Crimes Essays (Examples)

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On March 9th, 2013, two New York City police officers shot and killed a sixteen-year-old Kimani Gray, and claimed afterward that he had brandished a handgun at them after being told to show his hands (Goodman, 2013). More remarkable than the New York Police Department's killing of a young black male, however, was the outpouring of community grief and anger that followed the shooting. The following Monday, March 11th, saw what started as a nighttime vigil turn into a mob, parts of which ended up looting a ite Aid chain store and a local bodega, and by Wednesday night of that week, forty-six people had been arrested, a bricks had been thrown at both a police officer and a police van (Goodman, 2013). The explosion of disorder and discontentment took some in the media and policing community by surprise, but these evens could only be surprising to someone lacking a….

Crime eporting
What Do You Think?

Crime eporting: UC and NCVS

The Uniform Crime eport is a compilation of offensives collected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from all police stations in the United States. Data collected is divided into two groups, Part I and Part II. Part I data includes violent and property crimes such as aggravated assault, forcible rape, murder, robbery, arson, burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft. Part II offenses include simple assault, curfew offenses and loitering, embezzlement, forgery and counterfeiting, disorderly conduct, driving under the influence, drug offenses, fraud, gambling, liquor offenses, offenses against the family, prostitution, public drunkenness, runaways, sex offenses, stolen property, vandalism, vagrancy, and weapons offenses ("Uniform Crime eports.," 2012).

The National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS) is conducted by telephone and collects information on nonfatal crimes reported and not reported to the police against persons age twelve and older from a nationally representative sample of U.S.….

This gap suggests that men commit the majority of crimes. While the gap exists for all crimes, it is the largest for violent crime, such as homicide, rape, and robberies, and the smallest for property crime. Unlike self-report data, official statistics and victimization reports generally describe the gender-gap as most apparent, as these types of crime reporting suggest large gaps in the number of crimes committed by men and women. Official statistics and victimization reports probably show the largest gender gaps both because they deal more with violent crimes, whose perpetrators tend to be men and because self-report data allows researchers to choose samples that have equal amounts of men and women to study similarities and differences across gender. In other words, self-report data generally has a lower sex-gap because researchers can have a great deal influence in manipulating the data set.
Many crimes are not reported to the police….

S. Why or why not? Be specific in your response.
Not necessarily. The NIBS is not designed to provide national coverage (Hirschel, 2009; USDOJ, 2005). In practice, the NIBS does provide a reliable method for estimating the incidence of those types of crimes that are defined similarly in the NIBS and in other data collection methods and in reporting jurisdictions covered by the NIBS. Conversely, the NIBS is a less reliable method to the extent specific crimes are defined differently and to the extent the data collection omits jurisdictions not covered by the NIBS. Typical examples would include the underreporting of robberies and car thefts in the NIBS by virtue of the absence of large urban areas from NIBS reporting jurisdictions (Schmalleger, 2009).

5. Identify the obstacles to law enforcement agencies to full implementation of NIBS data collection protocol.

According to a comprehensive review conducted jointly by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)….

Crime and Corrections
Historically crime has been a concern for the public, and by extension policy makers because of the ways in which it can change and shape society. Criminal activity has the potential to influence social and economic environments within a society thus it is critical to identify measures that reduce outcomes of crime and support the reintegration of offenders into society. Consequently, crime and corrections have become big business in the United States (Smith). The money from the public purse that is expended to deal with crime is increasing in all of the states. More money is being moved from other areas of the budget to address the challenge of crime and criminal behavior. This increase in expenditure occurs in multiple areas of the criminal justice system and in spite of cost control measures. Additionally, there are fewer prisoners in within the system. This reduction in prisoners has not….

