HSMS Gap Analysis Hazard Identification And Risk Assessments Essay


HSMS Gap Analysis and Hazard Identification Risk Assessments Description of APM Terminals

Legal Environment

Review of the Health and Safety Management System


Gap Analysis

Hazard Identification

Physical Hazards

Health and Welfare Hazards

Risk Assessment

Physical Hazard -- Working at Height - Scaffolding

Health & Welfare Hazard -- Noise

Action Plans

Action Plan 1 - Management System

Action Plan 2 -- Hazards and Risks

Barbour Checklist: BS OHSAS 18001 Audit Checklist

Occupational health and safety management has numerous benefits for business, not only an employer's duty of care, a legal and moral obligation but also critical part of business equal in importance to other business functions like finance, marketing and production. When health and safety is embedded as part of business, results would be, good company image and reputation, better employee motivation and morale, improved efficiency and ultimately increased profitability.

The implementation of a sound health, safety and environment (HSE) management system provide an effective framework to minimize or prevent accidents and ill health.

The aim of this report is to assist decision-making, planning and implementation of the construction projects, by minimizing the risks to employees and associated workers with the construction activities. Thereby, improving the cost effectiveness, reducing indirect costs due to business interruptions and improve employee engagement and that of the public. The review was conducted in line with the Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1974 and applicable regulations and Approved Codes of Practice (ACoP's).

APM Terminals Construction's (APMTC's) HSE management system is modelled on the recognised BS OHSAS 18001:2007 health and safety management system. A gap analyses were conducted to identify the gaps and non-conformance and are prioritized according to the criticality of the gap.

Moreover, the study identifies non-conformance and gaps in the Health and Safety management, which can cause hazards to personnel assets. The report also demonstrates evidences that there is a lack of visible leadership with regards to the implementation of the HSE programmes. More importantly, the study reviews most important hazards to identify whether the risks have been reduced to an tolerable level, and however, the paper finds that the reduction of the hazards level is inadequate. The study evaluates and measures the risk associated with working at height and noise to reduce them to a level as ALARP (As Low as Reasonably Practicable).

HSE assurance is provided by identifying and managing risks, according to the principles of risk tolerance, risk reduction and continuous performance improvement. The ALARP control principle is achieved when additional measures which could be taken to reduce the residual risk are no longer deemed to be practical or cost-effective, i.e. ensuring that risks that cannot be eliminated are reduced to ALARP. This report applying the ALARP principle to ensure that risks to life, asset, reputation and the environment are reduced and controlled to acceptable levels.

All relevant hazards arising from the organizations activities have been identified. Two most significant hazards have been selected and detailed risk assessments were carried out to identify residual risks and recommend mitigation measures to conform to the ALARP.

The paper recommends the best industry practice, economic, technical and health and safety considerations. The study believes that a platform is essential for presenting or coordinating key issues that need consensus and to be conveyed to all departments as quickly as possible to discuss safety related issues.

The study also believes that the best strategy to identify all hazards and risks is by breaking down all critical jobs and critically assess the risks involved. This strategy assists in carrying out the risk assessments for all critical jobs. However, application of the recommendation is critical because non-compliance with the recommendations can lead to litigation, loss customers, and consequently lead to a loss of revenue.

2. Introduction

Construction projects are by nature very complex and unique, risks can present themselves in a number of forms, some more controllable than others. Construction is deemed a high risk and dangerous industry and account for numerous fatalities every year (Construction safety, OSHA.gov). The organization will benefit largely by improving health and safety on site, ensuring that risks are identified and controlled which in turn will lead to less accidents, less exposure to ill-health and improving better worker morale, resulting in less interruptions to production, financial benefits in avoiding costs on accidents as well as legal compliance to legislation and regulations.

This report provides an assessment of the organization's health and safety management system including risk management and existing controls, it further demonstrates how the organization...


Therefore the aim of this report is to demonstrate to senior management that a thorough review of the HSE management system is undertaken, risks are identified and gaps addressed to ensure additional control measures are put in place to make the associated risks as low as reasonably practicable.
Therefore key objectives are:

1. To review APMTC's HSE Management system and evaluate it against the BS OHSAS 18001:2007 standard in order to establish areas of non-conformance and identify the opportunities for improvement.

2. To identify and evaluate the significant hazards which APMTC's employees are exposed to during the course of their work as well as existing control measures.

3. To carry out risk assessments on the two most significant hazards identified (one physical and one health and welfare hazard). The risk assessments are used to evaluate the adequacy of the existing controls and to propose SMART (Specific, Measureable, Attainable and Time bound) recommendations to further increase the level of control associated with these hazards.

4. Each recommendation is in line with resources available to APMTC and is justified by means of a cost benefit analysis clearly showing the legal, moral and financial implications.

Each recommendation is tabulated in the form of step by step action plan to aid with implementation by the organisation. The recommendations are time bound with target dates, specific actions are described, budgets and responsible persons are allocated to ensure implementation.


A multi-faceted approach was taken in conducting this review. An audit was carried out over a 2 day period from 21 to 23 August 2016 and involved both office and site-based evaluations of the management system and workplace hazards. The first part of the audit involved assessing compliance of the management system to the BS OHSAS 18001:2007 standard. A desktop study of the APMTC HSE management system were carried out to assess if the content met the requirements of the standard.

Relevant applicable legislations like Control of Noise at Work regulations 2005 and The Work at Height Regulations (2005) were considered as well as relevant ACoP's such the Management of Health and Safety at Work ACoP & Guidance for the Management of health and safety at work Regulations 1999, (HSE Books, 2000).

Interviews were undertaken with a cross section of the workforce which included, supervisors, crane drivers, scaffolders, truck drivers, security guards and the water purification plant supervisor. A Health and Safety survey developed for this report was used to identify issues surrounding the implementation of the management system. The information gathered during these activities was then captured using a gap analysis tool (see appendix A) for the requirements of the BS OHSAS 18001:2007 standard.

Site tours were carried out in order to identify the hazards associated with work activities which included working at height (scaffolds), construction activities, crane driving, transport and movement of vehicles, maintenance of equipment in the workshop, working on electrical systems and the operation and maintenance of water networks and pumping station.

Interviews were undertaken with workers in each of the areas in order to assess their understanding of the hazards associated with their jobs and controls in place to address the risks. In addition to the site based activities a question was also included in the interviews which required employees to first state their job type from a list of options and then to indicate hazards which they felt they could be exposed to when carrying out their work.

Significant hazards were identified, considerations were made to determine who could be harmed and how, what existing controls are in place and what additional controls are needed, the hazards were evaluated and ranked using the HSE's 5 by 5 risk matrix based on likelihood and severity of the hazard occurring. The two most significant hazards were then selected and detailed risk assessments specific to the hazard type were carried out. Based on the findings from the gap analysis and risk assessments, recommendations are detailed which are justified by means of a cost benefit analysis which takes the time, effort, sacrifice and budget required to address the identified risks (HSE's Five Steps to Risk Assessment, INDG163, Revision 3).

Employment Profile (age range, sex, nationality)

The APM Terminals Construction (APMTC) hires people from different nationalities. Typically, the organization does not discriminate with regards to sex, national origin, race, gender and religious belief. In conformity with employment regulation, the company hires people between 21 years and above However, over 75% of…

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