Activists Essays (Examples)

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Many see themselves as a David fighting the Goliath (Kozinets & Handelman, 2004). 'Evil' is a common terms used to describe either the practices of corporations or corporations themselves or ends to which consumers use their money. Consumers are generally seen as being "unreflective, unaware, and amoral or immoral" (Kozinets & Handelman, 2004, p.698) and "incapable or disinclined to reflect on their own consumer behaviors from a systemic point-of-view and to insert social and moral criteria into their purchase decisions (ibid.). Some activists consider consumers to be dehumanized, and others see them (an extreme view) as being 'wicked' or' (more commonly) selfish'. What we have here, on the whole, is a black -- and white perspective of a 'good vs. evil' outlook. According to this perspective and returning to our third characteristic, it is no longer the corporation that is the adversary, as it was in consumer activism's early….

and, uchanan and Nader list the same laundry list of why corporations are trying to circumvent national laws, citing environmental, health-and-safety, wage-and-hour and civil-rights reasons.
Impacts on our border are also areas where uchanan and Nader express similar criticism of NAFTA. uchanan is concerned that the long-term objective of NAFTA is to erase all United States borders to create a merger of the United States, Mexico and Canada in a North American union stretching from Prudhoe ay to Guatemala. uchanan believes that NAFTA supporters ultimately want to create connections and institutions similar to those created by the European Union that would allow absolute freedom of movement between Mexico and the United States. He believes that this transformation would not be in the best interest of the United States. Already, uchanan asserts that, thanks to relaxed restrictions under NAFTA, our border with Mexico has already descended into a state of anarchy….

On many occasions, civil liberties or civil right events have influenced the sense of social responsibility in the U.S. government. One of these was the March on Washington, which was one of many major protests in the early 1960s for civil rights for African-Americans. The rally occurred in 1963 in Washington, DC, and there were 200,000 people. The point of the march was to "shed light on the political and social challenges African-Americans continued to face" (Foner & Garraty, 1991). This is where Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his I Have a Dream speech. The march was a key event in changing the course of public discussion about civil rights, as it brought the issue to the mass consciousness of the American people. From that point, government was spurred to act to protect people's rights as it never had before. Less than one year later, the Civil ights Act….

Bartoleme De Las Casas
An Analysis of the Activism of Bartoleme De Las Casas

Often characterized by modern historians as the "Defender and the apostle to the Indians," Bartolome de Las Casas is known for exposing and condemning as well as exaggerating and misrepresenting the violent practices of Spanish colonizers of the New orld against Native Americans. Marked by emotional polemic and often embellished statistics, Las Casas' voluminous works brought him both support and opposition in his own time. hile being harshly criticized as a threat to Spanish rule in America, De Las Casas was also continually financially supported by the Crown and offered high offices by the Church (Benzoni 48). Though more than four hundred years have passed since his death, the works of this controversial Dominican friar continue to elicit strong reactions from both detractors and defenders -- from both those who condemn him and those who praise him --….

Another dream would be to expand outside Asia in the long-term and the Taiyo team should go into specifics (or at least into rough outline) about how to achieve this.
The Taiyo team should also discuss strategies for future competition

A related subject would be how to further increase shareholder value and improve company's operation

Finally, the Taiyo team should brainstorm ideas on how to improve cash flow and increase the value of the firm by changing the firm's placement of orders and terms of payments and receipts

3. What should Taiyo do about its position in Nicera?

I think Taiyo should increase its ownership in Nicera since Nicera has a quite positive future prospect. Moreover, Taiyo seems to be versed in the complicities of Japanese firms savvy and goes for the "smart guys who have good businesses, whose companies are not well-known, and we will work with them in a friendly way to….

Gilman was a social activist and herself experienced mental illness. These elements infuse her story "The Yellow Wallpaper" with greater meaning and urgency for Feminism and for plight of females then and now.
Gilman as social activist

Gilman advocates for woman. The woman owned by males and disallowed by husband, male physician, and brother from leaving the room becomes mad.

The woman is imprisoned -- locked in. Males stunt and kill her life. In the end she steps over them; Gilman is telling females to do so too.

Gilman's experience with mental illness and its treatment

Description of Gilman's experience

Elaboration of the haunting description of the wallpaper. Gilman's familiarity with the psychosis

E. Typical 19th century views/treatments of mental illness.

Description of contemporary treatment

b. Treatment of the character. It matched social beliefs and was created by males


How this knowledge enhances our understanding of the story and its purpose.

Gilman lived and experienced the facts that underlay the writings….

