Essay Writing Blog - Your #1 resource for essay writing tips, writing guides, and strategy to help you write the perfect college essay.

Writing Guides

A writing guide is a document that helps teach you how to write a particular type of document. It can also be called a style guide. These guides enable you to format, design, and write documents. They also show you how to correctly cite sources, both in the text of your paper and in your works cited or bibliography. Whatever academic writing you are doing, your professor has already told you what style to use. MLA, APA, Chicago, and Turabian are the most common style guides. However, some colleges and universities may also have their own writing guides. You want…

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informative essay

How to Write an Informative Essay: Step-by-Step Guide

An informative essay is like giving someone the 411—it’s the information. It’s like what Wikipedia and web cultivators are supposed to do (but often fail at due to some developer bias on the backend).

When you call 411 from your mobile phone, you’re not looking for the operator’s opinion, are…

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How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internship

Cover letters are like book covers, and we all know it’s the cover that first catches the reader’s eye. Publishers, of course, know that, too—which is why they take care to create amazing covers that pop and stop shoppers in their tracks. When you want to move merchandise, you…

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expository essay

Guide to Writing an Expository Essay: How-To with Examples

“Just the facts, ma’am.” Remember that line? It’s a catchphrase attributed to Joe Friday from the old show Dragnet. But it perfectly sums up what it means to write an expository essay.

Teachers often assign expository essays to assess a student’s learning on a subject. The term “expository” means to…

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how to write a thesis statement

How to Write a Thesis Statement: A Step-by-Step Guide for Students

A strong thesis statement is the lynchpin of all great essays.

Why? One of the things that gets drilled into you when learning how to write academic or expository essays is that thesis statements are important for several reasons: first off, the thesis statement tells what your essay…

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rhetorical devices

The Ultimate Guide to Rhetorical Devices: Elevate Your Essay Writing

Ever wondered how powerful speakers and writers make their words so compelling? Rhetorical devices are linguistic techniques designed to enhance persuasion and leave your audience with an impact they will not forget. You know that expression, “The pen is mightier than the sword?” Well, that’s an example of a…

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How to Write the Perfect Synthesis Essay

A common advanced writing assignment is the synthesis essay.  Unfortunately, until getting assigned their first synthesis essay, many students are completely unaware of this type of essay, which means that, in addition to writing an essay, you may fear that you have to teach yourself a whole new type…

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essay editing

Guide to Our College Academic Essay Editing Service

In the college applications process, the distinction between success and failure often lies in the subtleties of your essay.  This is especially true since academic writing has been affected by technology like Chat-GPT and Gemini taking on initial drafting tasks, producing one generic, form-fitted essay after another.  Students who…

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plagiarism guide and plagiarism checker

Student Guide to Preventing Academic Plagiarism

The best offense is a good defense—and that idea applies to writing as much as it does to sports.  In writing, you need to be able to defend yourself against accusations of plagiarism.  That means being smart about how you write, how you cite, and how you maintain integrity…

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how to write a dissertation

How to Write a Dissertation (Committee Approved)

Writing a dissertation is a big step in a scholar’s rise to the top.  Actually, writing a dissertation is more than a step:  it’s like climbing a big mountain—it’s one of those events viewed as a daunting (if not the most daunting) task you will ever face. But—understanding what…

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