theories help us to reduce gang membership? Provide a rationale and examples for your answer by justifying your answer with scholarly resources.

According to the social learning theory, you need to teach juveniles about long-term rewards and delayed gratification to reduce crime. Without this socialization, juveniles will tend to achieve short-term rewards that are beneficial in the short term but harmful in the long run. To achieve these awards, the juveniles might take to crime.

According to Williams and McShane (2003), learning theories tell us that behavior will be based on immediate rewards and punishments unless discriminative stimuli are developed to reinforce the presence of future rewards. These discriminative stimuli act as cues or signals which help determine the appropriateness of a particular behavior. Our environment and social circle play a major role in developing these discriminative behaviors.

How does one develop discriminative stimuli? Why? Justify your answer with scholarly reasons. Describe at least three things that schools, families, sports teams, etc. can/should do to help develop these stimuli? Why? Provide real-life examples to explain your answer.


Hirschi, T. (1969). Causes of delinquency. Berkeley, CA: University of California

Pollak, O. (1950). The criminality of women. Philadelphia, PA: University of
Pennsylvania Press.

Williams, F. P., & McShane, M. D. (2003). Criminological theory. (4th ed.). Upper
Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Affiliated in Crime

Aspects of Criminal Theories

Social control theory has stood the test of time and has been revised, modified, and applied to many different types of deviant/criminal behavior. Hirschi's original version of social control looked at parents as the major control mechanism in ensuring that kids do not commit crime. The main premise of the theory is that through good parenting, individuals learn to differentiate between right and wrong from the early years of their childhood and this protects them from becoming criminals.

?Does parenting play a major role in shaping the criminality of the children? Why?

?With parents being so instrumental in shaping the likely criminality of their children, should there be mandatory classes in parenting? Why?

Schwendinger and Schwendinger's (1985) theory on adolescent subcultures separates youth into 3 categories:

?Socialites-upper class
?Intermediaries-middle class
?Street corner youth-lower class

According to Schwendinger and Schwendinger, though conflict is the major integrating structure of the three subcultures, these groups differ in the form of delinquency with which they engage.

?What does the scholarly literature say about why the differences between the three categories exist?

?How can these differences be reduced?

?What are the specific delinquency acts the groups share in common? Why?

?What specific delinquency acts are unique to each group? Why?

?For the acts that are shared in common, would the delinquency prevention measures also be similar, or would each group need different types of control mechanisms? Why?

Postmodern theories are an alternative to conventional theories and reject the concept of empiricism and objectivism. As a discipline, this can be seen as a problem for criminology, since, in order to assess the usefulness of a theory, we generally test it using acceptable research methods and practices. Despite this, postmodern theorists exist and have had some usefulness in the discipline.

?What does the scholarly literature indicate as the important concerns of postmodern theorists?

?Illustrate a program or policy that is rooted in postmodern thinking. How does the program or policy contribute toward your understanding of criminal behavior? Does it in any way contributes toward understanding criminal behavior?

You have learned that integrative theories combine information from different theories to try to explain crime. If you could pick two theories discussed in this course to use to develop a program that would address both person and property crime, which two theories would you pick? Why?

?How are these theories compatible? Can they be easily integrated?

?Do these theories together have more explanatory power than what they have as single theories? Why?

?Which specific types of crimes would the integrated theory you have combined explain and how?

?Which specific types of crimes would these theories together not be able to explain? Why?


Schwendinger, H., & Schwendinger, J. S. (1985). Adolescent subculture and
delinquency. New York, NY: Praeger Publishers.

