Aesthetics Essays (Examples)

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According to Kenney, it is the responsibility of clinicians to use their sensory processes to determine how these communications are articulated and to then to reflect them back to the communication system that is experiencing difficulties. This recursive mirroring process is described by Kenney as being "sociofeedback" that people can use to help readjust their relationships with their environment. In sum, the author maintains that it is the clinician's mirroring or articulation of the different communications of a troubled family environment allows the system to readjust how it regulates its organization to ensure its survival.

From an alternative worldview perspective, this intimate connection between an individual and the environment offered by Kenney is, in fact, at the heart of the Daoism tradition. For example, Daoists reject simplicity in favor of a more complex analysis of how people relate to the world around them to develop explanations for the relationship between the….

Now, turn to Arizona Green Tea with Ginseng. The packaging for the single serving uses the label that is mint green with an oriental flavor, suggesting the benefits of Zen and the addition of ginseng and honey. Now contrast that with the Family One Gallon size, in a clear plastic, industrial container that looks more like detergent or motor oil than a delicious health beverage. Are the products identical -- more likely yes. Is the family size more economical -- yes, from a price point-of-view? But when asked which one would be chosen based on "packaging design and looks" it is easy to see that the Fuze or the single serving tea would be more appealing.

Finally, we move into the idea of function and sustainability in design. ith the advent of globalism, consumers are more and more aware that their purchasing choice reflects their political and cultural views. They are….

..]. Furthermore, studies indicate that between 60 and 80% of college women engage in regular binge eating and other abnormal behaviours that fall short of the criteria set by clinical scales. Many college women who are at normal weights continue to express a strong desire to be thinner and to hold beliefs about food and body image that are similar to those of women who have actual eating disorders" (Hesse-Biber, 1999; 385-6)
One possible explanation for the increased presence of eating disorders among young college students is given by the amount of stress, in terms of having to face some important challenges and take some major decisions (or at least perceived as such) and there might be a negative correlation between the level of self-satisfaction (as academic performance and as correct decisions) and the occurence of eating disorders, as some studies suggest (Hesse-Biber, 1999)

The therapy will be continued for….


Luckily, Medicis Aesthetics' capital position as a subsidiary of Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation also enables it to better weather external threats to the company, which certainly exists for the industry as a whole. Threats of litigation are a very real factor of how this industry does business, especially with certain product lines. In addition, the industry is now facing the threat of a prolonged recession, which many analysts claim we are only in the beginnings of. If this proves to be the case, Medicis Aesthetics and its competitors will be faced with an ever-shrinking consumer pool. This will make competition fiercer and make profitability highly dependent on materials and labor costs.

Product Comparison

Two of Medici Aesthetics' most popular and currently profitable products are Restylane and Perlane, both of which are dermal fillers (non-surgical wrinkle removers) composed of hyaluronic acid. Though patented and using a relatively unique mechanism to achieve its results, these….

psychoanalytic as portrayed by H. egal. It has sources.
Psychoanalytic approach to aesthetics can best be understood by understanding the theory/ies that guide us on the study of this particularly complex discipline. The theory and guidelines of psychoanalytic approach enable us to offer some insight into the worlds of literature, art and music, and on the other hand, it also allows us to better understand artists' perception and inner approaches as he applies them to portray his feelings. Psychoanalytic approach also enables us to understand the artists' aesthetic experiences as he or she conjures up his perception and response thereof, interpretation and meaning, and his or her thoughts and feelings. Primarily divided into applied psychoanalysis and clinical psychoanalysis, the discipline of psychoanalytic aesthetics has been studied and commented upon by famous names including Melaine Klein, Hanna egal, Wilfred Brion, Donald Meltzer, Donald Winnicott and Marion Milner on the clinical aspects.….

African Aesthetics
Artefacts from Africa exhibit their cultural context. Indeed, there is value in emphasizing formal aesthetics of objects and their expression of the religious and moral values (Ray, 1993)

There is a moral basis in African aesthetics. One term that epitomises such truth is that in many African languages, there is a common usage of the same word that means good and beautiful. This is in line with the meaning of African Art that is meant to be good and beautiful too. Ideally, it is attractive to the eye and emphatic on morals. The religious and ethical basis of African art explains why the central subject is the figure of a human being. The art usually appears in ritualistic contexts that have to do with the spiritual and moral ideals of humans (Ray, 1993)

It is of essence to show African sculpture such as head dresses and masks at eye level since….

