Algebra Essays (Examples)

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Algebra in Daily Life it

There are many other variables that would affect real-world riding speed, and the effort variable would also be far more complicated than represented here, but this should suffice for now. Several equations can be written using the variables defined here. For instance, to calculate the effort needed to go one kilometer (it's easier to go kilometers than miles, at least mathematically), or a thousand meters, in a given gear, the equation would look like this:
T) / G = E, where M. is the distance (in meters) of the journey, T is the circumference of the tire -- and therefore also the linear distance, G is the number of revolutions the tire goes per push of the pedal, which changes from gear to gear, and E. is the number of times the pedals have to go around, which is representative of the effort needed to push the bike forward for….

Like many other languages and sciences, Algebra can be useful in the explanation of real-world experiences. Linear algebra, in particular, holds a high level of relevancy in the solution of real world problems like physics equations. Since the key point of physics is to explain the world in proven observations, linear algebra is an ideal mode for discussion. Many real-world situations can be explained by algebra; for example, how does GPS work? The satellite-based Global Positioning System works by locking onto the system of three satellites and calculating a two-dimensional position from latitude and longitude, thus tracking movement. The location of objects can be determined by using linear equations to morph the data into identifiable locations, and with four or more satellites in view, altitude combines with latitude and longitude to determine the 3-D position.

A far more generic (but equally important) use of linear algebra in real world discussions is….

By observing x on the graph, then we make the connection that the slope of x on the graph represents rate of change of the linear function.
Once we have done this, it is then possible to move to the development of a quadratic equation and see what the impact of the increase (or perhaps decrease) means to the data. Have we proven that the rate of change is linear? The graphical representation of the data may be misleading, so it would be good to be able to calculate the rate of change to see if it is significant.

We could assign to value of L1 to the year in which the students are enrolled collect this data in columnar form, still graphing it on our graph. We would then call L2 the number of students enrolled every year which corresponds to the year we have listed in L1. In this….

Those studying physics and astronomy, and perhaps other scientific disciplines as well, are accustomed to the use of scientific shorthand and in some fields it is essential -- the example above of distance between energy waves from supernovae is a good example. There is a high level of variation in these distances, so a shorthand like the one on financial statements would be apply, but the numbers are very small so the use of shorthand is necessary. It is interesting to note, however, that even those in fields accustomed to scientific notation sometimes avoid it, as is the case with distances between objects in space.
Another group that does something similar to astronomers is the archaeologists. They have found ways to talk about years without using scientific notation, even though events often date back millions or billions of years. Yet, when discussing the science behind dating their samples, they will….

All exponential functions have as domain the set of real numbers because the domain is the set of numbers that can enter the function and enable to produce a number as output. In exponential functions whatever real number can be operated. (-infinity, infinity)

You have ln (x+4) so everything is shifted by 4. The domain of ln (x+4) is now -4 < x < infinity (Shifting infinity by a finite number gives you infinity again.) So,-4 < x < infinity is the domain of ln (x+4).

(2 [less than] t [less than] infinity)

For your function f (t) = 5.5exp (t) the function is continuous for all values of t as exp (t) is continuous for all values t, i.e. The domain of the function is -oo < t < oo

2a. subtracting 3 on the inside the function moves it 3 units to the right, that's the only transformation.

the vertical asymptote results from….

Algebra Trigonometry 10

Algebra -- Trig --
Writer's Note: The symbol "n" should really be referred to as "pi" or "?" To prevent confusion within the problem. Also, there is a difference between "squared" and "square root." The case in these problems is to use the square root, so "sqrt (number)." I've only managed the calculations because I have presumed the indicated changes.

Using the periodic properties of trigonometric functions, find the exact value of the expression


cos (8?/5) = cos (2? + (2?/5)) = cos (2?/5) = cos (72) = 0.31

cos (8?/5) = 0.31.

The point P. On the unit circle that corresponds to a real number t is:

{ 5-2 6 squared}

} Find csc (t)

P is on the unit circle, therefore the coordinates are (cos (t), sin (t)). This leads to the following calculations:

sin (t) = -2sqrt (6)/7, and csc (t) = 1/sin (t) = 1/(-2sqrt (6)/7) = 7/(-2sqrt (6)) = -7/2sqrt (6)

Answer: csc (t) =….

