Digestive Disorders And Homeopathy Essay


.....homeopathic remedies have been developed to treat stomach and bowel problems including indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, and hemorrhoids. The following are among the most common homeopathic remedies for digestive issues and their specific applications:


Because the symptoms of indigestion vary, there are different remedies to address specific symptoms. Remedies can be combined when multiple symptoms are present.

Calcarea carbonica: This remedy is indicated for individuals who suffer from heartburn with accompanying stomach cramps, and who also tend to be lactose intolerant (British Homeopathic Association, 2010). A person who experiences a bitter taste in the mouth after belching would also benefit from calcarea carbonica (British Homeopathic Association, 2010).

Carbo vegetabilis: This remedy is indicated for individuals who experience indigestion symptoms like gas and belching a short time after eating, and even after eating small portions.. Bloating may also be an issue, as is aversion to meat, milk, or fatty foods (National Center for Homeopathy, 2015).

Ignatia: This remedy is indicated for people who experience sour tasting burps as well as stomach rumbling after eating (National Center for Homeopathy, 2015).

Nux vomica: This remedy is indicated for people who tend to overindulge. Indigestion after a large or rich meal may be experienced as late as two hours after the...

The personality types that tend to benefit most from Nux Vomica include Type A personalities or those prone to anger or irritability (British Homeopathic Association, 2010).


As there are different causes and types of constipation, there are also different homeopathic remedies including the following.

Alumina: This remedy is indicated for individuals with severe constipation, particularly the elderly (British Homeopathic Association, 2010)

Baryta carbonica: This remedy is indicated for individuals whose bowel movements when they eventually arrive are large but hard and therefore uncomfortable (British Homeopathic Association, 2010)

Bryonia: This remedy is helpful for occasional constipation, particularly for people who only experience constipation when traveling (British Homeopathic Association, 2010).


Arsenicum album: This remedy is indicated for people who are typically restless and thirsty, and who experience a burning sensation in the rectum during the passing of the loose stool (National Center for Homeopathy, 2015). It can be useful for travelers' diarrhea.

Sulphur: A common remedy for multiple digestive disorders, sulphur is indicated for individuals who experience sudden, urgent, and smelly diarrhea first thing in the morning, and whose bowels tend to be irregular generally (National Center for…

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