Definition Of Learning Essay


Learning is the acquisition of new knowledge or skills. Because learning changes the way we think and act, the concept is powerful and transformative. Learning changes our worldviews, and expands our perspectives. With learning, we cultivate new insights, fermenting what we acquire as pure fact into what can be better referred to as knowledge or even wisdom. Then we can apply that knowledge to our own lives, and also help others. Online learning is simply a new method of learning and is not qualitatively different from other methods of learning. The benefits of online learning include empowering the learner to take charge of his or her own pace of development.The fundamental benefit associated with online learning is convenience. Students can learn whenever and wherever they please, so long as they participate and turn in their assignments in a timely fashion. Online learning allows us the same degree of social interaction as traditional classroom experiences, too. Moreover, there are different types of learning including learning theory, learning by doing, and learning by watching others. The differences between a physical and virtual classroom are minimized through active engagement with the material. All students, no matter whether they are learning online or in a classroom, need to apply themselves....


We can also contextualize our knowledge, sharing with other students from around the world instantly to better understand diversity of experiences and points of view. Although the potential to be distracted or to procrastinate may be greater in an online learning environment, all students need to cultivate discipline and remain motivated and connected to the material. My view of learning has changed as a result of this course because I have become more mature and self-aware. Taking the LCI inventories has helped me to recognize my learning patterns and preferences, helping me to understand myself. I am better equipped to capitalize on my strengths and strengthen my weaknesses.

Learning Patterns

My learning patterns indicate that I am a strong-willed learner who favors Confluence, Precision, and Sequence over Technical learning. I used various strategies to demonstrate learning and development in each of these areas. The strategies I used to complete readings, discussions, assignments, and quizzes included time management, mindfulness, and collaborating with others. To be successful in the course, I needed to mobilize as many personal resources as possible, digging deep to find extra energy, time, and attention. To keep motivation high, I learned how…

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"Definition Of Learning" (2017, September 27) Retrieved May 3, 2024, from

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"Definition Of Learning", 27 September 2017, Accessed.3 May. 2024,

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