Algebra -- Trig
Evaluate the determinant: | 3-9 |

Determinant of a square matrix can be solved by the following equation: A = ad -- bc, where a = 3, b = 9, c = 6, and d = 4. Therefore, A = (3)(4) -- (9)(6) = 12 -- 54 = -42

Solve the following system of equations using matrices:

y + 4z = 6, 2x + z = 1, x + 5y + z = -9

[ 1-5-1 | -9 ]

Row 2: R2 -- 2R1 = [ 2-0-1 | 1 ] -- 2[ 1 -1-4 | 6 ] = [ 0-2 -7 | -11 ]

Row 3: R3 -- R1 = [ 1-5-1 | -9 ] -- [ 1 -1-4 | 6 ] = [ 0-6 -3 | -15 ]

New matrix:

[ 0-2 -7 | -11 ]

[ 0-6 -3 | -15 ]

Row 2: R2/2 = [ 0-1 -7/2 | -11/2 ]

Row 3: R3 -- 3R2 =….

Algebra, Trig
Solve the system: 7x + 3y = -2, -7x -- 7y =

(7x + 3y) + (-7x -- 7y) = (-2 + 14) 7x + 3y -- 7x -- 7y = 12 -4y = 12 y = -3

Substituting y for the first equation: 7x + 3(-3) = -2 7x -- 9 = -2 7x = 7 x = 1

x = 1, y = -3.

Solve the system: x + y = -5, x -- y = 12

(x + y) + (x -- y) = (-5 + 12) x + y + x -- y = 7 2x = 7 x = 7/2

Substituting x for the first equation: 7/2 + y = -5 y = -5 -- (7/2) y = -17/2

x = 7/2, y = -17/2.

Solve the system: y -- 3z = -12, -2x + y + 2z = 5, 2x + 3z = 7

(y -- 3z) + (-2x + y +….

Algebra Lesson Plans and Curriculum for the 7th Grade Classroom
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) provides a comprehensive set of principles and standards for developing curriculum for grades K. through 12th. Chapter two of their text Principles and Standards for School Mathematics specifies the six principles considered vital for the development of a coherent math plan. The principles are general enough to apply across a wide variety of disciplines as they are "not unique to school mathematics." (p. 16). However, chapter three dealing with the ten standards, themselves, makes quite clear (and rightly so) that math, unlike other disciplines, can benefit from a truly integrated approach: "Because mathematics as a discipline is highly interconnected the areas described by the Standards overlap and are integrated." (p. 30). In other words, the standards cannot be easily divided into particular grade levels (i.e. numbers/operations in K-2, geometry in 3-5, algebra….

algebra or geometry have no use in "real" life, many people think that statistical analyses have no possible real-world applications. However, as the following scenario should make clear, statistical analysis can be extremely helpful in assessing quality control issues in the workplace. Using a specific type of statistical analysis, the supervisor at a former workplace was able to reduce costs while increasing customer satisfaction.
Analysis of variance (more generally referred to as an ANOVA test) is one of the most basic statistical tests that can be applied to a data set. It is used to provide an accurate way to compare the results from different groups (defined in ways that are relevant to the issue at hand). Such comparisons are useful because they provide information that allows processes to become more efficient or to meet other goals, such as increasing customer satisfaction.

For a number of years I have worked in….

3b. One method that can be utilized to help Martha with applying algebra to real world application is through interactions within her environment that will allow her to utilize these skills. Another method proven useful in building applicable skills and communication is online conferencing. This tool utilized in the class room can give Martha access to knowledge from other professors and learners that could not normally be possible in a standard classroom. A professor that may specialize in a specific method on how to understand certain terms or expressions would be able to share these applications with students globally through virtual conferences. Technological Horizons (1993), recant the significance of videoconferencing by reporting that the characteristics of videoconferencing may actually enhance the learning process. Teachers and administrators say that students who take distance education classes are scoring higher on basic skills tests than those who are in the same classroom with….