As Schmalleger explains, the American juvenile-justice system was designed a century ago to reform kids found guilty of minor crimes, but more and more, the system has to cope with more violent crimes committed by younger people. The response on the part of lawmakers has been largely to siphon the worst of these young people out of the juvenile system by lowering the age at which juveniles charged with serious crimes can be tried in adult courts, a trend that seems to increase around election time. The underlying philosophy of early juvenile courts was parens patriae, which means that the courts took the role of parent and protected the rights of the child. Shifting the child to adult court reduces his or her rights rather than increasing them and also bring son harsher punishments. As Daniel P. Mears notes, the creators of the juvenile court system thought it would be….

hen considering the effectiveness and logic of this, I do not think that similar methods should be used to punish those who have been judged guilty of crimes in our era.
The first reason I disagree with Dante's methods is that there seems to be no point to the punishments given. I believe that punishing people in a way that is fitting to the crime will only work to reinforce the kind of behavior that led to the crime. One clear example is with people who have committed wrath, with all these people placed together so they will be violent against each other. In considering these people, there is little chance that they will become better people because of the punishment. Instead, they will have little choice but to become increasingly violent. In this way, the crime fitting the punishment has no positive outcome, but has a negative one. It….

Crime eduction and Prevention Proposal for Detroit
Crime Prevention Proposal for Detroit, Michigan

In the midst of a very instable economic environment around the nation, it is crucial for all cities to bump up their strategies at preventing crime in order to be able to avoid future costs associated with fighting crime and imprisoning criminals. Crime prevention is one of the most cost effective strategies in criminal justice, and it can help save property and lives. This is especially crucial for the city of Detroit, which faces its own set of unique challenges in a severely volatile economy that has the potential to lead to increase in a wide variety of crimes, making prevention methods and strategies a crucial tool for local law enforcement.

First and foremost, the city of Detroit needs to bolster its community policing programs through increased community involvement with its law enforcement agencies. Unfortunately, the number of police officers….

Crime Detection and Prevention
It is an unfortunate fact of modern society that crime and criminal activity are part of our world today. This is particularly the case in situations that make an easy target for criminals. ape and robbery, for example, tend to be encouraged in environments that appear to be easy targets. All-night convenience stores, for example, may appear to be easy targets because they have low security features and often have only one employee per shift. The specific crime under discussion in this case is therefore the night-time robbery of all-night convenience stores.

When considering the factors in the Problem Analysis Chart offered by Clarke and Eck (p. 29), the environment provides a significant incentive for criminal activity. A convenience store at a remote location, for example, might appear to be an "easy" target for robbery. The problem analysis triangle, or crime trianble, may therefore offer valuable insight ino….

Crime Maps

Crime maps offer a visual component to crime data and statistics. It allows criminologists, law enforcement analysts, and sociologists to understand the connections between demographic data and criminal incidents. However, sociologists and criminologists must be careful to refrain from drawing illogical conclusions or inferring a false causal relationship. In some cases, crime maps are more useful in terms of helping law enforcement officials allocate resources than they are in making assumptions about demographic components in crime. Crime maps can also be used to help public policy officials create more effective programs for a target demographic. In the case of iverside, there is no clear relationship between race and crime. Criminal incidents are scattered throughout the county. However, there are a few core regions of concern and both contain high numbers of non-blacks. This information suggests that African-American neighborhoods in iverside have lower rates of crime than non-black neighborhoods. Law enforcement….

The changing nature of crime should make criminology, in terms of criminal laws, flexible and up-to-date. The law must have a regular review to ensure that the society is governed by proper and accurate directives to guarantee peace and equality among the people. Moreover, flexibility is important to ensure that right punishment is rendered to every crime. Another impact that criminology holds because of the changing nature of crime is the goal and objective of assessing their tools and technology that fight against crime.

Unlike some decades ago, guns and written laws are not the only tools these days that can prevent crimes and put the criminals in bars. Because of the diverse high technology that emerges, it is important that criminology has the right and advance instruments that can enhance their purpose of serving and ensuring peace to society..

