Erich Fromm Essays (Examples)

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Fromm's Biogrpahy
Erich Fromm was born in 1900 in Frankfurt. His father was a businessman and, according to Erich, very moody, which of course may have played a role in Erich's life. His mother was frequently depressed. Again, perhaps a hint of coming attractions as far as Fromm's significant accomplishments.

Like Jung, Erich came from a very religious family, in his case orthodox Jewish. Fromm himself later transformed himself into what he termed an atheistic mystic.

In his autobiography, Fromm talks about two occurrences in his early years that propelled him along his now famous path. The first involved a friend of the family's:

"Maybe she was 25 years of age; she was beautiful, attractive, and in addition a painter, the first painter I ever knew. I remember having heard that she had been engaged but after some time had broken the engagement; I remember that she was almost invariably in the company of….

Fromm allowed people to transcend the determinisms that Freud and Marx attributed to human family and human economic life as inevitable.
In contrast, Fromm stated that human beings have, in the title of his famous 1947 text, Escape from Freedom, attempted to use authoritarian forms of political and religious control, destructiveness, and social conformity to choose to limit their freedom. But humans can also attempt to free themselves from these controls, as these controls are self-imposed. Structures of the family, like excessively symbiotic families or withdrawing families may contribute to ways humans chose to limit their freedom, and by actively choosing such political, familial, and social systems, and remaining within these structures, humans may accept limitations -- or throw off such influences by recognizing them and reorganizing their familial and political lives, and thus change their societies and personalities. "Fromm emphasizes that we soak up our society with our mother's….

MLK and Erich Fromm Dear

Any law that promotes the oppression of one individual by another is unjust and should be disobeyed. This parallels your idea of conscience as opposed to unjust laws. In the case of injustice, the truly free human being follows his or her conscience instead of the status quo.
However, I also agree with your assessment regarding the majority of humanity, including those in power: "...while we are living technically in the Atomic Age, the majority of men -- including most of those who are in power -- still live emotionally in the Stone Age."

This is manifest in Mr. King's and many other political struggles throughout the world. One could however derive some encouragement from the fact that there are those like Mr. King and yourself who understand that disobedience in some cases is inevitable and essential. The one aspect of your letter that I find it difficult to agree with,….

Art Erich Fromm Spends the

If only one person is the relationship is contributing, the relationship will become weaker because one is giving and the other is either doing nothing or taking away. In short, love is an art but it is also work and this is why people fail in love. It is never like a fairy tale and the sooner we can accept this, the sooner we can be prepared for love. Fromm says that we spend the majority of our energy on this we consider worthy. Since many rarely devote as much time to learning about love as they do success and money, it is obvious why love results in failure. Love is not something that can stay the same - especially when all of the components in a relationship undergo change. It is best to view love as an organic process that is actually in a constant state of flux;….

One touching simile described by Jeanie Burton in this sermon is that of a child coming into her father's room and climbing onto his lap. When the father asked the child what he could do for her, the child merely says, nothing, I just wanted to feel close to you, father. This is exactly what one will feel for God at this stage of loving Him. This shows one's ability to get out of one's own self in order to love God just for what He is. (Love Grows Up)
The fourth stage of love as described by Bernard in his 'On Loving God' is that of love of one's self for the sake of God. This is an extremely surprising and radical viewpoint, and the fact that a theologian discovered it in the twelfth century is in itself quite amazing. Jeanie Burton, the preacher of this sermon, stated that….

He goes so far as to say that disobedience may be the thing that eventually saves the human race. His argument is that if people blindly follow the commands of the leaders of their nations, and the leaders of their nations have a reason to bomb one another, then the human race will be eradicated because those people obeyed the commands to push those bomb-sending buttons (Fromm). According to this argument, disobedience must at the very least be considered valuable and worth contemplation.
Fromm supports his claim regarding the value of disobedience with examples from two very popular myths. The first is the Hebrew myth of Adam and Eve, the first human beings to walk the earth. The story is told that Adam and Eve disobeyed a command to stay away from the fruit of one particular tree in their home, the Garden of Eden. hen they disobeyed this command,….

This was true for the most part of the 20th century, when the concept of "work" involved going to the office or the factory. For many, the term "work" additionally meant working for an employer or a boss, a person who was usually not liked. Very few people had the option of leisure, working independently or going into business for themselves.

With telecommuting technology, however, many people are re-defining traditional notions of "work." Staying at the office for eight hours a day is no longer a requirement. This technology allows many parents, for example, to spend more time in with their families, a pursuit that many people certainly find more liberating that being yoked to a desk.

