Communications Interagency Technology Security Essay


Public service organizations and other large bureaucracies with hierarchical structures depend on technology for effective communications. Those communications do need to be guided by protocol that reflects the overall mission, values, and goals of the organization, to prevent ethical infractions, and to preserve chains of command. However, the constraints of bureaucratic communications procedures and protocol can be perceived of as stifling interagency cooperation. The communication barriers that prevent effective interagency cooperation are not necessarily linked to technology, nor even to rules and protocol, but rather to typical communication barriers like ineffective encoding and decoding of messages and their meanings (Widhiastuti, 2012). Technology can be used to break down communication barriers while improving the outcomes of existing communication breakdowns. For example, technological tools can be used to create transparent and open forum discussions that allow for multilateral discussions. Technology also permits asynchronous communications, which prevent hasty information decoding and therefore prevent miscommunications. Some technological tools can be used to provide more media-rich accounts, which can also help reduce the burden on verbal communications in a culturally or linguistically diverse organizational environment.

Technology is instrumental for improving interagency communications, particularly during times of crisis or other situations requiring a...


The key principles of interagency communication include honesty, regularity, clarity, monitoring, feedback, and role clarity (Tampere, n.d.). Moreover, consistent technological platforms need to be used to prevent unnecessary problems in critical communications scenarios. Technology can be used to enhance interagency communications via the sharing of multimedia data as well as verbal message transmissions.
Technological tools that enhance safety and security bolster critical infrastructure and improve overall resilience. However, safety and security networks need to be regular updated and maintained. Technology can be employed specifically for the purposes of security management, training, and consistent monitoring of all essential services. Likewise, technology can be used as a means of interfacing with the public during crisis scenarios. Each agency can establish its own channel of communication, providing the public and other external stakeholders with access to multiple messages via many media channels. Social media and other new media can also be leveraged for informing the public about critical infrastructure breakdowns and updates.

Current types of technology used in the protection of critical infrastructure and during interagency interactions are generally effective but continually evolving to be more so. A plethora of products and services, some of which are proprietary, make interagency communications complicated…

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