Assign this paper to an American writer only. This paper should be based on the readings I sent. When writing, make sure you think about what the authors are saying (do not rely solely on someones findings or what they say someone else found). If you use a direct quote from a reading, you must provide me with the name of the author and the page number where the quote was taken from. If you borrow or use materials that are not sent for this paper, you need to provide me with full citations (author, date, location of article, etc.) for these works. Please make the paper respond to the question being asked and you MUST use the readings sent. Do not just summarize each of the sent readings. Integrate the readings while developing your answers. You do not need to use materials that are not provided. Your answer must be in your own words. DO NOT use lengthy quotes from the materials sent. I would expect that the paper be in propper APA format. All work should be saved in RTF format. Opinions are okay. But ONLY IF YOU SUPPORT YOUR OPINIONS with materials sent or elsewhere. This does not mean you may forget about the readings. You should first use the readings and then you may want to add your opinions/experiences to say whether you agree or do not agree with the readings. Paragraphs should be a minimum of 3 sentences and no more than 8. In the first paragraph of any paper you should state what the paper is about, briefly, and then use the following paragraphs to make your points. You should end you papers with a concluding paragraph in which you review what you stated in the previous paragraphs and why it is relevant. Flow is important. You must always use citations to develop and defend your arguments in the empirical findings of the assigned readings. You should base your arguments on the evidence you find in as many of the empirical readings as you can. Please remember, failure to use appropriate citation constitutes plagiarism. Work from an outline. If you use an outline (no matter how basic), your thoughts will be better
organized and your arguments will be more coherent. Also, make sure to include all of the readings in the paper that I send. Use subheadings in your papers where appropriate ??" it will keep you organized.

Here are a few examples of what your citations should look like:

Citing 1 author - (Smith, 2002).
Citing 2 authors - (Smith & Smith, 2002).
Citing 3 or more authors - (Smith et al., 2002).

Please use APA style in your papers. A great resource if youre not familiar with this citation style is:(

With all that said, here is the question you must answer in the paper:
1) Examine the strengths and limitations of rational-choice based perspectives.
2) Explain how developmental theories have recently informed our understanding of criminal behavior as a developmental process.
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Convicted Felons Return to the

The final project for this course is a literature review that allows you to integrate the theory bases and schools of theory you have been exploring with a research question you have developed. While you are welcome to use the research question you developed in DPA8100, Fundamentals of Public Administration Research (or a modified version of that question), doing so is not a requirement for this project. You are, however, building on the work you did in DPA8100. In DPA8100, you demonstrated your mastery of several concepts:

The ability to differentiate between research problems, questions and hypotheses.
The ability to define the research problem, questions, and hypothesis.
The ability to develop a research question which is answerable.
Now in this course, you define the general body of literature that is relevant to your research question including research methodology literature that supports your chosen design analysis and interpretation. Use the literature to support the theoretical framework that you create in your exploration of the research question. The theoretical framework should address the lineage the problem and the range of available modes of inquiry.

And it is through the literature review that you demonstrate your ability to do these things. A thorough literature review helps you in at least two important ways:

It helps you explore and clarify your project's scope and objective.
It helps you identify facts and information that can add to the value of your research.
Be careful not to confuse a literature review with an annotated bibliography. The annotated bibliography allows a learner to identify relevant sources and provide relatively brief commentary about them, while the literature review allows and, in fact, demands deeper analysis and synthesis of the information in the gathered resources. In your dissertation and in professional research, the literature review is expected to provide a careful analysis in valuation integration and synthesis of the existing body of knowledge about that topic.

For this assignment, you are expected to include at least 15 separate sources. While the number of sources you are asked to work with is limited, the degree to which you are asked to analyze and synthesize the information is not. You are expected to do the following:

Identify critical and relevant literature.
Highlight the crucial theoretical and conceptual debates.
Identify gaps in the existing research or theory bases.
Evaluate research designs and methodology.
Situate your research question within the existing literature.
For each source, include a brief summary of the author's central argument, the scholarly works referenced by each source, and the relevance of this work to your own research question.
While there is not a prescribed outline for the literature review, the following guidelines may provide a helpful way to think about organizing the material:

A brief summary of the conceptual framework for the study or the theory generating the question.
A well-organized review of the critical literature as it relates to the project's key topic. This review should include evaluation and synthesis of research in the identified areas.
A discussion of the crucial theoretical and conceptual debates in the field, including gaps and controversies in the existing research and theories.
An explanation of research question's relationship to the major themes in the literature as well as how answering the research question would help lead to greater understanding of the problem.
An evaluation of viable research designs and methodology as well as a summary of findings, the existing literature, and how the research contributes to the field.
Project Objectives
To successfully complete this project, you will be expected to:
Organize and discuss applicable public administration theories and theorists.
Compare and discuss relationships within the theory base.
Identify and discuss key trends in the public administration theory base.
Identify and compare applications of the theory base to public administration practice.
Communicate effectively through scholarly writing on the theory base.To achieve a successful project experience and outcome, you are expected to meet the following requirements.
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th Edition) style and formatting.
Number of resources: Minimum of 15 resources (bear in mind you are not limited to 15 and may find it helpful to include more than the minimum).
Font and font size: Arial, 12 point.

