Algebra All Exponential Functions Have As Domain Essay


Algebra All exponential functions have as domain the set of real numbers because the domain is the set of numbers that can enter the function and enable to produce a number as output. In exponential functions whatever real number can be operated. (-infinity, infinity)

You have ln (x+4) so everything is shifted by 4. The domain of ln (x+4) is now -4 < x < infinity (Shifting infinity by a finite number gives you infinity again.) So,-4 < x < infinity is the domain of ln (x+4).

(2 [less than] t [less than] infinity)

For your function f (t) = 5.5exp (t) the function is continuous for all values of t as exp (t) is continuous for all values...


The domain of the function is -oo < t < oo
2a. subtracting 3 on the inside the function moves it 3 units to the right, that's the only transformation.

the vertical asymptote results from an invalid input to the function, like dividing by zero or taking the square root of a negative number, or in this case, taking the log of zero. so we need to find the value where x-3=0, thus the asymptote occurs at x=3. The x intercept is when y (or g (x) in this case)=0-0=g (x)=log (x-3) log (x-3)=0 x-3=10^0 x-3=1 x=4 so the intercept is at (4,0)

2b. We see that the right side of g (x), which is -log (x), is the result of multiplying the…

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