2007, p. 115). Likewise, a study by Wyndhamm and Saljo found that young algebra learners were more successful in their problem-solving efforts when collaborating in a group environment. According to these researchers, "An experiment involving 14 small groups of Swedish students (usually 3 per group) aged 10, 11, and 12 years shows that these students acting in groups and creating shared contextualizations were able to solve mathematics word problems calling for real-world knowledge. esearch has shown students acting alone to have difficulty with the same types of problems" (Wyndhamm & Saljo 1997, p. 361). Other teachers report that algebra story problems can help make learning more relevant to young people's lives. For instance, according to Homann and Lulay, "Algebra story problems are an important practical application of mathematics since real-world problems usually do not arise in terms of equations but as verbal or pictorial representations. The problems are solved….

Coding relational algebra operations varies from school to school. I wrote it according to my training, but there are variations. Review and rewrite in own words so as to preclude plagiarism.
What is a relation schema? What is the difference between a relation, a relation schema, and a relational schema?

A relation schema is the basic information that describes a table or a relation. This includes the set of column names, the data within the columns, or the name associated with the entire table.

For example 'Students' would be the relation (I..e category) name.

The relation schema for students may be expressed as following:

Students (sid: string, name: string, login: string, age: integer, gpa: real)

It has five fields or columns each having names or types.

The relation, in other words, is the topic / category (e..g 'student'), the relations schema is the property categories of the relation, or of the 'student' table.

A relational schema refer….

Intermediate Algebra
The formula is C=4d^-1/3b

D= 23,245 because it is the pounds

B= 13.5 because that is the height of the mast


Because the exponent was negative it needed to be dropped down to the numerator. The fact that it was a fraction meant that 92980 needed to be cubed, since it was a 1/3 exponent. Then it could be multiplied with the B. value, which was 13.5 / This left the final answer to be 283.693745115.



In order to solve for D. you needed to move 4 and the variable D. To the other side. Then you have to log both sides, which leaves an exponent of 3 instead of -1/3.

This formula could definitely be very important in the real world. For one, it is needed to be able to properly sail a boat in various conditions. It is extremely important to understand the conditions in which any boat can capsize. As such,….

College Algebra

College Algebra
Individual Project

Solve the following algebraically. Trial and error is not an appropriate method of solution. You must show all your work.

Solve algebraically and check your potential solutions:

x = -4 does not satisfy the equality. So the answer is only x = 5

Show the steps that you would take to solve the following algebraically:

Show your work here:

c) What potential solution did you obtain? Explain why this is not a solution.

This is not a solution because it makes the original equation indefinite. It makes the denominator zero.

The following function computes the cost, C (in millions of dollars), of implementing a city recycling project when x percent of the citizens participate.


Using this model, find the cost if 60% of the citizens participate?


million dollars


Using this model, determine the percentage of participation that can be expected if $4 million is spent on this recycling project. Set up an equation and solve algebraically. Round to….

Intersection theory, in abstract terms, is a complex mathematical framework used in algebraic geometry to understand the intricate "meetings" between shapes within a mathematical space. While its roots and applications stem from the world of shapes and equations, it can be viewed through a more metaphorical lens to gain insights into human experiences. Here's how:

Understanding Intersection:

  • Imagine two overlapping circles: Their intersection represents shared experiences, common ground, or areas of mutual understanding between two individuals. Intersection theory, in this metaphor, provides tools to quantify and analyze these overlaps, their complexities, and how they influence the overall experience.

How it helps:

  • Empathy and Perspective: By studying the "intersections" of lived....

Outline for an Essay on Intersection Theory

I. Introduction

Begin with a compelling hook or question that captures the reader's attention.
Define intersection theory and explain its significance in algebraic geometry.
State the thesis statement, which should articulate the main argument or purpose of the essay.

II. Background and Historical Context

Provide a brief overview of the historical development of intersection theory.
Discuss the contributions of key mathematicians, such as Bézout, Euler, and Poincaré.
Explain the role of intersection theory in resolving classical geometric problems.

III. Fundamental Concepts

Define the basic concepts of intersection theory, such as:
Intersection number
Homology and cohomology....

One interesting topic that has been in the news recently is the use of abstract mathematical concepts in physics, specifically in the field of quantum physics.

There has been a lot of research and debate on the role of abstract mathematical structures in understanding and describing the behavior of particles at the quantum level. For example, the use of complex numbers, matrices, and abstract algebraic structures has been essential in developing the mathematical framework of quantum mechanics.

