For many people, writing an effective conclusion paragraph can be the most difficult part of the essay.  They know that the conclusion should resemble the introduction.  However, they may not be certain how to make the concluding paragraph  stand out from the rest of the paper.

That is a problem because a writer wants to craft a stand-out conclusion that sticks with the reader.  That is because the conclusion paragraph is what will stick with the audience, even after they have stopped reading the paper.

We have two different ways to help you write a stronger essay conclusion.  One of the tools we have is an essay conclusion generator. Using this conclusion paragraph generator tool, a user uploads the title to their essay and the text of the essay. The conclusion paragraph writer uses that information to craft a custom conclusion for your essay.

This tutorial also takes you through the process of writing a conclusion essay.

How to use Conclusion Generator

Simply enter the text and title of your essay into the Essay Conclusion Generator. Then, the  conclusion maker generates text to match your essay writing. This tool is an AI paragraph generator that is able to effectively match the content and style of your essay.

Essay Title

How to Write a Conclusion Paragraph

Conclusion Definition

A conclusion is the final paragraph (or paragraphs) of an essay or paper.  The goal of the conclusion is to reiterate the main points of the essay, connecting them to the thesis and to each other. 

A conclusion should tie up everything in the essay. It should also help the reader understand why the writer chose to write the essay. Finally, a conclusion needs to make a strong impression on the reader.

How to Start a Conclusion

To signal to the reader that the essay is transitioning from the body to the conclusion, writers can use conclusion transition words.  Transition words are words that indicate you are changing from one topic to another or that show a relationship between two different topics or ideas.  

A writer does not have to use transition words to show that they are beginning the conclusion, but they can be very helpful to the reader. Some transition words or phrases include in summary, in conclusion, to conclude, thus, therefore, to summarize, to sum up, to sum, in conclusion, finally, in the end, on the whole, in the final analysis, and in brief.  

For academic writing, writers begin the conclusion by restating the thesis of the paper. Although academic writing can sometimes seem formulaic, there is a reason for the formulaic approach.  It means that readers will know where to find the thesis in an essay.  

In an introduction, the thesis is the last sentence of the introduction.  For most shorter academic works, this means that the thesis is the last sentence of the introductory paragraph. For longer academic works, the thesis may be the last few sentences in the introduction section.

For the conclusion paragraph or section, writers begin by restating the thesis.  Restating the thesis does not mean using the same thesis statement contained in the introduction.

Instead, the writer paraphrases the thesis statement contained in the introduction. This signals to the reader that the body of the essay has been concluded and that this final part will recap the information contained in the essay.  It also sets up a frame for the entire essay.

Conclusion Paragraph Outline

The template for a conclusion paragraph is relatively simple.  Generally, it should be a mirrored version of the introductory paragraph.  However, instead of having a hook sentence, the final sentence of the conclusion should be designed to keep the audience thinking about the essay.

To really understand the template of a conclusion, it is important to think about the conclusion as part of the paper, as a whole.  Looking at a standard outline for a basic five-paragraph academic essay, it becomes easier to picture how a conclusion should appear.

I.  Introduction

A.  Hook sentence

B.  Subtopic 1

C.  Subtopic 2

D.  Subtopic 3

E.  Thesis statement

II.  Subtopic 1

A.  Supporting statement

B.  Supporting statement

C.  Supporting statement

III.  Subtopic 2

A.  Supporting statement

B.  Supporting statement

C.  Supporting statement

IV.  Subtopic 3

A.  Supporting statement

B.  Supporting statement

C.  Supporting statement

V. Conclusion

A.  Restate thesis

B.  Subtopic 1

C.  Subtopic 2

D.  Subtopic 3

E.  Concluding statement

Remember, a good conclusion should have a thesis statement, supporting details, and a strong ending sentence, such as a call to action. We have included some examples of strong concluding paragraphs to give you an idea of how to write a good conclusion.

Example 1

Our first example is for an argumentative essay.  Notice how the argumentative essay conclusion does not just state that America needs better gun control, but contains a call to action about how to achieve that gun control:

It is clear that America needs better gun control. The percentage of shooting deaths in America is much larger than in any other industrialized nation. Mass shooter events have changed the landscape of American education and threaten everyday activities like shopping at the mall or eating at a restaurant.

Gun violence even increases the likelihood that suicidal people will successfully take their own lives.  The primary argument that people make against gun control is the Second Amendment protects all forms of gun ownership. If the Supreme Court decides that is true, the remedy is clear: amend the Constitution.

Example 2

The second example is for a persuasive essay.  Unlike an argumentative essay, the conclusion is not anticipating counterarguments.  It concludes with the call to action:

Although people say it is impossible to legislate ethical behavior, it is clear that changing laws changes behavior. Civil rights laws and the forced integration of previously segregated schools preceded society-wide changes in race relations.

Women’s rights in daily life received a significant boost from laws that recognized a woman’s equality, such as the right to get a divorce or apply for a credit card.

The legalization of same-sex marriage has only led to an increase in the percentage of people who support gay rights.  Based on this information, it is clear that changing the laws can change behavior.  For that reason, it is critical that civil rights groups retain access to the courts. Support that access with donations to organizations like the ACLU.

Example 3 

This example shows that not all academic essays have to be serious.  It also features a final sentence that is playful and designed to make the reader chuckle.

Women should swipe right on photos of men with cats in them. Even though research shows that women view men with cat photos on dating applications negatively, men who have pets make better partners.

Having a cat shows that a man is capable of forming a strong bond with another living creature. Cats throw up hairballs, which prepares a man for some of the messes associated with parenting.

Finally, because cat ownership has been associated with seeming feminine, a man who proudly owns cats is not constrained by gender norms. So, instead of avoiding men with cat pics in their profiles, women who want to have a purr-fectly good partner should swipe right!


To sum up, writing a conclusion paragraph for an academic essay does not have to be complicated. It will basically be an inverted version of your introduction. Begin by restating the thesis.

Continue by providing supporting sentences. End with some type of compelling concluding sentence.  The type of compelling concluding sentence may depend on the type of essay, but a writer can rarely go wrong if they end with a call to action. 

Try Out Our Essay Conclusion Generator

Save time on your writing process by utilizing the Essay Conclusion Generator. This writing service is a great starting point to craft the perfect conclusion for your assignment or type of content. Whether it be a research paper or a blog post, this AI tool can generate content conclusions that speak directly to your target audience.

This tool, as well as many other writing tools, can be accessed by signing up with PaperDue. You can also browse our vast catalog of writing guides and study documents to help you write any and all of your assignments.

For additional advice on crafting the perfect essay conclusion, consult our Homework Help Question and Answer section.