HIV AIDS Infrastructures Around The World Essay


Public Infrastructure and the Status of World Health for Hiv / Aids TreatmentThe HIV / AIDS epidemic began as a regional problem but gradually became a global public health issue by the closing decade of the 20th century (Powers, 2016). The same forces that have driven globalization are believed to account for this growth in HIV / AIDS cases, and researchers have since termed the epidemic as "a disease of the global system" (Powers, 2016, p. 239). This paper reviews the relevant peer-reviewed literature as well as nongovernmental organizational resources to evaluate the adequacy of the public infrastructure developed in response to this global problem and a discussion concerning the most important needs in shaping and sustaining the infrastructure for dealing with this public health problem. Finally, a series of recommended changes are followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning the HIV / AIDS global epidemic in the conclusion.

Adequacy of workforce, communications and tracking systems, research and evaluation capabilities, planning, and laboratory facilities

The adequacy of the global infrastructure devoted to dealing with this public health problem in different countries can be discerned from recent infection rates for this disease. A breakdown of the estimated numbers of people living with HIV / AIDS by WHO region...


According to WHO, in 2015, there were 25.5 million people living with HIV / AIDS in Africa, 3,4 million in the Americas, 3.5 million in Southeast Asia, 2.5 million in Europe, 330,000 in the Eastern Mediterranean and 1.4 million in the Western Pacific regions (Global health observatory data, 2016).
At present, the World Health Organization (WHO) reports that there are approximately 36.7 million people living with HIV / AIDS as of year-end 2015 and just under half (46.3%) or about 17 million of these sufferers were receiving some form of antiviral therapy, a figure that includes 2 million people who began treatment at some point during 2015 (HIV / AIDS, 2016). In addition, more than three-quarters (77%) of all pregnant women living with HIV / AIDS were being treated with medicines that are designed to prevent the disease's transmission from mother to infant by year-end 2015 (HIV / AIDS, 2016). Despite this progress, there were still 2.1 million new cases of HIV / AIDS and 1.1 million people died from the disease in 2015 (HIV / AIDS, 2016).

In the case of South Africa where infection rates are inordinately high, a sustained lack of resources has caused the national government to increasingly rely on nongovernmental organizations for surveillance and treatment assistance (Powers, 2016). Likewise, HIV…

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