Victorian Aesthetics

Victorian Poetry
e may know an era by its poetry - or at least those eras for which poetry was still important. It might be difficult indeed to draw any conclusions about our own days from poetry because it has become so marginal to the lives and experiences of most 21st-century denizens. But for the Victorians, who still read poetry as if it had ability to change the world, poetry was a vibrant expression of the era's values - and its fears. e can see, for example, the era's intense occupation with status and social hierarchy in Robert Browning's "The Bishop Orders His Tomb at Saint Praxed's Church," a poem that demonstrates how this obsession with people's position in the world merged into an obsession with death and the dead, with death as a force that erased the status that people strove so hard to create and uphold in life. And….

ed for omance
The author of this response was given the task of reviewing a journal article. The article chosen for this summary asserts that red is a color that spurs feelings of romance and attraction in men. The hypothesis of the article, as authored and offered by Andrew Elliot and Daniela Nuestra, will be described as well as the variables, sample and methods used. There will also be a summary of the results or findings of the research in question. Lastly, there will be an opinion about the work offered by the author of this report and summary as to the validity and applicability of this research. While color is often looked at through simple and basic prisms, colors absolutely mean much more than some give credit for when used and displayed in certain ways (Elliot & Niesta, 2008).


As noted in the introduction, red is a color that is theorized….

Good vs. Bad
The idea of a "good guy" versus a "bad guy" (or either type of girl in many stories" is an idea that is firmly defined and used in many stories. Beyond that, there are some fairly common themes about who tends to be good and who tends to be bad just based on demographical and other similar information such as gender, race, sexuality, class and so forth. On top of that, there are many characters that portend to be good but they are really bad and there yet other characters that can be deemed good or bad (potentially or in actuality) based on the same traits that are known to all people that can end up making either assessment. Indeed, stories like Robin Hood and others lead to exceedingly different conclusions about the motivations and moral code of the characters involved. This brief essay shall focus on Little….

Aesthetics and African Art

African Art
The Trade Center/Royal Residence of the Great Zimbabwe

ithin the jungles of Southern Africa is a palace that has been standing there for more than seven centuries. This group of walls and buildings whose "beautifully coursed walls curved and undulated sinuously over the landscape, blending into the boulder-strewn terrain as if having arisen there naturally" (Tyson). Of course this was not a naturally occurring site, but the people who built it were in doubt for many years because archeologist and others refused to believe that it could have been constructed by indigenous people. The site is called The Great Zimbabwe because it is the largest of more than 200 (Trade) which exist in different Southern African nations. It is believed to be a palace and trade center from which kings and shaman controlled a great amount of surrounding land. This paper looks at the history of the area, and the….

Coolness vs. Passion:
Frank Stella's Abstract Designs and Dana Schutz's Narrative Frenzy of Color

Frank Stella's massive 1967 painting entitled Haran II takes the form of a geometric design that seems deceptively simple at first but becomes more and more complex as the viewer gazes upon it. The work is a series of rectangles and half-circles fused together with bright rainbows of colors embedded within them. The painting is childish in its brightness. The color palette strikes the modern viewer as very much of the 1960s and 70s with its garish orange and blue shades counterpoised against brown and red earth tones. Dana Schutz's 2015 Fight in an Elevator is similarly arresting in its brightness but in contrast to Stella's use of abstraction, Schutz's Cubist-Futurist approach has a narrative sense of form. The work depicts a swirl of fists and legs. A brown-skinned woman in high heels fights with a man in….

In amachandran's exemplar case for many of his laws, the Chola bronze sculpture of Parvathi is a metaphor for live, human women. She represents the appearance and virtues that mortal women may have, by virtue of her appearance being shifted away from that of the average woman; her appearance is a metaphor for her divine perfection.
The scientific basis for amachandran's claims comes from behavioral studies of rats and herring-gull chicks, and from neural recordings of monkeys. In the case of herring-gull chicks, his description of the connection between peak shift in newborn herring-gulls towards an extreme visual exemplar of their food source and the aesthetic response to representational peak shifts in human art is a bit lacking. Gulls, he claims, have "hard-wired" neural circuitry that predisposes them to peck at elongated yellow objects with focal red spots when they are young. Presumably, this circuitry does not decay when gulls….