Other people are able to spend extra time pursuing less profitable interests, such as volunteering for charity, writing a novel or taking continuing education classes.

For many people, the technology work itself is a process of….

Abu Ghraib - Case of
PAGES 5 WORDS 1497 by John Spritzler, this is what Zimbardo and Milgram found:
The usual points of reference in psychology are two classic studies that attempted to explore the capacity for evil residing in "normal" people. In 1971, Stanford psychologist Philip Zimbardo created a simulated prison and randomly assigned students to be either guards or prisoners. ith astonishing speed, the "guards" indulged in forms of torture and humiliation not unlike those horrifying us today. This followed on earlier experiments by Yale psychologist Stanley Milgram on obedience to authority. Milgram recruited volunteers to participate in what he described as a study on learning. An actor sat in a chair that students believed was wired with electricity. Each time this actor would give an incorrect answer, the students would be directed by Milgram to deliver a larger shock. As the subject in the electric chair seemed to suffer more and more, 2 out of 3….

psychodynamic counselors facilitate change?
In order to understand how psychodynamic counselors facilitate change through a therapeutic relationship with their client, it is worth discussing what psychodynamic therapy is, how it is used, how it originated, and who some of its most notable founders were. Towards the end of this document, in the description of how psychodynamic therapy is used, descriptions of recent psychodynamic therapy sessions that the author undertook in a triad setting will be described.

The mind, personality, and psyche are terms that refer to the interrelationships of a person's mental, emotional, or what could be termed psychological characteristics. Another way to think of this is that the psyche, mind, and personality are the forces that drive a person to think what they do, to act out how they choose, the way a person relates to themselves and how they relate to the world around them particularly the role their….

The model that emerged from the study proposes that there is a relationship of life mission with transformational learning and self-directed learning. Adult educators may improve their learning process when they provide some way for learners to understand their life's mission and relate it to learning. This may help the learning experience go from being teacher-directed to being more student-directed. The study suggests that purpose seeking must be included in emancipatory learning as well as awareness building (Kroth, p.134).
Stephen Brookfield recently published a study of the theory entitled epositioning ideology critique in a critical theory of adult learning about adult learning and how it differs from other types of theories. Looking at contemporary readings in adult educational, particularly those of the Frankfurt School of critical theory, as interpreted by Habermas, who taught "risk sliding into an exclusive engagement with the pragmatic dimensions of his thought to the exclusion of….

" (Dafler, 2005) Dafler relates that for more than thirty years children who were 'half-caste' "were forcibly removed from their families, often grabbed straight from their mother's arms, and transported directly to government and church missions." (Dafler, 2005) This process was termed to be one of assimilation' or 'absorption' towards the end of breeding out of Aboriginal blood in the population. At the time all of this was occurring Dafler relates that: "Many white Australians were convinced that any such hardship was better than the alternative of growing up as a member of an 'inferior' race and culture." (2005) it is plainly stated in a government document thus:
The destiny of the natives of Aboriginal origin, but not of the full blood, lies in their ultimate absorption by the people of the Commonwealth, and [the commission] therefore recommends that all efforts be directed towards this end." (eresford and Omaji, Our State….

The evolution of mankind on all levels, and especially the new focus of the modern society on technology and material development, has brought about an estrangement from the spiritual life.
The new world offers "alternatives," as it were, to love, through a complexity of personal, both material and social developments, that seem to been able to replace or fill the spiritual needs.

Although men and women still interact what happens between them seems to be different from what was called love before, and it is often said that more and more isolation and solitude result from these interactions. The pressure of the material complex world and of the various social facts do not allow for the openness required by love. It can be said that the complexity of the modern society influence the emotional sates of the individual and make it impossible for him or her to return to the purity….

Philosophy of Love

Philosophy of Love
The author of this report has been charged with picking a film or novel that centers on love. For the purposes of the report, the author has chosen The Notebook as memorialized in both book and film form. The book was written by Nicholas Sparks. The author of this report will cover several main sections in this report. The first section will be a quick paragraph or two that summarizes the story of The Notebook. The storyline, developments and details of The Notebook will then be compared and contrasted to several pieces of scholarly literature that relates to, in whole or in part, the subjects of love, social justice and fairness. While many people date and marry based on things like race, class and prestige, there are indeed many people that unapologetically and joyfully break that trend, much to the potential dismay of their family and/or friends.


The storyline….

