Stoval Home Products Case Https:// Thank You Essay


¶ … Stoval Home Products case Thank you for using our product and contacting us with your concerns regarding the stain on your white Sportique jacket. At Stovall, we pride ourselves on researching every customer problem and responding accordingly.

While we have every confidence in our product, White-n-Brite Liquid Bleach, the product is not effective if not used in accordance with the directions on our label and on the labels of the products being laundered. In this case, the care instructions for the Sportique jacket indicate "Do not use bleach." I have verified this with the manufacturer SporTTogs. White-n-Brite's label instructs that customers that they should "always check manufacturers' care tags and directions for cleaning instructions." In addition, you pointed out that you used our bleach "in the treated areas around the stains." White-n-Brite's label states, "Do not use White-n-Brite Liquid as a spot remover," thus we can not pay your claim for damage to your jacket.

Nevertheless, we are fully committed to you as a customer and we would like to help you restore your jacket to its prior condition. Our Laundry Products Lab suggests the following procedure:

1) Mix one gallon of cold water, two tablespoons of sodium sulfate (can be purchased at a drugstore or photo supply shop), and half cup of white vinegar.

2) Immerse the entire jacket for twenty minutes. If one batch of the solution is not sufficient, double the batch.



If you choose this option, however, it may take several weeks to return the jacket.
Because we appreciate your feedback, we have included a few booklets you might find useful, including White-n-Brite Tough Stain Tips and Delicate Fabrics Home Care Guide. Also please accept the enclosed coupons for use on some of our new products.


John Smith

The case study, "Stovall Home Products: Practicing Prudence to Avoid Liability," features a customer who has complained that her use of a Stovall product, White-n-Brite Liquid Bleach, has led to an irreversible stain on her jacket and asked for the company to compensate her for a new one. After research, it is apparent that the customer did not follow the care directions on the jacket or the bleach, and thus was liable for the damage herself. However, as is stressed in the case study, it is crucial to keep every existing customer and, as such, a polite but clearly worded letter needed to be sent which put forward Stovall's assertion that it does not have liability for the damage, but also that they are willing to help the customer remedy the damage in a few specific ways.

In drafting the letter, it was important to stay concise, on message, and maintain a cordial air.…

Sources Used in Documents:


Bowman, J. (2002, August 21). Writing Negative Messages. Homepages at WMU. Retrieved May 04, 2011, from

Christensen, G.J. (2005, September 19). Letters...We get stacks of letters and business notes.

Retrieved May 04, 2011, from

Erdman, K.M., & Hildebrandt, H.W. (1998). Stovall home products: Practicing prudence to avoid liability. Business Communication Quarterly, 61(1), 152-163. Retrieved May 04, 2011, from

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"Stoval Home Products Case Https Secure-research-payment Com Beta Writer Writer_order_detail Index A2024221 Thank You", 08 May 2011, Accessed.25 April. 2024,