Python Program Essay


Python Programming Tkinter is a standard python interface to the TK GUI toolkit .Tinker is combined of number of modules. The TK interface is located in a binary module named _tkinter, this module contains a low level interface to TK .Assignment contain a simple form application created from tkinter widget. Application is used to perform four simple arithmetic operations that are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.


It is a simple application titled as "my application" with minimum number of components. It has one form displaying two text boxes to get input, four buttons to perform functionality and a label to display output.


Form used in application...


Both text boxes are expanded to a column span of "2." Next grid holds four buttons labeled as "Add," "Subtract," "Multiply" and "Divide."Buttons are displayed in way that "Add" and "Subtract" buttons are in same row with consecutive columns while "Multiply" and "Divide" are displayed in next row. Row number four contains a label with properties of white text on blue background. Text of label is set to be left aligned. Grid is horizontally resizable but resized property in vertical position is prevented.

Form contains two string values. Whenever any of four buttons is clicked, specific functionality of that button will be performed on given values. The…

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"Python Program" (2011, June 18) Retrieved May 6, 2024, from

"Python Program" 18 June 2011. Web.6 May. 2024. <>

"Python Program", 18 June 2011, Accessed.6 May. 2024,

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