How To Apply For And Receive A Student Loan Essay


The choice to borrow money is never an easy one. Kyle needs to consider the loan as an investment in himself. A person like Kyle, who has a clear plan about his future and how he intends to build a career, has solid chances of being able to pay off the loan. It is people who are afraid to take financial risks that end up missing out on opportunities, neither achieving their dreams nor financial security. As long as Kyle applies for the right kind of loan, learning about his options and how to pay the loan back effectively, he will be making the right choice for himself, his career, and his family.The Financial Calculators (2017) website shows that without a doubt, a student loan is a good investment because college graduates do earn more money on average than their counterparts with just a high school degree. In fact, Kyle already completed some college, meaning that the money he already spent can still be put to good use. The Financial Calculators (2017) tool that Kyle can benefit most from is the “Will I Be Able to Pay Back My Student Loans?” inventory. The inventory asks the user to input anticipated income upon graduation,...


The original loan amount, annual interest rate, and initial payment period are other variables that can be calculated using the student loan calculator. This calculator is helpful for anyone interested in taking out a student loan. Other related tools on the Financial Calculators (2017) website include cash flow calculators to help people with poor money management skills. Kyle should only borrow what he needs for school, remembering that every extra penny comes with strings attached. Banks will only be happy to loan him more than he needs because they make money on interest.
If Kyle is considering spending his loan money on a vacation to Hawaii, I would tell him that while vacations can be important for peace of mind and psychological health, that he needs to do some calculations first to see if this trip is financially feasible. If possible, I would advise Kyle to put off the vacation until he sets aside a small amount of money each month from his new earnings as a teacher. This way, he can take a vacation off of money that he has, rather than on…

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"How To Apply For And Receive A Student Loan", 01 November 2017, Accessed.15 May. 2024,

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