Benefits And Advantages Of Learning Online At College Level Research Paper


Why Online Learning Works Introduction

With the arrival of the Digital Age and the advent of distance learning, taking college level courses over the Internet has become a real possibility for today’s students seeking a higher education. But is it worth it? Does it provide the kind of quality education that learners need in order to excel in the real world? Or are their drawbacks to distance learning that outweigh the pros? This speech will go over the benefits and advantages of learning online at the college level while addressing some of the potential disadvantages that might make some hesitant to pursue distance learning as a viable option.

Why Learning Online is Useful for Adults

Adults tend to have busy schedules, which makes it hard for them to find the time to get to a traditional college for classes while making time for everything else that they have going on—whether it is work, family, community responsibilities, church obligations, etc. If an adult wants to earn a degree in order to justify asking for a promotion, or in order to learn new knowledge and skills that will allow him to be more useful to his organization, it is not going to be a simple task to carve three, six, nine or twelve hours out of his week to reach that goal. Considering that most classes at traditional colleges are only offered at specific times, the possibility of juggling so many duties while earning a degree is almost zero. The adult, therefore, is unlikely to pursue the goal of earning that degree—unless an alternative arises.

Distance learning is that alternative. It gives the learner the option of doing the class work at a time that is convenient for him. The person does not have to be in a classroom at a specific time of day in order to receive an attendance...


He does not have to leave work during the day or neglect family time in order to get to campus. Instead, he can work in the course work via the Internet according to the times available in his own personal and professional schedule. Learning online offers a hugely convenient way for adults to obtain their college diploma without ever actually having to step foot on a campus.
How Online Learning Better Prepares Learners for Careers Outside School

As Anderson (2008) notes, online learning has evolved to the point today where it can be considered the new normal for a wide variety of adult learners. It is a no-nonsense approach to higher education because its focus is less on the “experiential” side of college life and more on the “learning” and “education” side of college. Many college campuses across America are filled with fresh out of high school youths who are on their own for the first time in their lives and are seeking new, fresh experiences and are eager to enjoy the campus life and their newfound independence. Colleges cater as much to these types today as they do to learners who are there simply to hit the books, study, and become educated and skilled in the field they have selected to major in.

Online learning environments are much different, however. All the distractions of campus life fade away with online learning. The student can focus on what matters and can do it without facing any peer pressure or stigma for actually trying and wanting to learn—as opposed to skipping studying to attend the next fraternity or sorority party. Online learning is oriented towards adults who want to improve themselves or prepare themselves to get ahead in their careers outside school. Online schools are more streamlined,…

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