Sulfur In Homeopathy Treatment Essay


Sulfur in Homeopathy As a homeopathic treatment, sulfur is recommended for both psychological and physical disorders. How it is administered depends on the situation and the individual's characteristics. According to Module 5, there is a "sulfur personality," characterized in part by selfishness and the tendency to get "stuck in their own world and mind," (p. 183). The sulfur personality can be also manifest as "an inclination to become creative and ingenious, but usually do not possess practical or common sense," ("Homeopathy Sulfur," n.d.). In other words, many frustrated creative types can be sulfur personalities.

A sulfuric mind can vary between highly active and dull, indicating a lack of cohesiveness to the research or alternatively, indicating the vast fluctuations in mind and spirit of the sulfur personality ("Module 5"). In fact, Lilley (n.d.) adds that sulfur is "forthright and open," contradicting the information about self-centeredness. It could be that sulfur types compensate for their selfishness by appearing forthright and extraverted but who may be prone to using people. Sulfur types can also be "fiery," in accordance with the physical properties of sulfur such as flammability ("Homeopathy Sulfur," n.d.). A flammable personality type might also be physical symptoms accompanying the psychological...


Recognition of when the physical symptoms of inflammation accompany psycho-social signs like selfishness, anger, or difficulties expressing oneself allows for an identification of when to use sulfur as a homeopathic treatment. Sulfur may be used to balance these inflammatory conditions and create opportunities for calm and peaceful reactions to stressful scenarios. Therefore, people who are reactive or prone to anger or irritability might benefit from the remedy even though there is no empirical evidence to support using sulfur to treat personality and psychological issues.
I do know someone who might benefit from using sulfur as a homeopathic intervention. The person loves to travel, and has a broad knowledge and curiosity about the world. However, there is no indication the person travels for reasons other than self-pleasure. The person does not write about their travels, does not engage in any volunteer or social service activities while traveling or when at home, and is prone to irritability and anger to a strong degree. This person does occasionally have acne flare-ups, which she claims is due to hormonal imbalances but which could also be due to the underlying sulfuric conditions. In prescribing the sulfur remedy, I would…

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" Sulfur In Homeopathy Treatment", 07 April 2017, Accessed.4 May. 2024,

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