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Let's brainstorm together! What essay topics could be interesting on sh5009?

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By PD Tutor#1
Best Answer

1. The impact of technology on society, specifically focusing on how social media has changed communication and relationships
2. The growing importance of sustainable fashion and its impact on the fashion industry
3. The rise of remote work and its implications for traditional office settings
4. The role of artificial intelligence in healthcare and its potential benefits and ethical considerations
5. The importance of mental health awareness in schools and ways to support students' well-being
6. The effects of climate change on global food security and potential solutions to combat food insecurity
7. The significance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace and strategies for creating a more inclusive environment
8. The impact of social media influencers on consumer behavior and marketing strategies
9. The role of big data analytics in shaping business decision-making processes
10. The future of tourism in a post-pandemic world and how the industry can adapt to changing travel trends.
11. The ethical implications of data privacy in the age of smart technology and surveillance
12. The impact of artificial intelligence on job displacement and the workforce of the future
13. The intersection of technology and mental health, exploring the benefits and drawbacks of mental health apps and online therapy platforms
14. The role of education in addressing systemic racism and promoting diversity in schools
15. The effects of social media on body image and self-esteem among young people
16. The importance of renewable energy sources in combating climate change and reducing carbon emissions
17. The rise of plant-based diets and their impact on personal health and the environment
18. The challenges and opportunities of e-commerce for small businesses in a competitive market
19. The impact of automation on traditional manufacturing jobs and the need for reskilling and upskilling in the workforce
20. The role of government policies in promoting sustainable development and addressing environmental issues.

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