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What are the Stages in Mental Disorder?

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I am writing a research paper on the stages of mental disorder. Can you please provide me with the stages? The source would be, The stages in mental disorder; A case study of Andrea Yates.


Answered by Professional Tutor: Mary

The stages of mental disorder can vary, depending on the actual disorder itself. Many studies have suggested that problems in this area begin before birth. Problems during pregnancy and problems in fetal development can set up the first stages of a mental disorder. Early signs of mental disorders may include the person withdrawing from family and friends, showing less motivation and concentration, and becoming very moody. From that point, it can progress to changes in sleeping and eating patterns, along with odd behaviors that had not taken place before. Rambling and talking about nonsensical things, or talking about "scary" things – like harming oneself or others, or developing an obsession with death – can also be part of the later stages of a mental disorder.

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