Brain Effects From Video Games Essay


Technology has emerged and pervaded the lives of many people as it becomes more advanced and more a part of society. A good and prominent example of this is video games. Even with the leisure and perceived positive effects of video games, their effect on the brain is a cause for concern among many in the scientific and academic communities. While many of the effects could absolutely be good, there are other effects that could be bad with age and stage of brain development being important factors to keep in mind.One factor that clearly aggravates the situation of people playing video games and it might or does affect the brain is the fact that the younger people who still have the development of their brains in motion. As such, verifying whether or not there are effects on cognition and that development of the brain structure is an important item to consider. That precise subject was the focus of a study by Shams et al. (2015). Specifically, they looked at the confluence of the effects of video games on cognition and brain structure and how this does or does not dovetail with implications for neuropsychiatric disorders. Shams was able to capture a three-year period from 2011 to 2014. While the effect does not seem to be across the board with all video games, there are certain types of video games that seem to have effects on brain structure and cognition. While there is concern with many that the change in brain structure and patterns is often manifested in the form of degradation and regression,...


Meaning, it was found by Shams that the video games in question can be used to train and improve the brain. Shams does admit that the body of research relating to this general topic is very much in its nascent stage and much more work is necessary. AT the same time, at least some results and outcomes from using certain types of video games would seem to be positive rather than negative (Shams et al., 2015). The enhancement to cognition seems to not be limited to those that are younger and still developing. Indeed, Ballesteros et al. (2015) did a study that looked at how certain non-action games can enhance the cognition in older adults (Ballesteros et al., 2015).
There are other games, however, that are deemed to have a negative effect on people. It is often ascribed to children and young adults but there seem to be implications to all age spectrums, even if people that play video games are mostly younger. Indeed, violent video games are of high concern to many people. Work by Gentile (2017) in particular would seem to reveal that the effects are extensive and usually biological in nature. While mental effects are on that list, there are also ones that affect other parts of the body, in whole or in part. Gentile explains that violent video games seem to have effects on things like salivary cortisol, arousal of all sorts and aggressive thought patterns in children. Other aspects and dimensions that are apparently…

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