Nguyens ArtAnnotation 1: Nguyen\\\'s definition of games, like McGonigal\\\'s, centers on the concept of goals and rules. However, Nguyen places a stronger emphasis on the role of the game designer in specifying these goals and abilities for the player. He sees this as what makes games a distinctive art form.Annotation 2: Nguyen also acknowledges the existence of different types of games and playings, referring to \\\"Suitsian games\\\" as one particular form. In other words, not all games fit the same mold. There is an artistic element to design.Annotation 3: Nguyen\\\'s definition of games puts greater emphasis on the aesthetic and artistic aspects of games. He talks about games as a unique art form and discusses the idea of \\\"aesthetic striving play.\\\"Annotation 4: Nguyen does not explicitly mention drawing from the same sources as McGonigal. However, he does reference various scholars and game theorists, indicating a well-researched understanding of the field.Annotation….

The second stage was of the Ionic order and with windows, rising to the level of the first apartments of the papal palace and of those of the Belvedere; to form subsequently a loggia more than four hundred paces on the side towards ome and another towards the wood, with the valley between, so that it was necessary to bring all the water of the Belvedere and to erect a beautiful fountain" (Vasari, 2006, Donato Bramante).
The work combined elements of a variety of sacred and secular oman architecture in its inspiration and design. Its "axiality recalled the ancient temple complex at Palestrina, the symbolism of the Cortile del Belvedere (1507-7) combined overtones of oman villa and theatre" (Donato Bramante, 2011, Encyclopedia of Art). Unlike the anonymous artists of the Gothic era, Bramante proudly created a frieze on the front of the Belvedere which bore the name of his patron….

" (4) it is unclear how to understand "things are because we see them." Traditionally perception is conceived as a passive process: we open our eyes and receive input from the world. Kant suggests that perhaps it is not so passive: we "organize" the world into temporal and spatial dimensions, attribute cause and effect, etc. But what Wilde suggests here is even more radical. The "things are because" suggests a causal relationship, such that what we see exists as an effect of seeing. It would be as if looking "paints" the world. But this is completely absurd. Onto what would seeing "paint" the world? and, even weirder, notice that it wouldn't be that seeing paints the world so that we could then look at what was painted. Rather, it would be that seeing is painting, so that we always see and paint simultaneously, always just "creating" whatever we see, under….

1. Explain the concept of the Forms in Plato's philosophy and discuss its significance in his understanding of reality.

2. Compare and contrast Plato's views on education with contemporary educational practices.

3. Analyze Plato's theory of justice as articulated in his Republic and consider its implications for contemporary society.

4. Discuss the role of women in Plato's ideal society as outlined in The Republic and evaluate his views on gender equality.

5. Explore the concept of "philosopher-kings" in Plato's political philosophy and assess their suitability as rulers.

6. Examine Plato's belief in the immortality of the soul and consider its implications for his ethical and....

A Journey through the Prism of Beauty

Embark on a Global Beauty Odyssey

Discover Your Inner Radiance with Our Global Filter

Unleash Your Beauty Potential with Our Worldwide Filter

Connect with Beauty's International Tapestry

Embrace Diversity and Celebrate Beauty

A kaleidoscope of Cultures, A Symphony of Beauty

Filter through Time and Space, Embracing Global Aesthetics

A World of Wonder and Inspiration at Your Fingertips

Explore the Beauty that Unites Us

Celebrate the Beauty of Our Global Village

Glow with Confidence, Radiate with Our Global Filter

Unlock Your Beauty Potential, Embrace the World

Unveil the Beauty Within, Explore the World Without

Discover Your Global Beauty Signature

Connect with Beauty, Embrace the Universe

Illuminate Your Beauty, Share the....

1. The Role of Visual Metaphors in Shaping Brand Identity

Explore the ways in which visual metaphors can create powerful and memorable brand identities. Analyze case studies to demonstrate how metaphors can convey brand values, connect with target audiences, and differentiate brands in competitive markets.

2. The Ethics of Image Manipulation in Advertising

Examine the ethical implications of image manipulation in advertising. Discuss the impact of altered images on consumer trust, body image, and societal norms. Consider the role of regulations and industry guidelines in balancing creative freedom with the need for transparency.

3. The Power of Data Visualization in Storytelling

Analyze the role of....

