Tonsillitis Essays (Examples)

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Yet, if the strep throat lab test is negative, the CBC may be needed to help conclude the cause of tonsillitis (Tonsillitis, 2012).
Treatment for tonsillitis depends in part on the cause. If tests reveal bacteria as the cause, treatment will entail the use of antibiotics in order to cure the infection. Antibiotics may be given as a single shot or taken by mouth for ten days. Even though symptoms will likely get better within two or three days after starting the antibiotic, it's vital to take all of the medication the doctor prescribes in order to make sure the bacteria are gone. Some people need to take a second course of antibiotics to get rid of the infection (Tonsillitis: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments, 2012).

In many cases ttonsillitis will end up scaring the tonsils, which lowers the potential of their function. If tonsils are not removed completely they have the….

Discuss Throat Condition


A discussion of throat conditions: Tonsillitis and Quinsy

Tonsillitis and Tonsillectomy: Overview

The tonsils are described as being "…part of a ring of lymphoid tissue (Waldeyer's ring) that encircles the entrance to the food and air passages in the throat." (Jacoby and Youngson, 2005, p. 2235) The tonsils grow rapidly but regress to a great degree after puberty. They function as part of the human immune system. As such they are an integral part of the body's defense system against disease. "They are ideally situated to monitor ingested material and to react to those materials that could pose a threat to the well-being of the body." (Jacoby & Youngson, 2005, p. 2236) The tonsils also produce antibodies that combat local infection.

Tonsillitis is a fairly common infection of the throat which sometimes results from a dangerous bacterium, streptococcus which infects the tonsil. (Jacoby & Youngson, 2005, p. 2236) While the bacterium….


Psychosocial Impacts of the Surgery

The most immediate is the novelty of the experience itself. Amy has not had prior surgeries or hospital stay and has not been away from home. It has created apprehension in her and her parents who both work and must also take care of a younger son. Despite the demand for their presence, neither parent can stay with her overnight for the double surgery. At the same time, Amy misses school and fun with her classmates and friends. Her parents must endure and ask her also to endure the temporary separation it is costing them all. They cannot afford to lose income by omitting work. The impact on Amy includes a foreseen loss of control over the consequences of her surgery. The tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy proceeded and ended without significant problems. ut afterwards, she became distressed, disoriented, complained of a sore throat and asked….


Pathophysiology- Adaptive Response The body has a natural adaptive response that allows it to cope with both internal and external environments. Adaptive responses in the medical and healthcare field are commonly referred to as signs and symptoms and they play a crucial role in that they help health practitioners to discern the underlying conditions, thus diagnose the disorder to be treated/managed (Huether, McCance & Parkinson, 2013). This paper is a discussion of pathophysiology based on three given case ill-health manifestations. The provided signs and symptoms will be used to determine the possible health disorder then discourse the pathogenesis in explaining the visible manifestations. The paper also presents a tonsillitis mind map that includes epidemiology, pathophysiology, associated risk factors, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and adaptive responses. It has been determined that the health condition for case one is tonsillitis, for case two it is contact dermatitis, and case three it is stress response.

Respiratory Conditions

espiratory Infections
espiratory Conditions

espiratory tract infections are highly infectious diseases that involve the respiratory tract. They are divided into upper (UTI or UI) and lower respiratory tract infections (LTI or LI). LIs include pneumonia, bronchitis and influenza, and they tend to affect patients more seriously that UIs which include the common cold, tonsillitis, sinusitis and laryngitis. This research dwells on four respiratory infections which are bronchitis, bronchial asthma, exercise-induced bronchospasm and influenza and looks at their risk factors, etiology, pathology, differential diagnosis and treatment. Most of these respiratory infections present with similar symptoms and thus can be easily mistaken. This is why it is important to conduct research on the evidence that is present regarding each of these respiratory conditions.


Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchi which are the main passages of air to the lungs. It may present as an acute or a chronic inflammation and has a potential for….

Individual Impacts Genetic Diagnosis
Individual Impacts of Genetic Diagnosis

The number of inherited disorders and risk factors that can be detected through genetic testing is increasing rapidly, and genetic testing may soon become a common component of routine medical care. Is behavioural medicine ready? For the first time, a sophisticated understanding of gene-environment interactions as manifested in the interactions among an individual's genetic predispositions, behaviour, and environment seems within reach. Rather than diminishing the role of behavioural science, advances in molecular medicine highlight the centrality of behaviour both in disease etiology and in the translation of science into practice.

