Whether Immigration Is A Problem Or Not Essay


One of the most contentious political issues today is immigration. Many countries grapple with their immigration policy, the United States included. Even though the United States was founded by settlers and has been a nation of immigrants ever since, the discourse towards immigration policy has occasionally been hostile. The hostility towards immigration is a problem, but immigration itself is not at all a problem. In fact, immigration improves overall quality of life, builds a safer and more productive society, and builds both economic and cultural capital.One of the reasons why immigration is not a problem is that it improves the overall quality of life both domestically and throughout the world. When Americans favor policies that promote economic and social development, they contribute to the betterment of all societies, including its own. Immigrants contribute to their communities by starting businesses and introducing new ideas. Quality of life improves as immigrants contribute to American society through education, business development,...


In the United States, immigrants participate in the civil service and military sectors to protect national security and promote the common welfare. Immigrant communities can advocate for themselves and human rights, preventing racist discourse from dominating the public consciousness. Immigrants also contribute to the companies they start, or the companies they work for, creating a robust economy.
Finally, immigration is not a problem because it builds both economic and cultural capital. Economic capital is built through immigrant contributions to the economy in their labor and their entrepreneurship. Immigrants directly build cultural capital by introducing arts, music, food, and business ideas to the United States. It would have been impossible to grow the American economy a hundred years ago without the contributions of immigrant laborers, from the Chinese railroad workers to the scores…

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