My research question is:
Maslow theory states that one must meet his/ her basic needs (shelter and food) before any other need can be met. Hundreds of convicted felons are released everyday back into our communities. Upon their arrival they do not have adequate skills to maintain self sufficiency. They are barred from housing, food and employment which leads them right back to the only thing they know which is criminal behavior which ultimately leads them back to recidivism. In order to minimize recidivism we have to provide these people with housing, food, and shelter along with proper job readiness skills, and proper identification that will assist in them becoming gainfully employed. How can we expect these people to become productive and conducive members of society again if we are not willing to assist them in their plight?

Recidivism is measured by criminal acts that resulted in the rearrest, reconviction, or return to prison with or without a new sentence during a three-year period following the prisoner's release.
During 2007, a total of 1,180,469 persons on parole were at-risk of reincarceration. This includes persons under parole supervision on January 1 or those entering parole during the year. Of these parolees, about 16% were returned to incarceration in 2007.
Among nearly 300,000 prisoners released in 15 states in 1994, 67.5% were rearrested within 3 years. A study of prisoners released in 1983 estimated 62.5%.
Of the 272,111 persons released from prisons in 15 states in 1994, an estimated 67.5% were rearrested for a felony or serious misdemeanor within 3 years, 46.9% were reconvicted, and 25.4% resentenced to prison for a new crime.
These offenders had accumulated 4.1 million arrest charges before their most recent imprisonment and another 744,000 charges within 3 years of release.
Released prisoners with the highest rearrest rates were robbers (70.2%), burglars (74.0%), larcenists (74.6%), motor vehicle thieves (78.8%), those in prison for possessing or selling stolen property (77.4%), and those in prison for possessing, using, or selling illegal weapons (70.2%).
Within 3 years, 2.5% of released rapists were arrested for another rape, and 1.2% of those who had served time for homicide were arrested for homicide.
Time-series studies collect and present data on a single unit or set of subjects. The data are collected on the same variable(s) at frequent, closely spaced regular intervals over a relatively long period. The data can depict both short-term changes and long-term trends in a variable. Most of us are familiar with time series that regularly report indicators of some aspect of the nations economic or social climate. Such time series include consumer price indices, the unemployment rate, and crime rates (p.33).The assumptions that I believe this study will show is without the convicted felons basic needs being meet then it is certain that they will resort back to the only thing they know which is criminal behavior. My reason for selecting this design is because I believe that it will take time to measure their progress and it will possibly show irregular fluctuations that may affect the study.
The specific problem the study will address is what skills are needed to assist the convicted felon in becoming productive and conducive members of society. What I want to learn from this study is why so many convicted felons resort back to criminal behaior. The purpose of this study is to assist me in developing a program to assist the convicted felon in transitioning from prison back into the community. The importance of this study is to reduce recidivism
Research Question
How can convicted felons become productive and contributing members of society again?
What skills are needed to assist them?
Can recidivism be reduced?
According to (Pollack, 2004; Thomas & Woods, 2003)
a theoretical framework is what guides the research process and I will utilize an anti-oppressive practice approach for this project. This concept or framework focuses on the abuse of power, injustice and oppression in the lives of people who are marginalized
O'Sullivan, E., Rassel, G.R., & Berner, M., (2008) Research methods for public administrators. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN:9780321431370
Thomas, D. & Woods, H. (2003). Working with people with learning disabilities: Theory and practice. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

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This is a 3 part paper
1.) 300 word
2.) 100-word
3.) 200 word
totaling 600 words requested
see details below

1 of 3 Write a 300 response explaining how the threat of punishment does or does not deter juvenile delinquency.

