Ectopic Pregnancy Essays (Examples)

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Initial tests may be culdocentesis, hematocrit, a pregnancy test, a qualitative HCG blood test, a transvaginal ultrasound or pregnancy ultrasound and a white blood count test. An ectopic pregnancy can be distinguished from a normal intrauterine pregnancy through a rise in quantitative HCG levels. Declining -hCG levels is indicative of an ectopic pregnancy (Kulp & arnhart 2008). AD & C, laparoscopy and laparotomy tests will confirm the diagnosis (Chen).
An early diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy with transvaginal ultrasound scan or TVS provides the clinician with conservative options (Madani 2008). Methotrexate may be prescribed if the ectopic pregnancy is small. TVS also reduces chances of mortality. Laparoscopy can be reserved for use as treatment rather than for diagnosis (Madani).

Differential diagnosis includes appendicitis, salpingitis, ruptured corpus luteum cyst, or ovarian follicle, spontaneous or threatened abortion, ovarian torsion, and urinary tract disease (Sepilian & Wood 2009).


An ectopic pregnancy can neither be treated nor….

Case Study: JuanitaPatient Information: Juanita Morales is a 47-year-old G5P5LC6 Hispanic female. She presents with symptoms of lower abdominal cramping, urinary leakage, and cessation of menses for 8-12 months. She is well developed and well nourished but obese (BMI 45.89). She has a negative social history for alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs. Her last medical exam was several years ago.SubjectiveCC (chief complaint): Lower abdominal cramping and urinary leakage, along with fatigue, for the past day.HPI: Juanita reports the abdominal cramping started several hours ago, is sharp, intermittent, and is increasing in frequency and intensity. She tried Motrin but it provided no relief. Her menses ceased 8-12 months ago. She also reports constipation, increased gas over the past several months, and a possible vaginal spotting several days ago.Current Medications: None reported.Allergies: No known drug allergies.PMH: No past medical or surgical history reported.Soc Hx: Negative for alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs.Fam Hx:….

ectopic/heterotopic brain tissue. Extracranial brain tissue without direct connection to the brain itself may be an isolated cutaneous embryonic defect that is usually located on the occipital or parietal area of the scalp. Most of the time these are harmless and can be removed. These often are called heterotopic brain tissue or cutaneous ectopic brain tissue or (CEB).

Extracranial brain tissue that is directly connected to the brain itself may be an isolated cutaneious embryonic defect. These are usually located on the occipital or parietal areas of the scalp. They are often called heteropic brain tissue or cutaneous ectopic brain (CEB) (Janniger 1). Most of the time these are simple defective tissue that can easily be removed from the scalp. However, there are several different types of ectopic brain tissues and some of these can be signs of underlying central nervous system problems. Each of these….

Ectopic Pegnancy and the Jehovah's Witness
It is impotant to be awae of cultual and eligious beliefs within a community, especially as a health cae povide, because when dealing with patients fom within that community thee can be tensions that aise if the teatment violates a pinciple of the cultual/eligious community. This would be the case wee a membe of Jehovah's Witness community to come into the hospital with the symptom descibed in the case study in which the woman has ectopic pegnancy. Because it is a tenant of the Jehovah's Witness community to eject blood tansfusion, it is impotant that a hospital have a back-up plan fo such cases so as to be able to pactice "bloodless medicine" in ode to save the lives of patients like the 25-yea-old woman in the case scenaio (Ratcliffe, 2004). This pape will discuss the impact of teating Jehovah's Witnesses when the teatment equies….

Pelvic inflammatoy disease, a citical poblem
Occuence o ecuence of pelvic inflammatoy disease o PID has been linked to STIs such as C. tachomatis o Neisseia gonohoeae. Patient education and simplified guidelines ae needed to develop accuate diagnosis. In ode fo changes to take place, moe eseach must be done to undestand the complex natue of the disease and the most effective and cost effective method of teatment.

