Growth Vs Fixed Mindset Research Paper


People have their unique perspectives and beliefs they use to get them through life and life’s obstacles. Some have a fixed mindset, while others have a growth mindset. A fixed mindset is when someone believes they have fixed traits, things like talent or intelligence. For them, there is no need to develop, but rather, document. A growth mindset on the other hand helps someone generate productivity and motivation in the areas of sports, education, and business. It is the growth mindset that allows people to innovate and develop their skills and traits to reach their potential. Not everyone is suitable to a growth mindset just like for the fixed mindset. It is important to acknowledge both mindsets and their benefits and disadvantages to better understand what can be learned from both. Ultimately, both mindsets have their place at any given point in someone’s life and should be considered.What is fixed mindset and why is it important? First it important to understand what mindset means. Mindset explains how things can stand in the way of action, why talent and brains are not the only things to bring success, why praise does not foster talent or self-esteem, and how teach a basic concept about the brain can raise productivity and the brain. Mindset, at the least the idea of it, was discovered by Carol Dweck, a famous psychologist who believed a fixed mindset meant not believing in effort. (Dweck 12) Dweck felt that people must transition from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset to improve their lives and themselves. While this is true and people should move towards a growth mindset, there is a place for the fixed mindset as the human mind transitions from fixed to growth cyclically throughout life.

In a fixed mindset, there is a belief that things like talent or intelligence are fixed traits. People with this mindset spend their time attempting to document their talent or intelligence and not develop them. (Dweck 13) They also have the belief talent is the only thing required for success, not effort. This could be deemed wrong. However, sometimes things don’t require a lot of effort. Why dwell on ways to improve things if there...


Rowling. Her talent in the form of a popular novel, got her to a point where she does not have to worry about money or working again for the rest of her life. For a time, she decided to live off that talent via book royalties and enjoyed herself. Before that stage, she was in the growth mindset, working hard to hone her craft and perfect her book. Then, after some time basking in the success of the Potter books, she chose to write again, writing an adult novel titled, The Casual Vacancy. (Kakutani) People can reach a certain level of success on any kind of level (personal, financial, career), and desire to take a break and just reflect on what they have done, letting their talent continue to lead them to satisfaction. People must understand that, someone cannot simply be working all the time, improving all the time. This is impossible.
Another example to accurately show this is the film Inside Out. At first Sadness was ignored because everyone thought she was not needed compared to the other feelings. “Disgust keeps Riley safe from being poisoned, Fear keeps her safe from catastrophe by imagining worst case scenarios, Anger protects her from others and also allows her to be a better hockey player, while Joy ensures that Riley is happy.” (Langley) However, as the movie progressed, towards the end, Joy saw the importance of Sadness. Sadness allowed the protagonist to express herself, the pain she felt inside instead of repressing it. This is what is vital to health, balance. To say that a fixed mindset is not needed or to try to go for the growth mindset in not basing one’s perspective in reality. There will be times when someone can rely on their talent, and have a chance to document these talents or intelligences and simply live within their abilities. There will also be times when one must try and work hard, put forth great, continual effort to achieve what they desire. This bring to the concept of growth…

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