The Right To Privacy Term Paper


1. The constitutional foundation for the right to privacy is multifaceted. However, this right is implicit to the right of liberty guaranteed by this document. In particular, privacy is a manifestation of the civil liberties which all citizens are assured of in the U.S. Constitution. The preamble to the constitution states this fact. The preamble reveals the Constitution was created in part to “secure the Blessings of Liberty” (Founding Fathers). The blessings of liberty quickly become a curse if there is no privacy. If people were able to see and become cognizant of everything everyone did, then people are not necessarily free or experiencing a state of liberty. Privacy, therefore, is implicit to liberty, which is why the constitutional defense of this concept provides the foundation for the right to privacy.

There are other parts of the constitution which provide a foundation to the right of privacy as it relates to civil liberties. Specifically, certain amendments in the Bill of Rights were established to ensure the right of civil liberties. Again, the right to privacy is implicit in this part of the constitution. For instance, the first amendment enables the free exercise of religion and freedom of speech. Without privacy, these rights are meaningless. If...


Thus, there is an element of privacy involved in the freedom of speech, as well as in the freedom to practice religion. The fact that the constitution specifically outlines these civil rights roots means that the right to privacy is foundational to the constitution itself.
2. I definitely believe that there is a right to privacy. I also think that such a right is inalienable, and deserves preservation for all citizens. The right to privacy is one of the more important rights people have (Doshi) because there are some aspects of life which only concern individuals, as opposed to the state designed to protect them. There are many different aspects of a person, his or her preferences, and his or her daily activities that are simply of no consequence to the public sector. Therefore, there is no need for them to become known to the state or to the general population at large.

The social contract that is reinforced by the government is for citizens to obey the law. So long as they do so, the government has measures to punish those who impinge on the law. In doing so it is effectively protecting those citizens who obey…

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