Social Work And Advocacy Essay


.....fellow colleagues provided a varied and thoughtful perspective on social work professionals and social policy. One thing noted was the lack of available resources for social workers regarding their clients. Often clients may come from a foreign background and require translation. This can be difficult because most people in the United States speak only English with some speaking Spanish and Chinese. Having tools available to make translation easier can lead to more effective communication and ability to help the clients in what they need regardless of potential obstacles like language.When looking at the entirety of the social work profession, it was built on social change. It has long been the purpose of social workers to ensure everyone has equal access to opportunities and resources that permit them to meet basic needs such as food, shelter, and healthcare. That is why it is important to continue to persist for tools and policy changes that allow everyone the same access and care that is allotted to those who have lesser obstacles to endure when seeking help.

An additional and most important insight gained from my colleagues, is the inner resiliency that manifests within...


It is so difficult within this profession to give to others in a way that is consistently meaningful. This is especially difficult when dealing with clients that do not know what they need to resolve their issues. It takes a lot of understanding and some intimate conversations to be able to decipher the mystery that surrounds a client. So many people go through traumatic experiences and it makes for a harder means of breaking down walls to get to a place of communication. Although it is difficult, when that wall is broken and the client receives the help she or he needs, it is a rewarding feeling.
My colleagues' experiences also taught me the importance of time management. It can be difficult to manage a case and handle other workloads. Social workers frequently have several cases at once and must make the effort to handle each one with the best of their ability. Effective time management lends to the ability to achieve things in a way that offers everyone involved an effective outcome while allowing the social worker time to relax and take a break from the workload. Without effective time management, things can build up and create other problems.

In terms of…

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