Research Methods Article Review


.....standard indicators for which statistical time series data and targets are accessible, but also take into account social aspects, for instance, the fair apportionment of benefits and encumbrances of the energy transition amid social groups and even the participation of citizens in the transformation process. These social constructs are lacking in preceding approaches, which indicates a certain level of inefficiency. Taking this into account, the authors make the hypothesis that an all-inclusive indicator system is required as tool for analysis to examine the sustainability of the German energy system in addition to supporting the advancement of resilient political approaches for an efficacious energy transition (Rosch et al., 2017).How would you describe the purpose of the study - What was the major purpose of the study -- descriptive, explanatory (investigating causal relationships)?

The purpose of this study is to make a contribution to the debate regarding indicators necessitated for making political decisions to fittingly address sustainability elements of the energy system and its transformation, in addition to making a contribution to the enhancement of prevailing indicator systems. This is owing to the notion that the key indicators associate to familiar and recognized features of the energy system, for instance the percentage of renewable energies and discharges of greenhouse gases. The paucity encompasses the lack of social aspects such as participation, allocation and burdens (Rosch et al., 2017).

Describe the methodology and research design

The sample of the study includes the indicators that substantiate the sustainable development goals that relate to energy. The types of data that are collected encompass the rules for the goals. These goals are detailed by significant sustainability rules creating the fundamental component of the concept. They define least possible requirements for sustainable development in terms of a welfare base that requires to be guaranteed for all individuals of present-day and forthcoming generations. In this study, a set of instrumental rules was well-defined addressing the economic, political and institutional framework circumstances to accomplish the considerable rules (Rosch et al., 2017). The data collection methods include the stakeholder knowledge, which encompasses the adjustment of the indicator system in reaction to the feedback of experts and the outcomes of stakeholder interviews. Another method of data...


The emphasis was on German literature so as to undertake the queries as efficacious as possible. Lastly, there is the reduction of indication by making application of the criteria of comprehensiveness, prospect to ascertain targets and accessibility of data (Rosch et al., 2017). The method of analysis in this study takes into account linking the sustainability rules with the sustainability indicator. Lastly, this is a qualitative study. This is largely because the study is fundamentally fact-finding research study. It takes into account the literature of German authors, insights and understandings of various stakeholders so as to expound on the ideas.
How Concepts were operationalized and turned into variables




Data collected

Integrative Concept of Sustainable Development

Inter -- and intragenerational justice, both equally weighted, as theoretical and ethical fundament.

A global perspective, by addressing key challenges of the global community and developing goals and strategies to achieve them.

An enlightened anthropocentric approach including the obligation of mankind to interact cautiously with nature based on a well-understood self-interest.

Securing human existence, including basic needs and the capability of human beings to shape their lives on their own.

Maintaining society's productive potential, which consists of natural, man-made, human and knowledge capital.

Preserving society's options for development and action, addressing immaterial needs such as integration in cultural and social contexts in addition to material needs.

Sustainability Rules

Validity, Reliability of Measure and Generalizability of the Study

Validity is delineated as the magnitude that a measuring procedure mirrors, seizes or examines the particular concept that a study is attempting to measure. More often than not, validity is applicable to the methodology as well as design of the study. There are two kinds of validity and these are internal and external validity. For starters, internal validity is usually influenced by shortcomings in the study, for instance, lack of control of key variables and also problems with research implements (Robson and McCartan, 2016). On the other hand, external validity takes into account the…

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"Research Methods" (2017, January 31) Retrieved April 23, 2024, from

"Research Methods" 31 January 2017. Web.23 April. 2024. <>

"Research Methods", 31 January 2017, Accessed.23 April. 2024,

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