What Fromm was implying is that the form of education described is seen as a way of having rather than being.
Fromm wrote those words back in 1957, but it is still utterly true in that education, now more than ever, is viewed as a commodity; we are told from the time we are very small children that education is an investment. In the society we live in, there is no doubt that it is. The education we either have or don't have is a direct influence on what kind of job we get and, ultimately, what kind of life we lead. We very rarely -- if ever -- think of our education as a piece of the puzzle -- that is, as a way of being directly associated with human flourishing. By gaining the best education we can, we wouldn't be readily willing to agree that it is alienating….

ut if they can manage to terminate the temporary relationship, they will become more emotionally balanced and mature persons (Young).
Why Choose the Peplau Model

oth its interpersonal theory and nursing process have a concrete sequence of use and focus on the therapeutic relationship (Current Nursing, 2012). oth utilize appropriate problem-solving techniques, which aim in common at filling the client's needs. oth use observation and communication as well as recording as basic tools, which are already used in nursing care. The four phases inter-relate and inter-weave the varying components of each phase. The Theory or model is applicable to endeavors, which follow the concepts of client, health, environment and nursing. It proceeds in a logical and systematic manner in viewing and processing nursing situations. Its generalizability rests in its simplicity in the logical progression of the partnership. It has produced testable hypotheses. It can be used in psychiatric patients. It is….

6 Pages
Term Paper


Fromm's Biogrpahy Erich Fromm Was Born in

Words: 1515
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Fromm's Biogrpahy Erich Fromm was born in 1900 in Frankfurt. His father was a businessman and, according to Erich, very moody, which of course may have played a role in…

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3 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Fromm Erich Fromm Biographical History

Words: 986
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Fromm allowed people to transcend the determinisms that Freud and Marx attributed to human family and human economic life as inevitable. In contrast, Fromm stated that human beings have,…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Business - Law

MLK and Erich Fromm Dear

Words: 647
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Any law that promotes the oppression of one individual by another is unjust and should be disobeyed. This parallels your idea of conscience as opposed to unjust laws.…

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5 Pages

Family and Marriage

Art Erich Fromm Spends the

Words: 1451
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

If only one person is the relationship is contributing, the relationship will become weaker because one is giving and the other is either doing nothing or taking away.…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Mythology - Religion

Bernard of Clairvaux and Erich

Words: 3205
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

One touching simile described by Jeanie Burton in this sermon is that of a child coming into her father's room and climbing onto his lap. When the father…

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7 Pages

Family and Marriage

Fear vs Courage Obedience vs

Words: 2437
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Essay

He goes so far as to say that disobedience may be the thing that eventually saves the human race. His argument is that if people blindly follow the…

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2 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Images of Tedium and Drudgery

Words: 580
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Term Paper

This was true for the most part of the 20th century, when the concept of "work" involved going to the office or the factory. For many, the term "work"…

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5 Pages
Term Paper


Abu Ghraib - Case of

Words: 1497
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Term Paper by John Spritzler, this is what Zimbardo and Milgram found: The usual points of reference in psychology are two classic studies that attempted to explore the capacity for evil…

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11 Pages


Psychodynamic Counselors Facilitate Change In Order to

Words: 2851
Length: 11 Pages
Type: Essay

psychodynamic counselors facilitate change? In order to understand how psychodynamic counselors facilitate change through a therapeutic relationship with their client, it is worth discussing what psychodynamic therapy is, how…

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8 Pages
Term Paper


Building Leadership Capacity Fiedler Has

Words: 2680
Length: 8 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The model that emerged from the study proposes that there is a relationship of life mission with transformational learning and self-directed learning. Adult educators may improve their learning…

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20 Pages
Term Paper


Structural Inequality & Diversity Root

Words: 5575
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Term Paper

" (Dafler, 2005) Dafler relates that for more than thirty years children who were 'half-caste' "were forcibly removed from their families, often grabbed straight from their mother's arms, and…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Religious to Philosophical and Literary

Words: 1224
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

The evolution of mankind on all levels, and especially the new focus of the modern society on technology and material development, has brought about an estrangement from the…

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7 Pages
Term Paper

Family and Marriage

Philosophy of Love

Words: 3144
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Philosophy of Love The author of this report has been charged with picking a film or novel that centers on love. For the purposes of the report, the author has…

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6 Pages


Global Pedagogies Equity Access and

Words: 1788
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

What Fromm was implying is that the form of education described is seen as a way of having rather than being. Fromm wrote those words back in 1957, but…

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6 Pages

Health - Nursing

Hildegard Peplau the Nightingale of

Words: 1812
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

ut if they can manage to terminate the temporary relationship, they will become more emotionally balanced and mature persons (Young). Why Choose the Peplau Model oth its interpersonal theory and…

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