One of the most attractive fields of interest for undergraduates and mature students returning to college is the field of nursing. However, despite the high level of demand for nurses across America and the lucrative career prospects of the nursing profession, admissions to nursing schools remains very competitive. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of nursing school faculty, which means that admission to nursing school is extremely competitive. A prospective student cannot be confident that his or her desire alone will ensure admission.

Strong grades (especially in the sciences); high test scores; and evidence of preparation for nursing through work-related and volunteer experiences are all essential. A persuasive admissions essay can also be a great asset in bolstering your candidacy. Don’t begin your essay with the words: “I love helping people so I would be a great nurse.” As with all great writing, remember the principle of showing the reader what you mean, rather than telling the reader. Describe an incident helping someone—preferably in a medical setting, or in another service-related capacity. This will underline your commitment to nursing much more than merely stating that you are a loving and generous individual.

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Nursing is a demanding profession. As well as showing evidence of caring, it is also important to underline your grit and determination in the face of adversity. Nurses have to deal with people at their worst, and face sickness and yes, even death, sometimes on a daily basis. Sharing experiences that show you aren’t afraid to get your hands dirty and can stay cool in a crisis are just as important as indicating that you care about others.

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