Pinochet's Case is Not Yet Satisfying to Chilean and Human Rights Activists
Although hampered by internal constraints and challenges, the nation of Chile stands poised to enter the 21st century as a major player in the world's international community. On the one hand, the sound economic policies that were first implemented by the Pinochet dictatorship resulted in unprecedented growth in 1991- 1997; these policies have also helped secure the country's commitment to democratic and representative government. On the other hand, General Augusto Pinochet has been found guilty of the torture, disappearance, and murder of thousands of Chileans, including international citizens, but he has not yet been brought to justice. After Patricio Aylwin inaugurated a democratic presidency in 1990, he continues to bring excuses for Pinochet's actions or exercises control to avoid facing justice. Pinochet declared himself as Commander of Chief of the Army and afterwards, Senator for life in Chile.….

Carlisle Indian School: founded 1879; Indian boarding school; Pennsylvania; forced assimilation of native children; abuse of children
11. Cheyenne Tribe: Plains Indians; a Sioux name for the tribe; currently comprises two tribes; ties with Arapaho; hunters; ghost dance

12. ed Cloud: leader of Ogala Lakota; fierce warrior opposed U.S.; ed Cloud's War 1866-1868; Wyoming, Montana; became leader on reservation

13. Comanche Tribe: Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Kansas, Oklahoma; Plains Indians; hunter-gatherers; about 14,000 remain; speak Uto-Aztecan language related to Shoshone

14. Joseph Brant: Thayendanegea; Mohawk; American evolution fought with British to help Indians; became Mason; active political leader for Six Nations

15. Trail of Tears: massive relocation of Native Americans; affected Choctaw, Cherokee and other southern Indians; move to Oklahoma Indian Territory; 1830s; related to Indian emoval Act; represented treaty violations

16. Pontiac's War: 1763; Great Lakes region; Pontiac was Odawa leader; war against British after Seven Years War; British retaliated with smallpox blankets


"ed Cloud."….

Omnivore's Dilemma
In 2006, author and activist Michael Pollan published his classic treatise on America's agricultural abandonment, The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural history of Four Meals, which critiques the growing disconnect between the food we consume and the processes used to bring it to our plates in evocative and eloquent terms. By posing the seemingly simple question of what mankind should eat, Pollan disassembles the modern meal in methodical fashion, guiding the reader through the convoluted industry of industrialized agriculture, from the massive corn farming conglomerates that have largely replaced traditional family farms to the processing plants used to modify and preserve food products through artificial means. Much of Pollan's career has been dedicated to exposing what he has termed "the perverse economics of agriculture, which would seem to defy the classical laws of supply and demand" (2006), and throughout The Omnivore's Dilemma he returns to the idea that unrestrained….

Harriot Stanton Blatch Life and Accomplishments
Harriot Stanton Blatch was a noteworthy woman of the nineteenth century. Born in 1856 to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the women's rights activist, it may be argued Harriot learned from her mother and followed in her footsteps to become a suffragette and advocate of gender equality (DuBois, 1999). Harriot was born in Seneca Falls, New York, the sixth of seven children (Anonymous, 2016). During her early years she received a good education, graduating from Vassar College in 1878 with a degree in mathematics (DuBois, 1999). She then went to Boston school for all Tory for one year, and a move to Germany where she worked as a tutor (DuBois, 1999). Following her return from England she met William Henry Blatch, who she married in 1882, and subsequently had two children. Unfortunately, one died at an early age, but the second; Laura Stanton Blatch Barney was to….

The use of Black churches also enabled King's followers to follow the Alinsky radical precept that radical organizers must work to go outside of the frame of reference of the pro-segregation White enemy, to further upset and confuse the enemy. Southern White had no conception of what life was like in Black churches, for religion was segregated in the South, just as segregated as all other aspects of social life. Thus White leaders were thrown off balance by the calm and peaceful spirituals sung by King's marchers. The use of nonviolent marching and demonstrations in general was also powerfully upsetting to the idea that somehow Blacks were violent. The White enemy was prepared for rioting, not for peace along the equally pacific lines of the Indian activist Gandhi, King's professed inspiration along with Jesus' advice to turn the other cheek when struck by one's enemy in conflict.

Faced with nonviolent Black….

A fourth foundational element is the strength of the Starbucks brand itself and is ubiquity globally. As a result of rapid and well-defined strategies for opening up retail stores, Starbucks is now considered one of the most preeminent and strongest brands globally.