This pape delves into the isk factos, diagnosis pocesses, teatment, elevant psychological issues, public health implications, patient and family education, and appopiate efeal to specialty by eviewing liteatue petinent to PID. The esults of the liteatue eview show vey little in the past was done in egads to eseaching symptoms of PID and teatment efficacy. New eseach shows lowe abdominal pain as a main indicato of PID as well as C. tachomatis o Neisseia gonohoeae. The data also elaboates on the isks of….

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding and Issues
Reproductive Tract Diseases for human females are typically focused in the upper reproductive tract or the lower reproductive tract. The upper tract includes the fallopian tubes, ovary and uterus, while the lower reproductive tract focuses on the vagina, cervix and vulva. There are three major types of infections: endogenous, iatrogenic and sexually transmitted diseases. Endogenous diseases arise from internal cellular structures and may be bacterial, viral or genetic, usually the most common and arise from an overgrowth of organisms that are already present in the vagina; iatrogenic diseases are the result of medical or surgical treatment, and sexually transmitted diseases occur between humans as a result of sexual behavior. In addition to infections, there are congenital abnormalities, cancers and functional problems. Each infection has its own specific cause and symptoms; caused by bacteria, virus, fungi or other organisms. Indeed, some are easily treatable and cured, others….

It produced a net increase in perceived benefits of protective behavior and in self-efficacy among both males and females, and a reduction in perceived barriers to protective behavior among females. Consistent with these changes, it was also associated with a reduction in risky sexual behavior among young men and an increase in contraceptive use among young men and women (Agha, 2002, p. 67+).
Agha also noted that there was more positive change among young women than among young men, a fact that "may reflect a better ability of these adolescent sexual health interventions to address the concerns of women than of men, or a greater receptivity to such interventions among young women than among young men" (2002, p. 67+). Because of the success of this program, however, Agha suggests that means of reaching young men to the same extent are worthy of additional study, and multi-media, educational programs of long…., through the National Guideline Clearinghouse at
Evidence-based findings concerning chlamydia screening and treatment of PID contained in the peer-reviewed and scholarly literature.

The additional resources cited at Appendix a will also be consulted.

3. Identify a specific group of people that are being affected by the disease/condition. The screening guidelines published by the USPSTF recommend that the following specific groups of women should be routinely screened, whether or not they are pregnant, if they:

Are sexually active and aged 25 or younger;

Have more than one sexual partner, regardless of age;

Have had an STD in the past, regardless of age; and Do not use condoms consistently and correctly, regardless of age (Screening for Chlamydial infection) a. Explain any unhealthy behaviors that may be contributing to the disease/condition. Some of the unhealthy behaviors that may contribute to the incidence of PID include (1) having multiple sex partners and (2) not using condoms consistently and….

A newer and easy test is the OSOM Vlue, which mixes a swabbed specimen from the vagina with a reagent. The test yields sialidase activity or presence in the vaginal fluid in 10 minutes. Sialidase is produced by V pathogens (Mashburn).
pH Level

The most reliable criterion for detecting V is a pH>4.5 (Mashburn, 2007). A normal pH should, therefore, rule out V. A pH >4.5 can also indicate trichomoniasis or muco-purulent cervicitis. Vaginal inflammation more strongly suggests trichomonas or muco-purulent cervicitis, in turn associated with gonorrhea or chlamydial trachomatis (Mashburn).

The patient's pH level is 6, indicating V.

Wet Smears

These are an inexpensive and relatively easy screening procedure for the most common sexually transmitted diseases, such as V (Iglesias, Alderman & Fox, 2000). The practitioner should be appropriately trained and experienced in using this procedure. Hence, the proper protocol and quality control are needed to insure accurate diagnosis. The wet smear is….

Against Legal Abortion
The legality of abortion has been a topic of discussion for quite some time now. Pro-life participants and pro-choice participants go head in head debating on what the right thing to do would be. Although giving women the right to choose to do with their bodies whatever it is that they would like to do with them, the health risks and the societal effects and impact that legalizing abortion would do, will outweigh any freedom of choice argument.

Women who get even one abortion in their lifetime have an increased chance of getting physical ailments and illnesses than women who have not gotten an abortion. They are 30% more likely to get an ectopic pregnancy in the future if they have gotten one abortion and four times more likely if they have gotten two or more, which by itself increases the mortality rate of a woman by 12% with….