Crime Punishment Philosophy
Since the beginning of the 70s, the number of people inducted in jails and state facilities has increased to an astonishing level. In the present, more than two million individuals are serving jail time in either jails or state prisons. The growth of crime rate and imprisonment can be greatly attributed to the African-American and Hispanic communities residing in the U.S., who still categorize as the poor communities in the urban areas of the country. Even though, the increasing number of arrests and incarceration should in theory have reduced the crime rate, considering that the incarcerated offenders are no longer free to rob, mug or assault (Ezorsky, 1972).

Historical Context of Crime elated Policies and Punishment

However, no large scale crime reduction was recorded till the 1990's, that's when an actual decrease in crime was observed throughout the country. The most important point to be noted here is that even….

First, the old pawnbroker may be viewed an evil person who is actually harming society by her vile and cynical grasp on the poor citizens who come to her for pawning. According to Hegel, any harmful segment of society should be removed. Therefore, Raskolnikov reasoned that by murdering the old pawnbroker, he would be removing a harmful thing from society.

Next, Hegel believed that the ends justified the means, i.e., if the ends are noble, then the means may be justified. Using this rationale, the old pawnbroker has a lot of money which will be wasted upon useless masses and requiem services after her death. With this money, Raskolnikov would be able to complete his education without being cramped and the may devote himself to the service of humanity.

Lastly, Hegel argued that one small crime may be wiped out by thousands of good deeds. Raskolnikov could use the money that the….

Some of the entries are closely related, but the search function appears to pull up every entry that has any of the words for which a person searches. That can be very frustrating, because it produces a large number of entries that are not related in any way to the original search. Encyclopedia Britannica also requires a person to sign up for a free trial period in order to read any of the entries (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2011). After that trial period is over, one must pay for the service. ikipedia requires no sign-up, and there is no cost for searching or reading on the site (ikipedia, 2011).
Overall, ikipedia excels over Encyclopedia Britannica when searching for crime and punishment in the 18th century or anything else. hile neither site has a page specifically dedicated to that issue and it is necessary to perform several searches on each site in order….

Crime Journal
"They picked up their fists instead of guns" was how a reporter noted the outbreak of a gang fight in the city of ichmond, California, on Friday afternoon, October 14, 2011. What was unique about this crime story was that the fist fight broke out inside the City Hall complex within the Office of Neighborhood Safety. The seven people involved in the incident were in that office to collect some incentive payments as part of a privately funded initiative called Operation Peacemakers, the purpose of which is, curiously enough, to engage young people in mental health, anger management and other productive efforts to keep them out of trouble. On the day of the altercation, members of rival gangs showed up at about the same time and the confrontation occurred, spreading blood about the office, breaking furniture, and causing concern for many. The police received numerous 911 calls. When they….

Based on an understanding of the facts about immigration in the modern-day United States, this would be a good topic for a thesis statement on immigration reform: Modern immigration rules and laws favor immigrants from some countries over others and place a significant financial burden on prospective immigrants and on those who would sponsor them; removing some of those financial burdens would incentivize legal immigration and therefore reduce the number of people seeking to enter the country as undocumented immigrants, helping resolve the country’s undocumented immigrant problem.

Before trying to write a thesis statement about immigration reform, it....

In an essay, an attention grabber is known as the essay hook.  To help you out on your world civilization essay, we have put together a few topics, essay hooks, and thesis statements you could use for a world civilization essay.

World Civilization Essay Topics

  1. To what extent does the character Khal Drago from Game of Thrones resemble the real-life warlord, leader, and destroyer Genghis Khan?
  2. An exploration of the well-known Barbarian leader, Attila the Hun and how his actual behavior and history conflicts with his reputation as an uncultured and vicious leader, including investigation into his education, his use....