Starbucks has generated the strength of their brand through combining high-quality coffee and tea beverages with the third-place concept to generate customer loyalty and world-of-mouth among customers and their friends. It is common to hear students mention they will have a team meeting at the local Starbucks, for studying or completing projects.

In summary the Starbucks model is strengthened by the company's coffee expertise, impressive new product development record, and the development of Starbucks locations as "third places" where friends can meet and enjoy coffee and pastries. Underscoring all these points is the strength of the Starbucks brand.

What were the key issues and the decision by Starbucks to go international?


Adult Learning Styles in the

For countries such as the U.S. And France, these needs can be reasonably expected to relate to the respective national cultures involved. For instance, in their book, Education in France, Corbett and Moon (1996) report, "An education system needs to justify itself constantly by reference to the values which underpin a nation's culture. In a democracy it is expected to transmit a range of intellectual, aesthetic and moral values which permeate the curriculum and approaches to teaching and learning" (p. 323).
Just as the United States has been confronted with a number of challenges in recent decades in identifying the best approach to providing educational services for an increasingly multicultural society, France has experienced its fair share of obstacles in this regard as well. According to Corbett and Moon, "In societies forced to come to terms with change, values are always challenged. French society, like others, had to adapt to….

Live Concet Analysis
How Doing Good Makes Us Feel Poweful and Poweless at the Same Time

Design Activism vs. Design fo Social Change

The Awakening Consciousness of Designes 1960's


Thee has been lukewam inteest in public sevice design, social impact and design activism. But in most convesations, all othe designs wok to enhance the standad of living of the people; some of it must be activism. The agument is seldom boosted by the notion that achitectue has been impacted by intellectual movements and ats fo instance, modenism which fuels an idea of a evolutionay society. These movements had ideal poposals fo society's efoms. They wee elated deeply to commece and aesthetics as well (Jose et al., 2008). Conside the diffeence between modenism and activism fo that matte. The modenism idea states that people stand equals to each othe, while society became united in evey aspect fo instance uniting laboes, designes and uses alike. Now….

KKR and the Art of the Steal Shareholder Theory and Buyback Programs Introduction
Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) is an investment firm that acquires influence in a company by purchasing a controlling amount of shares or else a significant amount of shares that enable it to put pressure on the company’s board. KKR has made a number of large-scale investments and leveraged buyouts (LBOs) over the years, including the LBO of RJR Nabisco by KKR in the 1990s. In that instance, the firm anticipated a higher return on investment (ROI) than it ended up receiving, and KKR went back on its promise to keep RJR Nabisco’s assets intact, liquidating them so as to be able to move on to other investment projects (Leveraged Buyouts, n.d.). By using its capital to influence the way a company is managed, KKR has been able to influence outcomes for various firms in which it heavily invests. Like….

Certainly! Here are a few unique and fresh essay topics on Japanese internment:

1. Exploring the Role of Japanese American Women during Internment: Discuss the experiences, contributions, and resilience of Japanese American women during the internment period, highlighting their role in preserving their communities and influencing social change.

2. The Psychological Impact of Internment on Japanese American Children: Analyze the long-term psychological effects that internment had on Japanese American children and how their experiences shaped their identity, relationships, and future aspirations.

3. Artistic Expression and Resistance in Internment Camps: Examine how interned Japanese Americans utilized various art forms, such as poetry, drawing, and....

1. The impact of the Salt March on the Indian independence movement
2. The role of women in the Harlem Renaissance
3. The influence of Chinese immigrants on the development of the American railroad system
4. The forgotten history of the Mexican Repatriation during the Great Depression
5. The impact of the Stonewall Riots on the LGBTQ rights movement
6. The role of Native American code talkers during World War II
7. The history of Japanese internment camps in the United States during World War II
8. The significance of the Zoot Suit Riots in the history of civil rights in America
9. The contributions of Filipino farmworkers....

The Forgotten Chapters of American History: Uncovering Lesser-Known but Captivating Essay Topics

Beyond the familiar narratives of the American Revolution, Civil War, and westward expansion, American history is a tapestry woven with countless lesser-known stories that offer valuable insights and provoke thought. Here are some intriguing essay topics that illuminate hidden aspects of our nation's past:

1. The Forgotten Pioneers: Exploring the Contributions of Women in the Transcontinental Railroad

While the construction of the transcontinental railroad is often attributed to male workers, over a thousand women played a crucial role as cooks, laundresses, nurses, and telegraph operators. Their contributions were essential to the....

Certainly! Here are five potential essay topics related to Harriet Tubman:

1. The Leadership and Activism of Harriet Tubman: Explore the ways in which Harriet Tubman's leadership and activism contributed to the abolitionist movement and the fight for civil rights.