One recent development in this area is the use of category theory, a branch of mathematics that studies abstract structures and relationships between different....

Abstract Mathematics in Physics: A Transformative Force


Mathematics has long played a pivotal role in the development of physics, offering a precise and abstract framework for understanding and describing the physical world. In recent decades, the influence of abstract mathematics in physics has grown exponentially, leading to groundbreaking insights and discoveries. This essay delves into the latest advancements in this area, examining specific examples that demonstrate the transformative power of abstract mathematics in modern physics.

String Theory and Calabi-Yau Manifolds

String theory is a promising candidate for a theory of everything that aims to unify all fundamental forces and particles. At its core,....

2 Pages

Education - Mathematics

Algebra in Daily Life it

Words: 718
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

There are many other variables that would affect real-world riding speed, and the effort variable would also be far more complicated than represented here, but this should suffice…

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1 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Mathematics

Algebra Like Many Other Languages and Sciences

Words: 305
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Algebra Like many other languages and sciences, Algebra can be useful in the explanation of real-world experiences. Linear algebra, in particular, holds a high level of relevancy in the solution…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Mathematics

Algebra How Algebra Can Be

Words: 477
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

By observing x on the graph, then we make the connection that the slope of x on the graph represents rate of change of the linear function. Once we…

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2 Pages
Discussion Chapter


Algebra the Use of Scientific

Words: 650
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Discussion Chapter

Those studying physics and astronomy, and perhaps other scientific disciplines as well, are accustomed to the use of scientific shorthand and in some fields it is essential --…

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2 Pages

Education - Computers

Algebra All Exponential Functions Have as Domain

Words: 475
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Algebra All exponential functions have as domain the set of real numbers because the domain is the set of numbers that can enter the function and enable to produce a…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Mathematics

Algebra Trigonometry 10

Words: 586
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Algebra -- Trig -- Writer's Note: The symbol "n" should really be referred to as "pi" or "?" To prevent confusion within the problem. Also, there is a difference between…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Mathematics

Algebra -- Trig Evaluate the Determinant

Words: 668
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Algebra -- Trig Evaluate the determinant: | 3-9 | Determinant of a square matrix can be solved by the following equation: A = ad -- bc, where a = 3, b…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Education - Mathematics

Algebra Trig Solve the System 7x

Words: 859
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Algebra, Trig Solve the system: 7x + 3y = -2, -7x -- 7y = (7x + 3y) + (-7x -- 7y) = (-2 + 14) 7x + 3y -- 7x --…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Education - Mathematics

Algebra Lesson Plans and Curriculum for the

Words: 2991
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Algebra Lesson Plans and Curriculum for the 7th Grade Classroom The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) provides a comprehensive set of principles and standards for developing curriculum…

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2 Pages


Algebra or Geometry Have No Use in

Words: 529
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

algebra or geometry have no use in "real" life, many people think that statistical analyses have no possible real-world applications. However, as the following scenario should make clear,…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Intermediate Algebra Background for Martha

Words: 937
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

3b. One method that can be utilized to help Martha with applying algebra to real world application is through interactions within her environment that will allow her to utilize…

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12 Pages

Education - Mathematics

Representation in Algebra A Problem

Words: 4074
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Essay

2007, p. 115). Likewise, a study by Wyndhamm and Saljo found that young algebra learners were more successful in their problem-solving efforts when collaborating in a group environment.…

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4 Pages


Coding Relational Algebra Operations Varies From School

Words: 988
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Coding relational algebra operations varies from school to school. I wrote it according to my training, but there are variations. Review and rewrite in own words so as…

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1 Pages

Transportation - Boat

Intermediate Algebra the Formula Is C 4D -1 3B

Words: 372
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Intermediate Algebra The formula is C=4d^-1/3b D= 23,245 because it is the pounds B= 13.5 because that is the height of the mast C=4(23,245)^-1/3(13.5) Because the exponent was negative it needed to be dropped…

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1 Pages

Transportation - Environmental Issues

College Algebra

Words: 354
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

College Algebra Individual Project Solve the following algebraically. Trial and error is not an appropriate method of solution. You must show all your work. Solve algebraically and check your potential solutions: x =…

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