Individual Instructional Needs Of Students Essay


Educators are faced with the challenge of dealing with each student's needs. Everyone needs a chance to grow, learn and face the challenges that are necessary for attaining excellence. There are always special needs children in each learning environment. Each of these students needs special attention because of their uniqueness in the learning process. Such learners may possess special gifts including learning potential and other talents. If such learners are attended to with an aim to nurture their special gifts, they are likely to make significant and special contribution to the communities that they come from and the world in general (Davis & Rimm, 2004).

Recommendation for Mike Grost

In the case of Mike Grost, he has been found to possess special gifts including perfect emotional and physical health, remarkable intelligence, and eidetic memory, artistic and creative abilities. He demonstrates great ability in a wide range of areas of learning. His performance is clearly above the average in a wide range of specified domains. This is similar to Child prodigy in the mathematics. There are several suggestions that have been proposed for handling such cases at administrative level. Some of the highlights include

• Compacting the curriculum: Pre-assessment can be used to identify the areas that the student has already mastered. Thus such areas should be eliminated from the content lined up for instruction. Areas of new material that can be glossed through faster than the normal pace used should be picked out too.

• Independent study sessions: Such students should be granted independent study times in order to allow them time to study their subjects or topics of interest in great depth. This strategy can be a byproduct of curriculum compacting. The compacted material will free up some time for independent study.

• Differentiation: While most other students may be directed to use reference materials, learners such as Mike should be assigned more complex resources; it may be a source that contains more details about the subject under study.

• Product differentiation: Students with special abilities may be requested to complete their tasks independently, in tiered instruction, as opposed to the guided sessions that the average learners...

Such learners may also be assigned a different set of criteria to handle the product.
• Flexibility in grouping students with advanced math skills: Gifted learners should be granted a chance to interact with like minded learners.

• Cross-Grade grouping: Differentiating the content for instruction by group level will help in allowing progression based on individual achievement as opposed to grade or age.

• Opportunities for advanced content achievement: Online learning opportunities, advanced placement, dual enrolment in institutions may be considered for learners with special gifts. However, there is need to exercise caution in order to ensure that all curriculum requirements have been addressed.

• Acceleration: Gifted children can be provided with accelerated content while they are allowed to stay with their peers at grade level. Note that each educational district has specific requirements for this area. There is need to check the specific stipulations with the administrator of your school.

• There is need to encourage learners to participate in math-based contests. This is a chance for the gifted learners to consolidate their abilities, reaffirm their skills and build relationships (Elliot et al., 2013).

Other Teaching Level Recommendations

• Supplementary material at advanced level

• The need to ask questions at higher level

• Higher level thinking tests should be provided

• Avail materials that focus on depth and breadth of a topic in specified areas of student interest.

• Provide a chance for creativity development (Johnsen, 2004)

Mary Hall: Recommendations for Her

Mary shows erratic tendencies. She seeks attention and is withdrawn. There are apparent health and emotional challenges that she faces. On the positive end, she shows altruistic qualities and loves to help the elderly people, the poor and children in need. Such learners as Mary need to be placed in a classroom environment with well planned behavior control measures (Seevers, 2014). Some suggestions that can help in dealing with learners of Mary's caliber include:

• It should be noted that instruction for such learners should…

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