La Plaza De Armas: Chile Thesis

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La Plaza De Armas: Chile

La Plaza de Armas is a general term in most Latin American nations for the central plaza that lies in the heart of the city. Literally, it means a 'place of arms,' and these now-peaceful locations were historically used for storing the armaments used to fortify the city against an attack ("La Plaza de Armas," Yahoo Travel, 2009). The La Plaza de Armas that is located in Santiago, Chile is considered one of the most beautiful examples of these spaces. The history of the plaza traces back to Pedro de Valdivia when he conquered the city in 1541, defeating its native inhabitants and claiming the land for Spain ("La Plaza de Armas," Yahoo Travel, 2009).

Today, this ancient courtyard definitely creates a 'heartbeat' of excitement in this famous city because of its many attractions and sights. The plaza is literally kilometro cero, the point from which all distances in the country are measured. It is a central location for both tourists and residents and many tours of the city begin there. Residents often choose to enjoy a nice day in the Plaza, amongst the Plaza's "shady trees, fountains, statues and sculptures, bright balloon sellers, hot dog and drink stands" ("La Plaza de Armas," Virtual Tourist, 2008). For a tourist wishing to get a feel for how ordinary Chileans enjoy themselves, this is where they should begin.

Architecturally, the Plaza is also crossroads of the modern and the ancient. At the south-west corner of its perimeter one may find Paseo Ahumada, Santiago's busiest shopping street. At the east-facing side, "the 18th century Catedral Metropolitana stands facing east - as churches must," and colonial homes from that era lie behind and beside it ("La Plaza de Armas," Virtual Tourist, 2008). Finally, the north side showcases the y 19th century Palacio de la Real Audencia - home now to the Museo Historico Nacional - and the 18th century Town Hall" ("La Plaza de Armas," Virtual Tourist, 2008).

Works Cited

La Plaza de Armas. Virtual Tourist. September 8, 2008. May 9, 2009.

La Plaza de Armas. Yahoo Travel. May 9, 2009.

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