This paper is systematic review of the literature on the individual impacts of genetic diagnosis in behavioural and psychological terms. It draws from papers on these topics and cites their studies extensively. The upshot is that carrier and predictive testing may have effects on anxiety and depression, but that there is genetic stigmatization. Prenatal….

Penicillins are antibiotics derived from the Penicillium mold. They are classified as beta-lactam antibiotics because of their fused beta-lactam structure. They also have a free carboxyl acid group, and one or more substituted amino acid side chains (Ophardt, 2003). Their primary mode of action is to inhibit bacterial cell wall synthesis by preventing the cross linking of peptides on the mucosaccharide chains, thereby causing the bacterial cells to inundate with water and burst (Ophardt, 2003). Penicillin is not a singular compound, hence the term "penicillins," referring to compounds that share a ring-like structure, and which are derived from two amino acids (valine and cysteine) via a tripeptide intermediate," (The Microbial World, n.d.).

Some penicillins are relatively limited in their scope, are used to treat mild or moderate infections. The development of resistance in target microorganisms, coupled with the tendency for some patients to be allergic to penicillins, also renders these classic….

fever and palpable cervical nodes indicates an infection. Jennifer appears to have bacterial tonsillitis. However, in order to confirm, a throat culture must be taken. Although mononucleosis is uncommon in toddlers, it is a possible diagnosis and typically comes from contact in daycares (Yokoyama et al., 2013). To confirm the mononucleosis diagnosis, serology is needed. While the clinical manifestation points to possible mononucleosis diagnosis, younger children do not have as pronounced symptoms.
Bacterial or viral infections as well as other immunologic factors lead to development of tonsillitis. The majority of acute tonsillitis may be caused by viruses such as Herpes simplex virus (Babakurban, Erbek, Terzi, Arslan, & Sahin, 2014). Although because the symptoms are so pronounced, it could be caused by mononucleosis. This making the origins bacterial.

A possible treatment option is Augmentin. It is a broad spectrum penicillin antibiotic that has a combination of clauvulanate potassium and amoxicillin. However, another….

2 Pages


Anatomy Tonsillitis Is Swelling of

Words: 690
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Yet, if the strep throat lab test is negative, the CBC may be needed to help conclude the cause of tonsillitis (Tonsillitis, 2012). Treatment for tonsillitis depends in part…

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4 Pages


Throat Discuss Throat Condition Tonsillitis a Discussion

Words: 1351
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Throat Discuss Throat Condition Tonsillitis A discussion of throat conditions: Tonsillitis and Quinsy Tonsillitis and Tonsillectomy: Overview The tonsils are described as being "…part of a ring of lymphoid tissue (Waldeyer's ring) that encircles…

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5 Pages
Case Study

Health - Nursing

Tonsillectomy Impact and Assessment Psychosocial Impacts of

Words: 1662
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Case Study

Tonsillectomy IMPACT AND ASSESSMENT Psychosocial Impacts of the Surgery The most immediate is the novelty of the experience itself. Amy has not had prior surgeries or hospital stay and has not been…

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4 Pages
Term Paper



Words: 1162
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Pathophysiology- Adaptive Response The body has a natural adaptive response that allows it to cope with both internal and external environments. Adaptive responses in the medical and healthcare field are…

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15 Pages
Research Paper


Respiratory Conditions

Words: 5082
Length: 15 Pages
Type: Research Paper

espiratory Infections espiratory Conditions espiratory tract infections are highly infectious diseases that involve the respiratory tract. They are divided into upper (UTI or UI) and lower respiratory tract infections (LTI or…

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9 Pages


Individual Impact of Genetic Diagnosis

Words: 3567
Length: 9 Pages
Type: Assessment

Individual Impacts Genetic Diagnosis Individual Impacts of Genetic Diagnosis The number of inherited disorders and risk factors that can be detected through genetic testing is increasing rapidly, and genetic testing may…

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6 Pages


Chemo Penicillins Are Antibiotics Derived From the

Words: 1705
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Chemo Penicillins are antibiotics derived from the Penicillium mold. They are classified as beta-lactam antibiotics because of their fused beta-lactam structure. They also have a free carboxyl acid group, and…

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2 Pages
Case Study


Treatment Option and Mononucleosis

Words: 768
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Case Study

fever and palpable cervical nodes indicates an infection. Jennifer appears to have bacterial tonsillitis. However, in order to confirm, a throat culture must be taken. Although mononucleosis is…

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