If you are approaching a 20,000-character essay, the first thing you need to do is have an idea how long 20,000 characters is.  If you use words that average six characters, then 20,000 characters is 3,333 words.  A standard page is 300 words, so the paper would be just over 11 pages.  That is a pretty significant-length essay, and you will want to keep that in account when planning how to write it. If you are comfortable with the standard 5-paragraph approach, which is introduction, three supporting paragraphs, and a conclusion, you might find it helpful to think of....

While it may seem like recidivism has a clear definition, there have actually been a number of different definitions of recidivism over time.  Generally, recidivism means reoffending after being released from a punishment or treatment program.  However, measures of recidivism cannot really account for all recidivism because recidivism is measured in various ways such as convictions for additional crimes, self-reporting rates, etc., but none of these measures is going to accurately capture all instances of recidivism.  One highly-researched area of recidivism is sex offenders and sex-based offenses.  Most lay people believe that sex offenders cannot be rehabilitated....

18 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Crime on March 9th 2013 Two New

Words: 5716
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Crime On March 9th, 2013, two New York City police officers shot and killed a sixteen-year-old Kimani Gray, and claimed afterward that he had brandished a handgun at them after…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime Reporting What Do You Think Crime

Words: 640
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Crime eporting What Do You Think? Crime eporting: UC and NCVS The Uniform Crime eport is a compilation of offensives collected by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from all police stations…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime and Gender First Document

Words: 573
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

This gap suggests that men commit the majority of crimes. While the gap exists for all crimes, it is the largest for violent crime, such as homicide, rape,…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime Reporting and Data Collection

Words: 691
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

S. Why or why not? Be specific in your response. Not necessarily. The NIBS is not designed to provide national coverage (Hirschel, 2009; USDOJ, 2005). In practice, the NIBS does…

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3 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime and Corrections Historically Crime Has Been

Words: 1025
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Crime and Corrections Historically crime has been a concern for the public, and by extension policy makers because of the ways in which it can change and shape society. Criminal…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Crime as Schmalleger Explains the American Juvenile-Justice

Words: 1570
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Crime As Schmalleger explains, the American juvenile-justice system was designed a century ago to reform kids found guilty of minor crimes, but more and more, the system has to cope…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Crime and Punishment in Dante's

Words: 1324
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

hen considering the effectiveness and logic of this, I do not think that similar methods should be used to punish those who have been judged guilty of crimes…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime Reduction and Prevention Proposal for Detroit

Words: 626
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Crime eduction and Prevention Proposal for Detroit Crime Prevention Proposal for Detroit, Michigan In the midst of a very instable economic environment around the nation, it is crucial for all cities…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime Detection and Prevention it Is an

Words: 688
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Crime Detection and Prevention It is an unfortunate fact of modern society that crime and criminal activity are part of our world today. This is particularly the case in situations…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime Maps

Words: 601
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Crime maps offer a visual component to crime data and statistics. It allows criminologists, law enforcement analysts, and sociologists to understand the connections between demographic data and criminal incidents.…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Crime and Deviance Crime Is

Words: 330
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The changing nature of crime should make criminology, in terms of criminal laws, flexible and up-to-date. The law must have a regular review to ensure that the society is…

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2 Pages

Criminal Justice

Crime Punishment Philosophy Since the Beginning of

Words: 753
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Crime Punishment Philosophy Since the beginning of the 70s, the number of people inducted in jails and state facilities has increased to an astonishing level. In the present, more than…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Criminal Justice

Crime and Punishment Rodion Romanovitch

Words: 869
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

First, the old pawnbroker may be viewed an evil person who is actually harming society by her vile and cynical grasp on the poor citizens who come to her…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Crime and Punishment in the

Words: 717
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Some of the entries are closely related, but the search function appears to pull up every entry that has any of the words for which a person searches.…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Criminal Justice

Crime Journal They Picked Up Their Fists

Words: 677
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Crime Journal "They picked up their fists instead of guns" was how a reporter noted the outbreak of a gang fight in the city of ichmond, California, on Friday afternoon,…

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