Shepherd King And Noble Shepherd Gospel John Essay


How would the image of Jesus, the Noble Shepherd, have spoken to the Johannine community in their Greco-Roman context?  The image of the Noble Shepherd is anchored in time and geographic space, speaking directly to John’s audiences. A seemingly simple image and concept, the Noble Shepherd actually reveals the complex social hierarchies in Greco-Roman societies. Moreover, the Noble Shepherd embodies the ideals and ethics that defined the Greco-Roman community. Critical to the Noble Shepherd is the “noble death,” a death defined by self-sacrifice and which has its ultimate manifestation in martyrdom (Neyrey, 2007). The death of the Noble Shepherd is voluntary and conscious, and ironically shows how individuals can achieve eternal life through a death that is filled with political meaning.

Moreover, the Noble Shepherd is the epitome of a just and kind leader, the humble counterpart to a King. The Noble Shepherd is more closely tied to the earth and to the masses of humanity than an elite ruler or king ever could be. As Neyrey (2007) points out, the Noble Shepherd “knows” the flock, and assumes responsibility for the flock’s wellbeing—the wellbeing of each and every member of the herd. The Noble...


Moloney (1998) contrasts the nobility of the Noble Shepherd’s humble leadership with the self-serving leadership style of the hireling (p. 304).
How does the image of Noble Shepherd speak to us in our context? 

As a servant-leader, the Noble Shepherd provides an apt role model for tumultuous modern times in which multiple value systems and cultures converge on the global stage. The same instructional content of the Noble Shepherd image remains salient for modern audiences. A Noble Shepherd is willing to die for the good of the flock, for he has a higher calling.

Describe the role of shepherd king in the ancient Near East. How did Jesus fulfill the role of shepherd king in the course of his life among us?

One of the ways the Noble Shepherd image was able to take root readily in its historical and social context was the prevalence of the shepherd king in the ancient Near East (Neyrey, 2007). The shepherd king represents the law and order in the universe, which is the manifestation of cosmic order. God provides a dependable, reliable structure to the universe and the shepherd is His servant. Furthermore,…

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