Provide examples of general deterrence, specific deterrence, and situation crime prevention strategies.

Additionally, identify which concepts of deterrence you believe offer the best method for controlling juvenile crime.

Resource: pp. 47-80 of Juvenile Delinquency: The Core
Resource: pp. 101-105 of Juvenile Delinquency: The Core

2 of 3 Locate by searching the Internet?federal, state, or local programs with elements that exemplify the application of each of the sociological theories listed below:

? Social structure theories
? Social process theories
? Social conflict theories

Write a 100-word description of each program.

You must have one program that exemplifies social structure theories, one that exemplifies social process theories, and one that exemplifies social conflict theories.

Include each program?s main elements and explain the aspects of each program that address the focus of the relevant theory.
Cite your references in APA format.

3 of 3 Read the case study provided in Appendix C.
Write a 200 word response answering the following questions:

? What are some possible reasons caseworkers were not aware of the conditions in the Jackson home?
From the information presented in the case study, determine whether the nine members of the Division of Youth and Family Services staff should have been fired. Why or why not?

Was justice served in this case? Why or why not?
Could this situation have been prevented? If so, how? If not, why?


Craig Price: Confessions of a Teenage Serial Killer

On September 4, 1989, Marie Bouchard went to check on her daughter Joan Heaton, 39, and her two grandchildren, Jennifer, 10, and Melissa, 8, at their home on Metropolitan Drive in the Buttonwoods area of Warwick, R.I. She was concerned because she hadnt heard from them over the Labor Day weekend. Maries other daughter, Mary Lou, accompanied her to Joans house. It was a visit that would change their lives forever.
When Marie and Mary Lou went to the house, they found it unusual that no one answered the door when they called. They knew Joan must have been nearby because her car was still parked in the driveway, so they rang the doorbell several more times. Still, there was no answer. They decided to take a look inside the house. When they entered, they immediately knew something was terribly wrong. The interior was splattered with blood and a putrid smell permeated the air. As they walked further into the house, they made a heart-wrenching discovery. They saw Joan lying beneath blood-soaked sheets in the hallway. Her oldest daughter, Jennifer, was lying nearby and Melissa was on the kitchen floor. All three had been brutally murdered.

The focus of the paper must be how and why the juvenile involved in the crime(s) developed into a delinquent or criminal, focusing on the theories and concepts you have learned to date in this class. Juveniles do not wake up one morning and turn into delinquents or criminals. The paper should specifically explain how and why, using accepted theories of juvenile delinquency, the particular youth became the delinquent or criminal described in the primary source article. This paper should use appropriate headings and sub-headings to clearly identify sections dedicated to explaining the theories and concepts discussed. Do NOT focus your paper on the facts of the crime but, rather, the delinquency or criminal theories behind it.
Customer is requesting that (Washberne) completes this order.

Community Policing

The purpose of this course is to expose students to the literature on the major theories of management in criminal justice. As such, an in-depth examination of several theories, from the earliest classical explanations to contemporary interpretations, will be reviewed and critiqued. Specific attention will be paid to the propositions, assumptions, and empirical validity of these theories of management

I would like to do my reseach on community policing. Today how successful is community policing? I am interested to know how effective is community policing pertaining to crime reduction in communities. Community policing is a program that seeks to link police action with citizen participation, and to solve community problems such as crimes. On page 82 in Turnabout William Bratton indicated that one of the strengths of the of the old system had been that the beat cops knew the neighborhoods they policed, and their presence in and knowledge of the community prevented many crimes from occurring.

The paper should be about 15-20 pages (double-spaced) in length and should follow the APA style-guidelines.

Customer is requesting that (rbwpenn) completes this order.

You are suppose to pick four questions out of the six listed. I would like Questions 1, 2, 3, 6, and 5, to make it 5 instead. The CJ110 book is Introduction to Criminal Justice, Ninth Edition by Joseph J. Senna & Larry J. Siegel. The ISBN number is 0-534-57305-3. I hope that helps. In case you want to quote a few things from the book.
I have included the requirements for the paper below.