2. Harriet Tubman's Role in the Underground Railroad: Analyze Harriet Tubman's contributions to the Underground Railroad and the impact her actions had on the lives of enslaved individuals seeking freedom.

3. Harriet Tubman and the Women's Rights Movement: Discuss Harriet Tubman's involvement in the women's rights movement and her advocacy for gender equality in addition to racial equality.

4. The Legacy of Harriet Tubman:....

9 Pages
Literature Review

Business - Advertising

Consumer Activists Are Every Much

Words: 3101
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Literature Review

Many see themselves as a David fighting the Goliath (Kozinets & Handelman, 2004). 'Evil' is a common terms used to describe either the practices of corporations or corporations…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

American History

NAFTA Rarely Are Right-Wing Activists

Words: 955
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

and, uchanan and Nader list the same laundry list of why corporations are trying to circumvent national laws, citing environmental, health-and-safety, wage-and-hour and civil-rights reasons. Impacts on our border…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Political Science

Influences of Media and Activists in Politics

Words: 1480
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Tomorrow On many occasions, civil liberties or civil right events have influenced the sense of social responsibility in the U.S. government. One of these was the March on Washington,…

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12 Pages
Research Paper

Literature - Latin-American

Bartolom De Las Casas Human Rights Activist

Words: 4008
Length: 12 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Bartoleme De Las Casas An Analysis of the Activism of Bartoleme De Las Casas Often characterized by modern historians as the "Defender and the apostle to the Indians," Bartolome de Las…

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2 Pages
Term Paper


Opportunities and Challenges of Activist

Words: 745
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Another dream would be to expand outside Asia in the long-term and the Taiyo team should go into specifics (or at least into rough outline) about how to…

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8 Pages


Gilman Was a Social Activist and Herself

Words: 2320
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Essay

Gilman was a social activist and herself experienced mental illness. These elements infuse her story "The Yellow Wallpaper" with greater meaning and urgency for Feminism and for plight of…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

Pinochet Case's Is Not Yet Satisfying to Chilean and Human Rights Activists

Words: 2174
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Pinochet's Case is Not Yet Satisfying to Chilean and Human Rights Activists Although hampered by internal constraints and challenges, the nation of Chile stands poised to enter the 21st…

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1 Pages

Native Americans

Identification American Indian Movement Activist

Words: 349
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Thesis

Carlisle Indian School: founded 1879; Indian boarding school; Pennsylvania; forced assimilation of native children; abuse of children 11. Cheyenne Tribe: Plains Indians; a Sioux name for the tribe; currently…

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2 Pages
Book Review


Omnivore's Dilemma in 2006 Author and Activist

Words: 564
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Review

Omnivore's Dilemma In 2006, author and activist Michael Pollan published his classic treatise on America's agricultural abandonment, The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural history of Four Meals, which critiques the…

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2 Pages


The Womens Right Activist Harriot Stanton Blatch

Words: 806
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Harriot Stanton Blatch Life and Accomplishments Harriot Stanton Blatch was a noteworthy woman of the nineteenth century. Born in 1856 to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, the women's rights activist, it may…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

King Martin Luther King's Strategy

Words: 1208
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The use of Black churches also enabled King's followers to follow the Alinsky radical precept that radical organizers must work to go outside of the frame of reference of…

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14 Pages
Term Paper


Starbuck's Case Study Briefly Describe

Words: 3967
Length: 14 Pages
Type: Term Paper

A fourth foundational element is the strength of the Starbucks brand itself and is ubiquity globally. As a result of rapid and well-defined strategies for opening up retail stores,…

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25 Pages
Term Paper


Adult Learning Styles in the

Words: 7981
Length: 25 Pages
Type: Term Paper

For countries such as the U.S. And France, these needs can be reasonably expected to relate to the respective national cultures involved. For instance, in their book, Education…

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23 Pages


Live Concert Analysis How Doing Good Makes

Words: 6286
Length: 23 Pages
Type: Thesis

Live Concet Analysis How Doing Good Makes Us Feel Poweful and Poweless at the Same Time Design Activism vs. Design fo Social Change The Awakening Consciousness of Designes 1960's Manifesto Thee has been lukewam…

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7 Pages
Research Paper


Kohlberg Kravis Roberts KKR New York City Influencer

Words: 2046
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Paper

KKR and the Art of the Steal Shareholder Theory and Buyback Programs Introduction Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) is an investment firm that acquires influence in a company by purchasing a controlling…

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