Armstrong's findings additionally relate that due to previous research and the influence of perinatal loss on postpartum depression on partnered relationships. Armstrong states that differences in continued psychological stress between mothers and fathers after a subsequent birth is another area requiring further evaluation. Specifically stated is that it is necessary to evaluate "...the strength of partnered relationships during future childbearing experiences is important to identify any potential influence of the loss on couple, as well as family, outcomes. Understanding possible gender differences may help neonatal nurses and other healthcare providers to recognize couples at risk for discord." (2007)
Neonatal nurses are those who work closely with infants and parents and in the best position to make identification of depression and to pose questions about the individuals symptoms including:

1) mood;

2) appetite;

3) energy or fatigue levels;

4) ability to concentrate; and 5) as well the neonatal nurse is in the unique position to….

Et al. "Psychological Responses of Women After First-Trimester Aortion." Arch Gen Psychiatry. Volume 57.8 (2000): 777-84. Lexis Nexis
Rearden, David C. "Aortion and Susequent Sustance Ause." The Journal of Drug and Alcohol Ause. Vol 26.1 (2000): 61-75. Wiley Online Lirary

Rosen, Gerald; Spitzer, Roert; McHugh, Paul. "Prolems with the post-traumatic stress disorder diagnosis and its future in DSM-V." British Journal of Psychology. Volume 192 (2008): 3-4. Hard Copy

Speckhard, Anne; Rue, Vincent. "Complicated mourning: Dynamics of impacted post aortion grief." Journal of Prenatal Psychology Health. Volume 8.1 (1993): 32

Speckhard, Anne; Rue, Vincent. "Postaortion Syndrome: An Emerging Pulic Health Concern." Journal of Social Issues. Volume 48.3 (2010): 95-119. Referenced in Government Study

Government Report

"Mental Health and Aortion." American Psychology Association. 2008. We. 25 Fe. 2012..

Women who see their physician two times a year for refills would see an individual cost savings of $85 per year for a total cost savings of $307 million for the population. In addition, approximately 2.1 million women would eliminate their annual gynecological visits altogether for an individual cost savings of $85 per year and a total cost savings of $178.54 million (Louis Harris and Associates 1993). Overall, the savings to women who either stop seeing their physician annually or reduce their visits to once a year would equal about $695.3 million.
Assuming the average wage rate is $12/hour and the average amount of time spent at the doctor's office is 11/2 hours (including travel time), women who currently see their physician four times a year for Oral Contraception refills would save 4.5 hours per year or$54 for a total opportunity cost savings of $44.4 million for the population. Five….

Persuasive Against Smoking

If a driver ignored a road sign that said "Danger: Bridge Out!" and proceeded along the street, he would be labeled as an idiot by his community. If a fence had a sign on it that read, "arning: Vicious Dogs" and some adventure-seeking teens climbed that fence, no one would be surprised when they had their legs torn off by a pack of pit bulls. However, every single year 400,000 Americans die[1] from ignoring one of the most infamous warnings: The Surgeon General's warning on cigarette packages. Smoking cigarettes may seem to be a part of the definition of being an American-- everyone from the street punk rebels to the successful big business CEOs are automatically visualized with a cigarette or fat Cuban cigar hanging from their mouths. These smokers see themselves as a better person for the momentary pleasure they receive from these tobacco products, but fail to realize….

Sexual Transmitted Disease

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Given the advances in medicine and public health over the past several decades, most people might assume that the incidence and prevalence of sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs) is declining; however, the scientific evidence suggests otherwise. ecent estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States suggest that 20 million new STD infections occur every year and cost the U.S. health care system close to $16 billion dollars annually (CDC, 2013). This is up from 12 million STD infections and $10 billion dollars annually during the mid-1990s (Zenilman, 2004). In 2011, reports of chlamydia incidence set another annual record, double from what it was just 10 years ago (CDC, 2011). To better understand the health threats facing Americans when they engage in sexual activity this report will review what is known about the most common STDs infecting the population.….