[email protected] is my email address

Linda Hankey----My name
Dr. Vicky Dorworth----Professor
CJ110 22787----Course


Please answer in essay form. Keep in mind that critical thinking is a way of thinking about any content, problem or solutions to problems that extend beyond what is generally accepted. Excellence in thinking is a skill that is cultivated by raising questions, identifying and analyzing problems, and creatively seeking solutions to current practices. Use the following rubric to guide your efforts and the directed study questions discussed in chats to develop your answers. Reference the text, be specific, and respond in a logically consistent manner.

A = Student identifies the content knowledge necessary to answer the question, draws from personal reference, is able to apply various modes of thinking to the answer, and creatively seeks solutions when appropriate. Mastery of textual content is evident with credit given to sources.

B = Student identifies the content knowledge necessary to answer the question, draws from personal reference, effectively reasons and applies thought to the answer, and creatively seeks solutions when appropriate. Mastery of textual content is evident with credit given to sources.

C = Student identifies the content knowledge necessary to answer the question, draws from personal reference, and use of text is evident.

D = Student identifies the content knowledge necessary to answer the question.

1. Criminal Justice practitioners are all too familiar with evidence of how various forms of print and electronic media distort the picture of crime and justice in America. Identify and explain the two models of criminal justice (crime control and due process) and discuss the ?picture of crime in America (statistical representation of crime and victimization).? Cite examples of how each is identified in various forms of media and how this picture affects our view of crime and the practice of criminal justice.
2. Several variables interact to influence crime and justice. Review the independent and aggregate effect of sex, race, age, and location on the amount of crime, the cause of crime, and on the administration of the justice in the United States. What changes do you see necessary to positively impact the equity of justice?
3. Theorists view crime differently. Which theories do you believe best reflects how we explain crime and justice in 2003? Why? What specific theories do you think best explain crime? Given your choice of theories, what would you do to reduce crime associated with drugs in the District of Columbia?
4. Discuss the principles of law (elements that create a crime) in relation to the defenses used to ?excuse? one?s criminal act. Give examples of each defense discussed.
5. What are the barriers to effective policing in 2003? Consider abuse of authority, corruption, deviance, recruitment and training, the police personality, the police subculture, technology, and the transition from the professional model to community policing.
6. Review the burdens of proof necessary to make arrests, stop and detain, search, seize, and convict. Cite appropriate cases that helped to define the standards. When may the police legally search without a warrant? What evidence do we have to suggest that we increasingly overlook the 4th Amendment? How does criminal profiling fit into this discussion? Support the case that profiling IS necessary.

6 Pages

Criminology One of the Most

Words: 2099
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Final Exam" for CMRJ501 D001 Fall 12 You MUST ANSWER THREE OF THE FOUR ESSAY QUESTIONS. As this is a graduate level course, please be sure to use expanded…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Offending in the Past, Any Form

Words: 2294
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

I'll upload the whole assignment instruction later, below is just a very brief intro, and please try not to use Internet sources according to the tutor, thank you=] Drawing on…

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10 Pages

Left/Right Realism the Terms Left

Words: 3311
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Essay questions: The essay is an individual assignment and will account for 70% of your grade for the module. Please write a 3000 word essay in answer to ONE of…

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8 Pages
Research Paper

Juvenile Delinquency Date (Day, Month,

Words: 2251
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Research Paper

A term paper a theory of cime or criminal behavior and apply the theory to refind or develope some significant issue of policy or practice in the field. The…

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5 Pages

Armed Robbery and Criminal Behavior

Words: 1735
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

The paper must address the criminal behavior theories that have a nexus with the deviant act or armed robbery. The theories that must be adrress are the…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Peacemaking Criminology the First Difficulty

Words: 3963
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Need research done on Peacemaking Criminology, its origin, who is responsible for this theory, its impact if any on todays modern justice system, etc.. also include bibiliography page, sources…

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5 Pages

Criminology: Definitional Sentences Technique of

Words: 2111
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Please have Writergrrl101 complete the following assignment. This assignment requires the book ?Classics of Criminology? Third Edition, by Joseph E. Jacoby and the ?Theories of Crime? Second Edition, Daniel J.…

