Job Descriptions And How My Scores Reflect Them Essay


Work Title and Job Description

For the past ten years, I have worked as the Office Manager for State Farm Insurance. As office manager, I am responsible for a wide variety of tasks including scheduling meetings, ensuring office-related bills and maintenance are cared for, maintaining the overall appearance and safety regulations for the office, and keeping the office and its procedures organized. I need to understand the roles, positions, and needs of all the employees, and communicate effectively with each of them. I need to make sure all of our software systems have been upgraded and updated, and the same with our networking and communications systems. The effective organization and functioning of the office, down to the smallest detail, depends on me doing my work well.

Enjoyable Tasks and Responsibilities

The primary tasks and responsibilities required for the job include making and taking calls, communicating and coordinating meetings with others, keeping track of the necessary inventory items the office needs to function optimally, and maintaining a schedule for regular building and maintenance tasks such as fire drills, fumigation, painting, and other issues. I actually enjoy all of these tasks and responsibilities. As someone who uses Confluence, Precision, and Sequence first in my learning patterns, it makes sense that I would enjoy most of the tasks delegated to the Office Manager because we are entrusted...

One of the tasks I enjoyed most came during our period of renovation when I was included in discussions about office decor. This task called more upon my creative thinking skills, which is why I enjoyed it most. I believe it is my preference for confluence that made these types of skills more enjoyable than others.

Less Enjoyable Tasks and Responsibilities

There are several tasks and responsibilities that I find less interesting or enjoyable than others. One is when I am expected to deal with a technical problem or malfunction all by myself, such as when the technicians cannot show up on time. Because I use technical reasoning the least, it makes sense that I would avoid doing these types of tasks. Another task that I find less interesting is linked to my management of the data files. Again, the data files require a high degree of technical problem solving. I mitigate the problems I have with this task by applying my predilection for Precision in learning, as most of these data-driven tasks are detail oriented. Finally, I dislike when interpersonal conflicts arise. I prefer working in an environment with a high degree of harmony and confluence, not an environment that is high stress.

Job Matching

Knowing that my LCI scores describe a person who is a strong willed learner who…

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"Job Descriptions And How My Scores Reflect Them", 26 September 2017, Accessed.6 May. 2024,

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