Preaching James And Related To Poverty Essay


A uniquely firm and strong message, James 5:1-6 also lends itself to misinterpretation. As Pilch points out, “James does not really denounce wealth as such,” but rather, “condemns the injustice and inhumanity that so frequently accompany it,” (p. 367). James refers to atonement for labor exploitation, for example, and for unbridled greed at the expense of others. It is fully possible to preach compassion, tolerance, and inclusivity while also warning against the pitfalls of materialism. Pilch also shows how the James passage denounces social status and advocates for a true Christian community.The Pope’s writings reflect the balanced perspective related to gospel readings that can be reinterpreted as harbingers of their era. Pope Francis speaks of our living in a “turning point in history,” marked by tremendous income and status disparities (p. 38). As much material and technological progress that has been made, the vast majority of the earth’s inhabitants continue to live in dire straits. Power is unequally distributed: not just wealth but actual agency. A preacher needs to acknowledge the realities of disparities and cultivate kindness and compassion in the congregation. Wealth distribution is not a straightforward solution. Rather, the...


The Pope urges social and political institutions to become more ethical: something that requires personal responsibility. A top-down method of imposing communism or other regimented, authoritarian regimes does not work, but inspiring individual human beings to reach their highest potential by caring for others and refusing to succumb to mob mentality does work. The core ethical principles are outlined in the gospel, but anyone who has eyes to see and ears to hear can hearken to the call for improving the quality of life for all human beings. While Francis does come close to offering too much naive sympathy for armed uprisings in the passage about violence and inequality, it is true that conflict theory and strain theory do account for the motivation that leads people to commit heinous deeds. Desperation, poverty, and systematic disenfranchisement causes animosity, which is exactly what James was trying to say.
The poor are those who have been systematically deprived of access to power. The burden now falls upon those who have power, those who can help others in need. A…

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