Feverfews Historical And Modern Use Essay


Tanacetum Parthenium, Feverfew

Tanacetum Parthenium, which is also known as Feverfew (i.e. botanical name), is an attractive perennial herb that is found sporadically growing in several part of North America as well as Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. Since this attractive herb is mostly found cultivated, it is usually planted around the house because its believed to have a purifying impact on the atmosphere. Additionally, the plant is grown around the house in these regions because its associated with abilities to ward off disease. This perennial herb grows with relatively little attention once established and can be grown from its seeds, cuttings or root division though root division is the simplest method for growing this herb (Petersen, 2016). Given its significance as medicinal plant, Feverfew (Tanancetum Parthenium) was used by traditional societies and is still used in the modern society. There are some variations in the historical and contemporary use of this perennial herb, which is a member of the sunflower family.

Historical Use of Tanacetum Parthenium

Feverfew was traditionally or historically used as a medicinal herb to prevent migraine headaches and has a long history of use in conventional and folk medicine (Elliott, n.d.). This herb was commonly used by early European and Greek...

In some cases, the herb was utilized to treat vomiting, asthma, psoriasis, nausea, allergies, dizziness, and tinnitus. The historical use of Feverfew as a medicinal herb can be traced back to Greece when the plant was used to treat a Greek workman who fell during Parthenon's construction. Since it was considered too bitter for oral consumption, Tanacetum Parthenium was administered through applying it on the wrists and head for treatment of pain.
Additionally, traditional healers utilized it as an antipyretic while others grew it around the house to ward off malaria and as an insect repellent (Kemper, 1999). According to Pareek et al. (2011), Tanacetum Parthenium has historically been used as an insecticide, abortifacient, and for treatment of colds and coughs. In the Chinese society, this perennial herb was considered to have a sour-cooling flavor or bitter-cooling because of its fire or wood yang element. In Costa Rica, this perennial herb has been utilized to aid digestion, as an emmenagogue, a cardiotonic, and an enema for worms.

Historical v. Science-based Contemporary Use of Feverfew


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