18 Pages

Health - Nursing

Ectopic Pregnancy Etiology Modern Diagnosis

Words: 5051
Length: 18 Pages
Type: Thesis

Initial tests may be culdocentesis, hematocrit, a pregnancy test, a qualitative HCG blood test, a transvaginal ultrasound or pregnancy ultrasound and a white blood count test. An ectopic…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Causes of a Missed Period beyond Normal Pregnancy

Words: 991
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Case Study: JuanitaPatient Information: Juanita Morales is a 47-year-old G5P5LC6 Hispanic female. She presents with symptoms of lower abdominal cramping, urinary leakage, and cessation of menses for 8-12 months.…

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15 Pages
Term Paper


Ectopic Heterotopic Brain Tissue Extracranial Brain Tissue Without

Words: 4119
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper

ectopic/heterotopic brain tissue. Extracranial brain tissue without direct connection to the brain itself may be an isolated cutaneous embryonic defect that is usually located on the occipital or…

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8 Pages
Term Paper

Health - Nursing

Ethical Principles to Follow When Treating Jehovah S Witnesses

Words: 2851
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Ectopic Pegnancy and the Jehovah's Witness It is impotant to be awae of cultual and eligious beliefs within a community, especially as a health cae povide, because when dealing with…

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6 Pages
Term Paper


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease

Words: 2543
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Pelvic inflammatoy disease, a citical poblem Occuence o ecuence of pelvic inflammatoy disease o PID has been linked to STIs such as C. tachomatis o Neisseia gonohoeae. Patient education…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Words: 1642
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Abnormal Uterine Bleeding and Issues Reproductive Tract Diseases for human females are typically focused in the upper reproductive tract or the lower reproductive tract. The upper tract includes the fallopian…

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5 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Adolescent Childbearing in Africa Adolescent

Words: 1657
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper

It produced a net increase in perceived benefits of protective behavior and in self-efficacy among both males and females, and a reduction in perceived barriers to protective behavior…

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15 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Conduct a

Words: 4252
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Term Paper, through the National Guideline Clearinghouse at Evidence-based findings concerning chlamydia screening and treatment of PID contained in the peer-reviewed and scholarly literature. The additional resources cited at Appendix a…

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15 Pages
Research Proposal

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Vaginosis a Growing Scourge Among

Words: 4124
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

A newer and easy test is the OSOM Vlue, which mixes a swabbed specimen from the vagina with a reagent. The test yields sialidase activity or presence in…

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2 Pages

Women's Issues - Abortion

Against Legal Abortion the Legality of Abortion

Words: 550
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Against Legal Abortion The legality of abortion has been a topic of discussion for quite some time now. Pro-life participants and pro-choice participants go head in head debating on what…

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15 Pages
Capstone Project


Perinatal Loss Support at Time

Words: 5174
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Capstone Project

Armstrong's findings additionally relate that due to previous research and the influence of perinatal loss on postpartum depression on partnered relationships. Armstrong states that differences in continued psychological…

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7 Pages
Annotated Bibliography

Women's Issues - Abortion

Post Abortion Syndrome Specifically the

Words: 1817
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Annotated Bibliography

Et al. "Psychological Responses of Women After First-Trimester Aortion." Arch Gen Psychiatry. Volume 57.8 (2000): 777-84. Lexis Nexis Rearden, David C. "Aortion and Susequent Sustance Ause." The Journal of…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Women's Issues - Sexuality

Abortion Is Important Exercise Towards

Words: 2128
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Women who see their physician two times a year for refills would see an individual cost savings of $85 per year for a total cost savings of $307…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Sports - Drugs

Persuasive Against Smoking

Words: 1123
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

If a driver ignored a road sign that said "Danger: Bridge Out!" and proceeded along the street, he would be labeled as an idiot by his community. If a…

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5 Pages
Research Paper


Sexual Transmitted Disease

Words: 1837
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Paper

STDs: A MAJO CONTEMPOAY PUBLIC HEALTH CONCEN Sexually Transmitted Diseases Given the advances in medicine and public health over the past several decades, most people might assume that the incidence and…

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