Gothic Wardrobe: An Exploration of Darkness, Romance, and Identity

I. Introduction
A. Definition and origins of the gothic subculture
B. Key characteristics of gothic fashion, emphasizing its dark aesthetic
C. Thesis statement: Gothic wardrobe is not merely an expression of darkness but a complex exploration of identity, romance, and the human psyche.

II. The Darkness: Exploring the Shadow Side
A. Black as the primary color and its associations with mystery, death, and rebellion
B. The use of lace, velvet, and other opulent fabrics to create a sense of decadence and intrigue
C. Gothic accessories such as corsets, chokers, and jewelry that emphasize a sense of constriction and vulnerability


2 Pages
Book Review

Family and Marriage

Aesthetics of Change by Bradford

Words: 617
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Book Review

According to Kenney, it is the responsibility of clinicians to use their sensory processes to determine how these communications are articulated and to then to reflect them back to…

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5 Pages


Aesthetics and Contemporary Product Design

Words: 2194
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Now, turn to Arizona Green Tea with Ginseng. The packaging for the single serving uses the label that is mint green with an oriental flavor, suggesting the benefits of…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Philosophy - Utopia

Aesthetics Norms of Beauty and

Words: 2508
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

..]. Furthermore, studies indicate that between 60 and 80% of college women engage in regular binge eating and other abnormal behaviours that fall short of the criteria set by…

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3 Pages


Medicis Aesthetics SWOT Analysis and

Words: 719
Length: 3 Pages
Type: SWOT

Threats Luckily, Medicis Aesthetics' capital position as a subsidiary of Medicis Pharmaceutical Corporation also enables it to better weather external threats to the company, which certainly exists for the industry…

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20 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Hanna Segal's Psychoanalytic Approach to Aesthetics

Words: 5573
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

psychoanalytic as portrayed by H. egal. It has sources. Psychoanalytic approach to aesthetics can best be understood by understanding the theory/ies that guide us on the study of this…

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5 Pages


Analyzing the African Aesthetics

Words: 1591
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

African Aesthetics Artefacts from Africa exhibit their cultural context. Indeed, there is value in emphasizing formal aesthetics of objects and their expression of the religious and moral values (Ray, 1993) There…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Victorian Aesthetics

Words: 1464
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Victorian Poetry e may know an era by its poetry - or at least those eras for which poetry was still important. It might be difficult indeed to draw any…

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4 Pages
Research Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Color More Than Just Aesthetics

Words: 1329
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Research Paper

ed for omance The author of this response was given the task of reviewing a journal article. The article chosen for this summary asserts that red is a color that…

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4 Pages


Story Aesthetics vs Lessons Learned

Words: 1674
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Good vs. Bad The idea of a "good guy" versus a "bad guy" (or either type of girl in many stories" is an idea that is firmly defined and used…

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4 Pages
Term Paper

Literature - African

Aesthetics and African Art

Words: 1225
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

African Art The Trade Center/Royal Residence of the Great Zimbabwe ithin the jungles of Southern Africa is a palace that has been standing there for more than seven centuries. This group…

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4 Pages


Frank Stella Versus Dana Schutz S Aesthetics of Design

Words: 1418
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Coolness vs. Passion: Frank Stella's Abstract Designs and Dana Schutz's Narrative Frenzy of Color Frank Stella's massive 1967 painting entitled Haran II takes the form of a geometric design that seems…

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3 Pages
Reaction Paper

Art  (general)

Ramachandran's Theory of Neuroaesthetics A

Words: 899
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Reaction Paper

In amachandran's exemplar case for many of his laws, the Chola bronze sculpture of Parvathi is a metaphor for live, human women. She represents the appearance and virtues…

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1 Pages


Game Aesthetics and Their Impact on Life

Words: 317
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Essay

Nguyens ArtAnnotation 1: Nguyen\\\'s definition of games, like McGonigal\\\'s, centers on the concept of goals and rules. However, Nguyen places a stronger emphasis on the role of the game…

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4 Pages

Art  (general)

High Renaissance Bramante and the

Words: 1336
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

The second stage was of the Ionic order and with windows, rising to the level of the first apartments of the papal palace and of those of the…

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10 Pages
Term Paper

Art  (general)

Nature Imitates Art Imitating Nature

Words: 3164
Length: 10 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" (4) it is unclear how to understand "things are because we see them." Traditionally perception is conceived as a passive process: we open our eyes and receive input…

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