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What is the difference between a book report and a thesis?

Keyword(s) :    #bookreport #thesis


I always have the same problem every time i write a report i end up with a questionable area. that fact cause me as a person to lose the point or basis of the report.


Answered by Professional Tutor: Mary

A book report is a paper written to discuss a specific book. Exactly what needs to be in that report will vary depending on what an instructor asks for. Some instructors want to see only a summary of the book and the main points the author made. Other instructors will want you to talk about how the book made you feel, or what you think about a particular aspect of the book. A thesis is a piece of original research. It generally uses a lot of different books and articles as references. It's also possible to use movies, websites, videos, and personal interviews as references, too. When you write a thesis, you need to read what a many authors say on the subject you're writing about, and incorporate them into your thesis paper. Your instructor will generally tell you how many references to use.

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