Hunt Arrives In Japan Interrupts Film Review


Ultimately this film demonstrates the dangers and pitfalls of cross cultural relations when neither is particularly educated or interested in the customs of the other culture. The Japanese approached the situation of the American factory workers with a sense of superiority and the American factory workers appraised the management team with a similar attitude. Neither was willing to concede any points to the other even for the sake of a good which would benefit all of them. It was not until all was nearly lost that they were able to put aside their differences to a degree and agree to work together....


This demonstrates the primary point of the film which was that, no matter how successful or unsuccessful, how good or bad without understanding and respect no one will achieve their goals. What was necessary in every situation throughout the film was a cultural interpreter or mediator who could educate and act as an intercessor between the two sides who could achieve an effective outcome for all involved parties. Additionally though, Hunt needed to be honest from the outset, his deception and misinformation was responsible in large part for the degree of difficulty experienced by all involved.

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