Perception And Role Concept Essay


The term 'perception' deals with more than simply sensing a thing or accepting optical stimulation. Rather, it entails gleaning meaning from the things one views, hears, senses, smells and tastes (Pearson 6).Role Concept: One may describe roles as being a collection of behavioral requirements and expectations linked to a station within any given societal institution or system, which may be outlined as follows:

Objective (detached)

Subjective (wholly personal) (Pearson 18)

How does a citizen's perceptions of the police affect the way the citizen acts toward a police officer?

Civilians normally do not pay attention to law enforcement officials unless they fall into trouble. Instead of remembering law enforcement's public safety efforts, they remember the speeding tickets law enforcers impose on them. For instance, if policemen ended up saving one's life, this would greatly impact one's perception of them (Cubbage).

When not on duty, the police feel alienated in society owing to the masses' present views regarding them. Their job isn't simple, but it has to be performed by somebody. Law enforcement circles fare better in societies that hold more positive opinions of them. In such societies, their efforts are acknowledged and they garner public respect for the great responsibilities they carry out,...


The precise issues and requirements of people or groups of people.
b. Individual persons' or groups' individual experiences with law enforcement.

c. The media image of law enforcement authorities (Pearson 23).

Describe the processes of generalization, deletion, and distortion.

Generalization: The mental process using which an individual uses a part of a model from first-hand experience and relates it to a whole group (Pearson 14).

Deletion: This represents a process using which one can focus selectively on specific facets of personal experience, excluding other aspects. Individuals can filter their experiences whilst focusing on a given model (Pearson 16).

Distortion: This is the third process of modeling which enables one to shift one's sensory information experiences (Pearson 17).

Describe objective and subjective approaches to framing role expectations.

Objectivity necessitates viewers' determination, analysis and evaluation of information scientifically and objectively, without allowing preconceptions and individual liking and biases to affect the process. Meanwhile, subjectivity…

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