MLK Speech I Have A Dream Rhetorical Analysis Essay


The famous speech by Martin King Luther Jr. “I Have a Dream” is deemed as one of the most captivating and moving speeches that were ever given by MKL Jr. in his lifetime. This speech was given to mark the epitome of the civil rights march at Lincoln memorial in Washington DC in 1963. The audient to whom MKL Jr. was giving the speech was a multitude of civil rights movement members from all over the USA, ordinary people, dignitaries and people from different racial backgrounds. The outstanding purpose of the speech was to further the position of the civil rights movement on the issue of racial discrimination and alienation of the black as well as the blatant breach of the human rights of the blacks that was taking place in the USA at that moment in history. It was also a speech meant to send a strong signal that there was no relenting in pursuing of the rights of the African Americans and that the continued denial of such inalienable rights will only me met with brute resistance and will be regret by the state.“I Have a Dream’ was one of the greatest speech that...


ever gave to the world, addressing the universal issue of rights of the black race in the US and everywhere else in the world. It was a balanced and well metered speech that highlighted facts to do with universal rights of each human being and the need for equality in the society. It also came out as one of the most optimistic speeches ever given by MKL Jr. and one that inspired hope in the black race and the US society as a whole (Presentation Magazine, 2018).
The fact that he chose to gave this particular speech in a multitude of thousands of civil rights marchers from across the US and beyond points to the fact that it was meant for a universal audience and it touched on issues that not only affected the US but other nations as well. Issues of justice, independence, opportunities and the need to push for such things without ceasing were central in his speech. Indeed, he mentioned that this gathering was the greatest demonstration of freedom in the history of the US. He shared the dream that he had, not for self but for the black race and the American society as a…

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