General James Mattis Thesis & Outline Essay


General James Mattis who is commonly known as, “Mad Dog,” spent 40 years on the front lines before retiring and being appointed as the new Secretary of Defense. During his years in service, Mattis led combat troops in different missions including the battle in Fallujah, Iraq. Given his experience and actions, General Mattis has become a prominent figure in the military, particularly in the debate on how the military should engage in irregular warfare such as one in which enemies deploy computer viruses or hide in mosques (Dickerson, 2010). Mattis’ ethical and moral compass can be gleaned from the infamous letter that he penned for American troops under his command as they were entering Iraq. In the inspirational piece, Mattis denounces Saddam’s oppressive tendencies against his own people. He tells his men not to hurt the innocent and strongly advises that apart from those who resist, all others ought to be treated with decency. Mattis also comes across as compassionate – he once assumed a Major’s duty during the Christmas festive season so as to enable the major to go have time with his family. Gen Mattis is a bachelor. Consequently, General Mattis has utilized several strategies, styles, behaviors, and qualities of past Maverick Leaders and successfully adapted them to the modern operating environment. General Mattis employed the strategies, behaviors, styles and qualities of past Maverick Leaders to become a risk taker and extremely aggressive commander.Outline

I. Introduction

1. General Mattis’ years of service and prominence in the military.

2. General Mattis’ use of different strategies, qualities, behaviors, and styles.

3. General Mattis employed the strategies, behaviors, styles and qualities of past

Maverick Leaders to become a risk taker and extremely aggressive commander.

II. Strategies

1. Intellectual risk-taking

a. Support for troops in Afghanistan and Iraq to use less force. He managed to suppress a key al-Qaida strategy of sowing seeds of disaffection amongst the population against the...


Support for troops to accept more short-term vulnerability to develop ties with locals in order to promote long-term security. He adapted David Petraeus strategy to seek the support and backing of civilians.
2. People-centered approach when commanding a troop.

a. Motivating his subordinates while in the battlefield. He adapted the participative leadership style of George S. Putton, a world war 2 general, to fit modern wartime scenarios, where the morale of serving soldiers is of great relevance.

b. Conducting regular visits of troops and supporting them when they make mistakes. He adapted the aggressive and swift decision making mode of Robert, E. Lee. In 2004, during the Iraqi war, Mattis is said to have taken only 30 seconds to decide on whether or not to shell a suspected enemy structure.

II. Style

1. Combative approach on and off the battlefield.

a. Opinionated leader who, like George S. Putton, was not afraid to say it like it is (Szoldra, 2016). Putton was known to be blunt.

b. He stated that he like brawling and shooting people was a lot of fun.

2. Strategic thinker

a. He would constantly engage in deep thinking on and off the battlefield.

b. He was quick and composed regardless of task at hand

III. Behaviors

1. Extremely Aggressive

a. He would not only inspire but also intimidate his troops. Mattis, like Stanley McChrystal, was firm, but had no egoistic tendencies.

b. He utilized combative approach in the battlefield.

2. Interaction with his subordinates

a. He is described as a player coach who was constantly interacting with his juniors.

b. He is described as a fighter leader.

IV. Qualities

1. Intellectualism

a. He loved to read and had a personal library with more than 7,000 volumes. Like George Washington, Mattis was well read. As a matter of fact, he has variously been referred to as a history buff, with special interest in war and military history. Washington,…

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