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Why canada lost sight of big goals like space?

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By PD Tutor#1
Best Answer

There are a few reasons why Canada may have lost sight of big goals like space exploration.

Firstly, budget constraints and competing priorities may have led to a shift in focus towards other areas of investment and development.

Secondly, changes in government leadership and agendas could have also played a role in redirecting resources and attention away from space exploration.

Furthermore, advancements in technology and the emergence of private companies in the space industry may have shifted the landscape of space exploration, leading to a decreased emphasis on government-led initiatives.

Overall, a combination of factors including financial limitations, shifting political priorities, and changes in the space industry landscape may have contributed to Canada losing sight of big goals like space exploration.
One possible reason for Canada losing sight of big goals like space exploration could be a shift in public interest and awareness. With competing issues vying for attention and resources, the importance of space exploration may have been overshadowed or taken a backseat. Additionally, a lack of public advocacy and support for space exploration initiatives may have also contributed to Canada's decreased focus on this area. Without strong public backing, government officials may not prioritize funding and resources towards ambitious space projects. As a result, Canada may have missed out on the opportunity to continue pushing boundaries and making significant contributions to the global space exploration community.

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