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9 Pages
Research Paper

Victims and Criminal Justice Victimization, Victims and

Words: 2878
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Answer one of the two questions on theories of victimization (Part I), and one of the two questions on victims and the criminal justice system (Part II). A good essay…

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4 Pages

History of Juvenile Justice System Court and Corrections

Words: 1249
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

this is a Two part paper Part 1 (about 3 pages) In the year 2100, there was a young man named Jim who could travel through time. This young man has…

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12 Pages
Research Paper

Quantitative Proposal on Three Strike California Law

Words: 3610
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

A quantitative proposal on California'sThree strike law on whether three strike deters crime... There are faxes for this order. Customer is requesting that (Tomar) completes this order.

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7 Pages

Life Course Crime Factors Determining

Words: 1853
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

Gottfredson and Hirschis The Nature of Criminality: Low Self-Control and Sampson and Laubs Crime and Deviance in the Life Course (both found in the custom course ware) take contradictory…

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3 Pages
Research Paper

Criminology Biological, Sociological and Psychological

Words: 911
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Summarize and provide examples of how biological, sociological and psychological theories of crime causation affect human behavior and actions. Explain each theory, provide examples of each theory and include…

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2 Pages

Theoretical Approaches to Criminal Behavior Different Perspectives

Words: 728
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Soci 2336 Criminology Theorethical Approaches to Criminal Behavior I would like you to provide a better description and more in depth information about the theory. Your job is to elaborate…

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10 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Behavior

Words: 2989
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The psychology of criminal behavior devotes a lot of research and study to develop profiles of persons engaging in different types of criminal behavior- i.e, the background and personality…

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10 Pages

David Berkowitz, Known as "Son

Words: 3683
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Essay

Part One-Research Paper A. Give a history in your own words of David Berkowitz life and what drove him to become a serial killer. Research and discuss…

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6 Pages
Research Paper

Role of Prisons in the Society. I

Words: 1988
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Question: What is the role of the prison in our society? Level: First year of Undergraduate Reading list/ WORKS TO CITE: Borgatta, E.F. & Montgomery, R.J.V., 2000. Encyclopedia of Sociology 2nd ed.,…

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8 Pages

Gender Bias in the U.S. Court System

Words: 2961
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

I need 9 pages plus An outline and Reference page. Must be APA format! (11 reference sources - a combination of newspaper articles, magazines, law manuals, books, and…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Socialization Theories

Words: 869
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Criminological Theories The agents of socialization include the family, educational institutions, peer groups, the media, the workplace, and the government. Let's consider the following scenario related to social control theory. Max,…

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2 Pages

Affiliated in Crime

Words: 561
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Aspects of Criminal Theories Social control theory has stood the test of time and has been revised, modified, and applied to many different types of deviant/criminal behavior. Hirschi's original version…

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3 Pages
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Humans Have Been Contemplating Their

Words: 1076
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Assign this paper to an American writer only. This paper should be based on the readings I sent. When writing, make sure you think about what the authors are…

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8 Pages

Convicted Felons Return to the

Words: 2672
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

The final project for this course is a literature review that allows you to integrate the theory bases and schools of theory you have been exploring with a research…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Delinquency Deterrence Response Sociological Theories and Social Process Theories

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

This is a 3 part paper 1.) 300 word 2.) 100-word 3.) 200 word totaling 600 words requested see details below 1 of 3…

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5 Pages

Craig Price Confessions of a Teenage Serial Killer

Words: 1350
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

THE TOPIC OF THE PAPER IS: Craig Price: Confessions of a Teenage Serial Killer On September 4, 1989, Marie Bouchard went to check on her daughter Joan Heaton, 39, and her…

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17 Pages
Research Paper

Community Policing

Words: 4655
Length: 17 Pages
Type: Research Paper

The purpose of this course is to expose students to the literature on the major theories of management in criminal justice. As such, an in-depth examination of several theories,…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice Take Home Exam Crime Control

Words: 835
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

You are suppose to pick four questions out of the six listed. I would like Questions 1, 2, 3, 6, and 5, to make it 5 instead.…

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