Contract Law And Modern Communication Essay


Two of the necessary conditions for the formation of a contract are offer and acceptance. Over the years, courts have faced a number of questions as to what, specifically, constitutes offer and acceptance. Issues relate to wording, timing and medium, among others. The advent of electronic communications, and its constant evolution, has opened the door to more grey areas that ultimately need to be resolved with respect to what constitutes offer and acceptance. A number of issues spring to mind -- is a text message sufficient to be deemed "in writing," is the shorthand in which many electronic communications are written valid for the formation of a legal contract, and what about electronic forms, which are essentially a one-way form of a communication? This paper will examine the case law that surrounds the evolving field of electronic communication, and how case law has dealt with modern methods of communication.Application of the Mailbox Rule

The mailbox rule in contract law reflects the idea that a meeting of the minds is achieved when acceptance is communicated to the offeree, when the acceptance enters the postal system. Where instantaneous means of communication are concerned, the mailbox rule applies to everything from faxes to telex machines, and it is the precedent established for these archaic devices that forms the basis of instantaneous communication law today, as pertains to email, texting...


The basic notion is that instantaneous communication is analogous to face-to-face communication (Cameron & Castell, 1997). If there is a break in the communication, both parties would be aware. This abuts reality, however, in that someone's email server could be down, causing a one-sided break in communication that the other party is unaware of. In such situations, the mailbox rule is more applicable.

One of the issues that has arisen where electronic communication is concerned is authentication -- how do we know that there has been a meeting of the minds? The courts have typically held that a signature line, even one that is automatically generated, such as would appear at the bottom of an email, is sufficient to established authenticity of a communication, and bind the communicator to their respective offer or acceptance (Speziale, 2013). This applies both to the formation of a contract, and to its modification -- the general rules about both parties meeting minds still hold regardless of the mode of communication.

Specific Cases

Since the mainstreaming of electronic communication, a number of issues have arisen. The area of one-sided communications is of interest. In Specht v. Netscape, it was determined that clicking on a download button did not show assent to license terms if those terms were not conspicuous, establishing that no contract could…

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